Texting Harassment Search

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Texting Harassment is Still Harassment

The way we communicate has changed dramatically over the past couple decades. While phone calls, in-person meetings, and even letters are still common forms of communication, we can now add emails, social networking, and, perhaps most importantly, texting to that mix. While the methods we use to communicate have changed, what has not changed is the definition of harassment. Harassment is as serious and as dangerous as it has always been regardless of whether it occurs in person, over the phone, or through texting and online. Texting harassment and cyberbullying are unacceptable and in many cases illegal forms of behavior. Below we will look at texting harassment and cyberbullying laws in the United States and what you should do if you find yourself on the receiving end of such harassment

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Texting HarassmentHarassment Laws

 Harassment is not new, but harassment via text and other digital communications is. Unfortunately, the  harassment laws have struggled to catch up with the changing nature of harassment. Some states, for example, have harassment laws that are too narrowly defined, such as limiting harassment through telecommunications as being strictly over the phone. These laws are outdated and work is being done to bring them in line with the modern world.

However, even if your state doesn’t have a modern cyberbullying law, it will have harassment laws that may be applied to texting harassment and email harassment. Again, the definition of harassment varies from state to state, but it generally covers repeated and unwanted contact by another person. It is important to know that harassment doesn’t have to be threatening in order to be defined as harassment. A person or company who sends repeated texts after you have told them to stop, for example, is committing texting harassment. Legal remedies also vary based on a number of factors. In California, for example, the age of the victim and the abuser, the relation of the victim to the abuser, and the type of harassment that is being alleged will determine whether the abuser could be charged under domestic violence, elder abuse, civil harassment, or workplace violence laws.

Also, it is important to point out that all states and most U.S. territories now have laws against cyberbullying involving children and minors. Most states also have model policies for addressing cyberbullying that districts and schools use. These cyberbullying laws vary from state to state. You can find a list of these laws and policies at StopBullying.gov, which is run by the federal government.

 Civil Rights Harassment

Finally, federal Civil Rights laws may also cover harassment as well, especially if it takes the form of discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, color, sex, age, disability, or religion. The legal remedies for such harassment often depend on whether it occurred at a school, in the workplace, or elsewhere.

How To Report Harassing Text Messages and Cyberbullying

 While the law in many cases is struggling to catch up with the reality that many people now face, when it comes to reporting harassment there are options. In fact, the most effective option may not be through the law at all but rather by reporting the abuse to the company that owns the platform over which the harassment is occurring. That’s because technology companies typically have much more stringent anti-cyberbullying policies written into their Terms of Service Agreements than you will find in the criminal code. So if the harassment is happening over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or another social media platform, report it immediately to the company. One way of getting an idea of how dangerous your harasser may be is by doing a public records search of them, especially to see if they have a criminal record or if they are on a sex offender registry. This may give you an idea of who you should report the harassment to.

Also, if the texting harassment is occurring at school or by a classmate, report it to the school administrator. Likewise, if it is a work colleague who is committing the harassment then report it to your manager. If the harassment continues or it becomes threatening, you need to talk to the police. In some situations, it may be necessary to take out a restraining order. If the harassment is occurring via text massages from an unknown sender, it may be necessary to perform a reverse texting search or a reverse number search in order to find out who is harassing you. This information will be useful if you choose to report the abuse to police.

How To Handle Texting Harassment

If you’re not ready to take accusations of texting harassment to the authorities, there are steps you can take on your end that may be able to end the problem. First, you need to be clear with the person who is harassing you that you do not want them to keep contacting you. This will eliminate any possibility of misunderstanding from arising. Then, consider blocking the person on your phone, email, and social media accounts, especially if they disregard your instructions to stop contacting you. However, do not delete your previous correspondence with the person, especially since that data could be useful if you eventually have to file a complaint with the police.


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Responses to “Texting Harassment Search

  1. What do you do if they use a spoofed number? I have contacted the company that owns the number, they know the person\’s identity but won\’t share it with me. I know who it is but can\’t prove it.

    1. Christine, unfortunately there is not anything we help you with if it’s a spoofed phone number. You should consider filing a police report if this person continues to harass you via text as this is illegal

  2. I have being harrassed by a unknow person, the problem is that this person is changing the number weekly. This has been going on for 4 years an it will not stop this person also has my wifes number and is harrasing her as well. Any suggestions??

    1. Chunie, you might consider filing a police report and documenting the harassing text messages as well as the phone numbers being used. If it’s a burner phone then it may not be possible to find out who owns the phone however, if the phone is a registered phone number then the police might be able to find out who is on the other line. Another option is to change your phone numbers, both yours and your wife’s. This is never a convenient solution but it should stop the texting harassment.

