Florida Arrest Records

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Florida Arrest Records Search

It is easy to get Florida arrest records these days since there are services online that compile criminal records databases from thousands of state, county, and municipal sources. It is important to know exactly what an arrest record is as well as how to attain a copy of it; whether it is in person or online. It is also essential to know how a Florida arrest record becomes a part of your criminal record which can have an effect on many aspects of your life to include work opportunities, study, performing background checks, renting property, and more.

Florida Arrest Records Information

An arrest record is a document that provides several details about a person?s criminal history. Law enforcement agencies and other institutions that handle judicial administration keep and maintain arrest records on a database. The arrest record will contain personal information to include the person?s age and last known address.

The vast majority of arrest records in Florida are public information. It is not uncommon for this information to be published or presented in the media and this information always remains a part of the public domain. A person?s arrest record may also include details about the arrest as well as the following information:

Florida Arrest Records Include

– Photographs
– Criminal charges
– Fingerprints
– Aliases
– Identifying marks
– Race
– Weight
– Height
– Results of prior arrests

How to Obtain a Copy of Your Arrest Record

Established in 1995, the Florida Sunshine Law was passed to guarantee public access to records of government bodies in Florida. This law allows any person in Florida to request public documents in person or online and the purpose of the request does not have to be stated.

When requesting a copy of your criminal record in person, all that you have to do is visit your local county clerk of court office and make a request. If you have access to a computer and the Internet, it is much easier to make an online request and you can often get access to criminal records databases in Florida instantly. With both types of requests, there is usually a fee that you will be required to pay before gaining access.

How Florida Arrest Records Become a Criminal Record

Florida arrest records become a part of your criminal record because once you are arrested, your name remains in the system forever; this even includes charges that have been dropped or records that have been expunged. You can probably imagine the trouble individuals have: problems getting hired for a job, difficulties getting promoted, not getting accepted into certain schools, or even going on a date.

The reasons mentioned above are just a few of many examples of why it is important to get a copy of your Florida criminal record to know exactly what information is available to the public about you. Oftentimes, criminal records are reported inaccurately, so you should know exactly what is shown when a criminal history report is done on you. This is also very important for anyone in Florida who is interested in clearing their record through expungement or record sealing.

Florida Arrest Records

Are Florida Arrest Records Public Record?

Yes, Florida arrest records and criminal records are public information that anyone can access. You can search Florida arrest records online anonymously through public record websites like SearchQuarry.com

How to Lookup Florida Arrest Records?

1. Inquire with your local Florida police department 2. Make a request with the county Florida county courts 3. Use the services of a public records wesbite 4. Hire a Florida private investigator to search arrest records

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Responses to “Florida Arrest Records

  1. Steven Edson DOB 8/17/1971 arrest record?

    1. We show a multitude of criminal charges and arrest records from 2012 and 2013 for this person that is related to drug trafficing charges. To find out the specific details of each of these charges you can sign up without our membership. You will also be entitled to unlimited Florida criminal record searches as well as access to over 2 billion public records when you sign up. Results are guaranteed or your money back.

  2. Alana love Boston. Lives in Geneva florida

    1. We performed a Free Florida Arrest Record Search on Alana Love Boston and did not find any arrest records or recent Florida criminal records. Was there a specific arrest or instance that you are referring to that we can look into? If it was a recent Florida arrest or a Florida DUI then there might be some delay when it’s reported to public record repositories.

  3. Mugshot

    1. If you can provide us with the full name and county the person in question resides in Florida we can certainly assist you with any available mug shots in our Florida Arrest Records Database.

Last Updated: 2017-04-19

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