Virginia Death Records

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Virginia Death Records Search

The Virginia Office of Vital Records of the Virginia Department of Health maintains and issues the death records for all of the state of Virginia. The Office of Vital Records maintains Death Records of 1912-present. The only people who can request for and obtain Virginia Death Records include the immediate family members of the deceased and people with a property or personal interest in the record. Following are the people the Office of Vital Records considers as immediate family members.

Who Can Obtain Copies of Virginia Death Certificates

  • Parents
  • Siblings
  • Adult children
  • Grandparents
  • Adult grandchildren
  • Spouse

The death records maintained by the Virginia Department of Health contains information about a person?s death including the deceased?s name, the date and place of death, the cause of death, names of parents and birthplace of parents. Today, the Virginia Department of Health maintains over seven million vital records and many of them are death records. Provided you?re eligible for it, you can obtain the death record you need in four different ways including in person, by mail, online and through the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. Following is how you can obtain the death record you need through each method.

Obtain Virginia Death Records In Person

The first way for you to make a request for and obtain the death records you need is in person. To make an in person request for the death record you need, visit the local Division of Vital Records office, complete and submit the Application for Certification of a Vital Record, present a copy of your valid photo ID and pay the $12 fee.

How to Get Virginia Death Records By Mail

Another way for you to make a request for and obtain the death record you need is by mail. To request the death record you need by mail, complete and mail the aforementioned application along with a copy of your valid photo ID and a pay order or check for the fee to:

Division of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1000
Richmond, VA 23218-1000

Online Virginia Death Records

The quickest way to make a request for and access the death record you need is online. The Virginia Department of Health has partnered with VitalCheck, an independent company, to process applications and make record available online. To make an online request for the death record you need, visit the website of VitalCheck, follow the instructions given there and pay the require fee.

How To Get Virginia Death Records From The DMV

The final way for you to obtain Virginia Death Records is through the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). You can visit any full service Virginia DMV location and make a request for the death record you need.

Another way for you to make a request for and obtain Virginia Death Records is through online public databases. To find out more about the availability of death records in Virginia, contact the Virginia Department of Heath at 804-662-6200.

Virginia Death Records

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Responses to “Virginia Death Records

  1. Hello,
    I have been doing research on family ancestry.
    In the year 1862, John Thomas Robertson SR. died at the age of 42 years old.
    I have been trying to find out if he died from an accident, disease, or what.
    He lived and died in Giles County, Virginia.
    John Thomas Robertson 1820-1862
    Thank you,
    Lisa Robertson Byars

    he lived

  2. I need my mom’s cause of death how do I get that online for free

    1. Amber, you will need to view your mom’s Virginia death certificate to find out if there is a “cause of death” listed. You can obtain a copy from the Virginia Department of Health as they keep records of vital records for everyone in the state of Virginia. Since you are her daughter you should have no difficulty obtaining this. There will typically be a small fee for a copy of a Virginia death certificate and it can be mailed to you once you’ve completed the online form and submit it with your payment. It’s also important to note that not all death certificates list the cause of death, it really depends on if the coroner or medical physician documented this or if an autopsy was performed.

  3. Edmond Drew died while in custody of the Princess Ann County Jail, Virginia Beach City while in the US Navy in 1946. Would like to know the circumstances of his death.

  4. I am a Maryland lawyer. The Decedent owned real property in Cumberland, Maryland. The Maryland Division of Vital Records has indicated that it has no record of the Decedent’s Death. I believe that he died in Manassas, Virginia, on May, 17, 2020. I would like to obtain a copy of his death certificate in order to open an estate in Maryland so that a lender can initiate a foreclosure proceeding on that real property. Will the Virginia Department of Health issue a Death Certificate to me for that reason? I am not related to the Decedent.

    1. Alfred, since you need official documentation of a person’s death certificate you will want to talk to the county clerk or recorder and make a formal request for a copy of this vital record. You can also visit contact the Virginia Department of Health as they archive and keep records of births and deaths in Virginia

  5. Hello, I am trying to find a death record for my husbands 3rd Gt. Grandfather. Here is his info

    William Henry Yost (called Henry)
    Born- 1800-1805 in Tazewell county, Virginia
    Married – Temperance BONHAM 1830?
    Died- after 1880 census as they are on that census

    They had 3 children–Wm Bonham Henry Jr David

    1. Gerry, unfortunately these are older Virginia death records than we have in our database records. Many older records were not copied over to digital format from the 1800’s. You might want to lookup him on a genealogy website or newspaper archives.

  6. I am trying to locate a death certificate, cause of death for Angela Gail Newhouse, maiden name was Lane. She passed away 11/30/2021 in Charlottesville Va at UVA hospital.

  7. My mother who last lived in VA may have past away.

  8. Trying to find death certificate for Sarah Boone Triplet. She lived in Grayson County Virginia. She died 1917.She was my grandmother.

  9. The link for application for certification of a vital record is broken. My children would like to know the cause of death of their father. Name Mark Elmer Jones… dob 5/24/1969. He passed away 6/20/2020.

