Texas Driving Record

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Texas Driving Record Online

There may be times when you or another person needs access to a Texas driving record. There are a couple ways someone can obtain a Texas Driving Record. The first is online. With the advent of online public record databases, most driving records are available via the internet. The only caveat for a Texas driving record lookup online is the information obtained online is for verification purposes only. To obtain a certified copy of a Texas driver record you must visit the Texas DPS.

DPS Texas Driving Record

To obtain your driving record online, please visit the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). On that website, you will be prompted to print a test record to ensure your system is compatible. If you are able to view and print this record, you may then log in to obtain yours.

You will need to provide the following information:

• Driver’s License Number
• Date of Birth
• Last four digits of your SSN
• The DPS audit number found on your card

Once your record appears, you must print it or save it to your desktop. You will not be able to retrieve it again after logging out, and will need to repeat the process.

You may also download and mail a paper application directly to DPS. It is not possible to obtain a copy by visiting a driver’s license office in person.

Texas Driving Record Information

The information you receive will depend upon the type of request you make. The different records and their corresponding information are:

• Type 1 status record, which includes date of birth, license status, home address and the date you originally filed for a Texas driver’s license.
• Type 2, a three-year history that includes all the information contained in Type 1 in addition to a list of crashes, moving, and non-moving violations.
• Type 2A-a certified version of Type 2 that contains the same information.
• Type 3-which contains all Type 1 information in addition to a list of all crashes, moving and non-moving violations. This type is provided only to the person it belongs to.
• Type 3A, a certified version of Type 3 that is the only one that can be used for a Defensive Driving Course (DDC).
• Type AR, an abstract record that contains all Type 3 information in addition to any and all suspensions.

Knowing how to obtain a Texas driving record is important, as you can never be sure when you might need yours. It is equally important to know what type of information you can expect if you are to order the right one. The above information will prove very useful if you ever find yourself needing to obtain your Texas driving record history.

Texas Driving Record
Texas Driving Record

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  2. I am helping my step son Anthony Duron 10-08-80 to get his driving record. He has lost his original license several years back and is trying to get a new one in MO. He cant renew his license due to no current TX residence. At the time of issue he was living with his grand father in new deal TX. Can you please help us?? My name is John Jessa and Anthony is my step son since 1993.

    1. John, your son will need to contact the Texas DPS directly to inquire about getting his TX driver’s license and a full certified TX driving record abstract. We can certainly assist you with his online driving records which is for reference only but it sounds like what you need is to have your son make his inquire with the Texas DPS. They will be able to better assist him.

  3. can you please help with my driving record send to my new address.my date of birth is feb 07 1965

    1. You can receive your Texas driving record online and download and print a copy through the Texas DPS website. You will need to setup an account, then make a formal request by filling out the Texas Driver Request Form. You will need to have your Texas driver’s license available and there will be a nominal fee for an official copy.

  4. Please, I need my driving record today.
    First Name: Godwin
    Middle Name: Ojeabulu
    Last Name: Esene
    DOB: 06/20/1963

    1. To obtain an official copy of your Texas driving record you will need to contact the Texas DPS website and request a driving record online.

      How to Request a Texas Driving Record Online

      1. Go to the Texas DPS website
      2. Request a copy of your Texas Driving Record
      3. Follow the Driver Record request instructions
      4. Fill out the required fields
      5. Pay the fee and print out your driver record

      1. i dont know my DL number or ID card number its been years since i have had it anyway to get my info please let me know thank you so much i currently live in Nevada

        1. Joal, you’ll need to contact the Texas DPS directly to inquire about your Texas driver’s license number. You’ll need some form of identificaiton for them to verify your identity such as a passport, birth certificate or SSN card

  5. As the most recent post I would like to check my points
    Below is my information.

    Pedro Barajas Jr
    Montgomery County

    1. We are happy to assist you with looking up Texas traffic citations and your driving record however to get an accurate count of your driving record points you will want to contact the Texas Department of Public Safety. What happens is many times we show traffic citations that may have been corrected or may have dropped off your record so to insure accuracy you should contact the Texas DPS directly.

      How Many Points Do I Have on My Texas Driving Record

      Visit the Texas Department of Public Safety ( DPS ) Online Driver Record Request System. Request a list of all accidents and traffic violations on your record. You can also call 1-877-452-9060 for assistance. There is a small fee for a certified copy of your 3 year Texas driving record.

  6. Is there a way to look at your driver record without paying for it, I don’t need a copy I just would like to check my points.

    1. If you can provide us with your full name, including middle, and your age and county of residence we can lookup your Texas driving record points.

  7. I need a type 3A driving record. Is it possible to get it through your services. Thank you.

    1. William,

      Unfortunately our Texas driving records are for online reference only. You will want to contact the Texas DPS for a certified Texas 3A driving record. If you only need to verify some information on your Texas driver record we can certainly assist you with this.

  8. Is the provided driving record certified copy (version 3A) of my driving record from DPS?

    1. Hello Mohammad,

      Unfortunately our Texas driving records are not certified. Our driving record resources are for online reference only. I have included a link below to the Texas DPS where you can order a certified copy of your driving record online.


      Best Regards,

      The Search Quarry Team

  9. can i print mine out how much does it cost

    1. Hello Rosa,

      Yes, you can print out reports from our members area. Our trial membership is priced at $2.95 for 5 days. All of our reports have an option to export as a PDF file, and you can easily print out the driving records report using the exported PDF.

      Best Regards,

      SearchQuarry Team

  10. how longit will take my driving record after I order it ?

    1. Hello Rosario,

      I would be happy to help you locate your Texas Driving Record. Our database resources can access driving records, DUIs, traffic citations, police records and more with a first and last name and state of residency. The driving records you will find in our member’s area are for reference only, they cannot be used for employment or rental arrangements. You can download a PDF of your Texas driving record once you sign up. Please let us know if we can be of any additional assistance.

      Best Regards,

      The Search Quarry Team

  11. I need my driving record today plz in

    1. Hello Mary,

      I am happy to help you. I will need a first and last name and if you can provide me with your age I can look up your Texas driving record. Many times people have the same first and last name and an age is needed to find the correct driving record.

      Best Regards,
      The Search Quarry Team

Last Updated: 2016-08-07

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