  3. I am a 47 year old single mother, I got divorced in 2017. In December of 2016, when I and my ex husband were separating, my boyfriend started getting random, hateful texts from an unknown number. For three and a half years now, it is non stop, 24/7 harassment. Sexually explicit photos, texts about my daughters, texts about me, the most horrific things you can think of. My boyfriend lives in Georgia, we’ve known eachother since we were teenagers, first loves, anyway, I was planning on moving down there with him this year, but because of the constant calling from different numbers, and texts from different numbers, a lot of them come from my ex husband’s number(which he denies) and I have told him about it repeatedly, and he doesn’t care. A lot of these texts are things that are really personal, so I KNOW it’s not a stranger.. This is ruining my life, I feel like I’m in danger, my 11 year old is mentioned in these texts, and I’m going to lose my boyfriend that I love dearly, and have major plans with. I’ve asked police, I’ve told my family lawyer, I’ve even written Dr. Phil. Please if there is a way to end this, I need to know before something terrible happens

    1. Alisha, it sounds like you’re in a difficult position and you’ve tried to mitigate it as best you can. Another option is to change your phone number, this is not always convenient but it might help with the texting harrassment

  4. Unless,it’s a hologram,telemarkter from area code 917,won’t stop sending nasty text chat,he says I am laughing at you,so are my friends you have no money,sad,broke it’s harassment I want to call the New York City police department,beacuse phone company refuses to help!

    1. Hiroo, harassment of any sort is against the law. If you’re tired of being harassed then you might consider contacting the NY police department and filing a complaint. Save the harassing text messages as evidence that you can show the police when you file a police report.

  5. I’m being harassed by an ex boyfriend’s old friend. It’s all through text and text messaging apps. He is threatening me and saginbhell pay me money for my naked photos. He’s even threatened to kill my ex. I’m scared and stressed out. I need help on what to do.

    1. Sierra, this is a very serious situation and you should contact the police and file a police report and offer them screenshots of all the harassing text messages that you’ve received. If you feel this texting harassment situation is very serious, you might also consider contacting legal counsel on how best to proceed with protection yourself. In the short term you can block phone numbers from your smartphone and hopefully that will help some.

      Best Regards – SearchQUarry.com Team

  6. Someone is claiming to be PJ Curly & facebook.

    1. We are happy to assist you with a phone number lookup but it’s unclear what you’re looking for exactly. If you feel that you’re the victim of texting harassment we are happy to assist you with a texting harassment search. Another option is to block the person from Facebook or your smartphone. If this is a threatening text then you should also consider contacting the police as harassment is a crime and it’s best practice to document this via law enforcement if this continues.

  7. This woman is harassing me on facebook She erases my posts, states that that I am her STRING using my messanger wiithout my permissiom, got other people on my messenger to haress me, people I do not know. Saying untruthful things about me, threating me, I do not know this woman, but know a sister-in-law I need help

    1. If you’re being harassed and it seems like it’s serious, initially you should contact the police and file a police report on the available information that you have.

      That being said, if someone is harassing you on Social Media, you can take some measures to help mitigate the situation. First, you have the ability to block someone or ban someone from your Facebook page. If that doesn’t work then you might think of not using Facebook for a while or starting up a Facebook account. Most of these options for dealing with online harassment can be an inconvenience but if you find that your safety is being threatened you should consider some of the options listed above.

      Facebook Harassment Policies

  8. I quit my job 2 weeks ago. I have been getting texts from people saying I need to apologize to my ex-boss. That I owe him. That i cant make it without HIM. It hasn’t stopped, and it’s gotten scary. They’re bringing my personal life into it, not that it’s true, but accusing me of things. They’re all burner #”s. What do I do?!

    1. Unfortunately since these are coming from burner phones there are not a lot of options unless you know who they’re coming from. If you know who is harassing you and they won’t stop, you can contact the police and report this. Texting harassment is still harassment.

      What To Do When Getting Harassed By Text Messages

      1. Change your phone number
      2. Continue to block any phone number from a harassing text message
      3. Contact the police and file a report

  9. Someone harassing me on Snapchat that he’s going to expose me about some random things. I don’t know him at all. He said he want a nude pic, and I blocked him after that. His brother texted me that he’s going to ruin my life and all of his great are goin to help him. I don’t know what to do, I’m scared,

    1. If you are being harassed and threatened you should contact the police about this matter. Gather as much information as you can about the people harassing you, including their Snapchat handle, and file a police report. You have done the right thing by blocking them so hopefully the harassment will stop

Last Updated: 2017-12-14

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