  10. Cause of death for my friend David J Lavertu March 27 2004

    1. Helena, unfortunately we do not have the cause of death listed in our Virginia death records. This information is typically located on the death certificate itself and in order to view the death certificate you will need to reach out to the Virginia Department of Health – Vital Records Department. Also take note that not all death certificates list the cause of death, especially if there was any uncertainty in determining the cause of death. You can contact the VA Vital Records Department directly @ 804-864-7000

  11. Hi I\’m trying to find a friend who died from
    1986 to 1997 his name is johnathon frend

    I\’m trying to find out what Cemetery he was buried at I\’m looking for the numbers and Cemetery he is buried at to get the map where he is buried at .

    He was only 16 or 18 when he died ?

    In Herndon but not for sure! I already called three Cemetery\’s he was not there ! Or can you please give me the obituary of Jonathan jacup frend think was his middle name please

    I know that he died in Virginia and in the might not sure in the city of Herndon please email me back at thanks you

    1. Matthew, if you are looking to find out what cemetery your friend is buried in you can use the service They have one of the most extensive lists of cemetery plots across the United States. You can search by name and state to find your friend’s grave-stone. Best of luck in your search

  12. I am trying to find out if Daniel Corkery passed away recently. His date of birth is 7-29-69.

    1. Ara, we could not find a Virginia death record for the person you’ve mentioned. If this was a recent death it may be delayed as being reported to public record websites like ours. You might also want to inquire with the Virginia Department of Health as they are the managing state agency for death records in Virginia.

  13. I am trying to find out information on the death of Robert Ray Payne. Born 7-26-1956. Died sometime this year possibly May 2020.

    1. Holly we are not able to find the Virginia death record you are looking for. You can also contact the Virginia Department of Health as they manage and archive all death and vital records in the state of Virginia. You can call them directly about your VA death record verification @ 804-864-7000. Please reach out if we can be of further assistance with your public record needs in the future.

  14. I am trying to find a death or burial certificate for Anna Eliza Ingram born between 1882-1885 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. She possibly buried in Danville,
    Virginia. Her death is between 1956-1958. It is believed that she died in New York and brought back to Danville, Va.

    1. Lorraine, we are only showing a Virginia death record for a Anna M. Ingram that was born in 1920 and died in 2006. We also show a New York death record for an Anna M. Ingram that was born in 1884 and died in 1990. Unfortunately


    1. Our Virginia death records show a Michael D. Snead, the full middle name is not listed, the died 09/17/1996 and his date of birth was 09/17/1950

  16. How can I find out if someone obtained a death certificate on my deceased husband? It has come to my attention that someone allegedly had an insurance policy on my husband while we were still married. He was diagnosed with dementia and if this happened, his name was forged on the insurance documents. I do not want to publicize any names until I know for sure that someone submitted a request to you wanting his certificate. thank you Please do not publish my name on this until I find out if there is any truth to this allegation.

    1. You will want to reach out to the Virginia Department of Health as they are the managing state agency in Virginia for Virginia vital records. They also have the ability to send out certified copies of death certificates and may have a record of issuing a Virginia death certificate. The other option would be to hire a private investigator to dig into the details you’ve provided.

  17. I am an investigator for the City of Virginia Beach. Is there a way to confirm if someone is dead? I don’t need a copy of the certificate, but I would like confirmation that someone connected to my investigation has passed away.

    1. We can certainly check our Virginia death records database for you. You can also confirm a death through the Virginia Department of Health – Division of Vital RecordsVirginia Department of Health – Division of Vital RecordsVirginia Department of Health – Division of Vital Records.

      1. Many thanks. How do I get a human to check your Virginia death records database? Do you have a phone number or email you can provide me?

        1. We are all human over here. If you provide us with the full name and DOB of the person in question we can check our Virginia death index for you

          1. Excellent, but I don’t want to provide the name and date of birth of the person in question in a public thread, I need a way to communicate that info confidentially.

            1. You can email us @ and we will reply with any information we find

  18. This is an Attorney’s office in Williamson, Mingo County, West Virginia. My client, Marguerite Jill Norman, is the daughter of Leck Roberts who died on or about April 22, 2002 in Dickenson County, Virginia. I am trying to obtain a copy of a death notice/certificate for Leck Roberts in order to complete an Affidavit of Descent for Mr. Roberts in Mingo County, West Virginia where he once owned real estate.

    1. Thank you for reaching out about our Virginia divorce record post. Our Virginia death records and public records are for reference only. That being said, since you need a copy of a Virginia divorce certificate from 2002, you will want to reach out to the Virginia Department of Health as they are the managing state agency in Virginia that manages divorce records. If you go to their website, you can fill out a Virginia Death Certificate Request Form online.

      How to Get a Virginia Death Certificate Copy

      1. Visit the Virginia Department of Health Website
      2. Fill out the Death Certificate Request Form
      3. Provide Full Nmae and Date of the Deceased
      4. Provide Proof of Identification and Relationship
      5. Pay the $12 Fee For a Certified Death Certificate Copy
      6. Processing By Mail May Take a Few Weeks

Last Updated: 2017-06-13

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