Washington Car Title Lookup

When to Run a Washington Car Title Lookup

Most people run a Washington car title lookup when they are in the market to purchase a used car, truck, motorcycle or SUV. A Washington car title is a part of the vehicle history report that anyone can lookup if they have the 17 digit VIN, or vehicle identification number, and an internet connection. There are a multitude of online vehicle record resource websites where you can purchase one of these vehicle history reports. This report can offer great insights to a used vehicle such as; is the car title clean, if there has been a major accident, any recalls, some owner information and much more. Purchasing one of these vehicle history reports is a key component in making sure the used car is worth the money and it only costs a few bucks. This report can offer a lot of objective information as to the true value of the used car and if it’s worth the money. The last thing someone wants to do is purchase a lemon or a car with a history of safety issues, so it’s imperative to have this information to make sure the car purchase is legitimate and a good value.

Checklist For Buying a Used Car in Washington

  1. Determine what your budget is
  2. Determine what type of car you need
  3. Lookup used car prices in your area
  4. Find a car that suits your needs and fits in your price range
  5. Run a used Washington car title search
  6. Inspect and test drive the car
  7. Have a mechanic verify the condition of the used car
  8. Get a bill of sale, signed title and release of liability

Washington Car TitleHow to Transfer the Washington Car Title

To transfer the Washington car title ownership over to you when purchasing a used car you will want to have the original title signed over to you and submit it in person to a Washington State Department of Licensing. You will need to take note of the odometer reading and fill out a vehicle bill of sale form, that can be downloaded from the Washington State DOL website. You will also need to get an emission test and odometer disclosure statement as well as paying the relevant fee for the title transfer and any applicable taxes. You will need to supply your driver’s license when submitting this information to a WA DOL office. Processing will take 8-10 weeks but you can pay a little extra to expedite this process if needed. It’s better to submit everything in person in case there are any questions or issues with your original documents. You will also need to get new license plates if the previous owner was not from a family member or deceased spouse. If you have any specific questions you can call the Washington DOL directly at 360.902.3900 or visit their website and look in the “Frequently Asked Questions” section.

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Responses to “Washington Car Title Lookup

  1. I own a classic mgtc auto that was purchased from an estate in Washington State. How can I find the history of the car?

    1. Stephen, if your Washington classic auto has fewer than 17 digits in the vehicle identification number you will not be able to run a WA vehicle title lookup in the traditional way. You will need to contact the WA State Department of Licensing and request a vehicle history report through them.

  2. I have exported an American car to Europe. This car was originally registered in 1959 and I have its VIN and WA license plate number. Ownership history goes back to July 1977. Is there a way to find previous ownership between 1959 and 1977?

    1. Unfortunately that is not possible to lookup the previous Washington vehicle title owners with our vehicle record resources

  3. I am trying to recover a lost tittle for a 1984 Honda VT 500 motorcycle. The VIN number of the motorcycle is: JH2PC1016EM100678. The motorcycle has not been licensed in over a decade as I have been working in Afghanistan. We need to get rid of the bike and the title has been lost. What do I have to do to get a copy of the tittle to prove ownership? I believe that this is the last address to which the motorcycle was licensed. Please let me know how to get a replacement title.

  4. I am purchasing a truck camper in Washington State and bringing it back to Canada. How do I ensure i get title transferred to me from the owner in Washington State, and that there are no liens against it? Thanks

    1. Alan, in order to find out if the Washington state truck/camper has a clean title you can run a vehicle history report which will tell you a lot about the trucks vehicle history as well as if it has a clean title. You will need to have the 17 digit VIN for the truck that is registered in Washington to run this report

  5. i am purchasing a car with washington plates and / owner and i will be registering the car in nevada how do i get that done?

    1. Kellie, you will need to take the bill of sale and the signed Washington car title to the Nevada DMV and change the vehicle title information into your name

Last Updated: 2020-11-11

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