Performing A Tennessee Warrant Search
It is possible to find information about legal warrants in the state of Tennessee in a number of ways. One place to perform a Tennessee warrant search is through online public record databases. This is part of the public record that the state makes available. It is a right to know issue for the public, and the ability to a Tennessee warrant search is considered very important to a lot of Tennessee residents. If you’ve had a traffic citation or are currently on probation in Tennessee, then you might consider verifying if you have any outstanding Tennessee warrants. To begin your search, enter the name of the person you want to lookup into the search form of a public record site. If you know the city or county that would be helpful too but not necessary as you can search statewide. Then after the search results are displayed, make sure to verify the person you are looking up is correct. Sometimes there are duplicate records for people with the same names. If this is the case, then you may need to know their age, date of birth, address, or middle name to confirm you’ve found the right record. Once you’ve determined you have the right person’s record you can view their criminal charges, prior convictions, court case records, criminal background records, and any incarcerations or probation records. There is a lot you can find about a person with a simple name search online, these are all publicly available records that anyone can find online.
Run a Tennessee Bench Warrant Search
There are a couple of options to run a Tennessee bench warrant search online. The first option is to search through the local city and county courthouse websites. If you know the county where to search, there is a good chance that you can log into the courthouse website and search for active TN bench warrants. Since most all bench warrants originate with a county courthouse judge signing off on them, they will have an up to date record of these court orders.
A second option, if you don’t know what county to begin your research, is to use the Tennessee state courts website to run a statewide search. They offer online access or active bench warrants and offender listings for the entire state. You will need to sign up with login credentials to use their resources, which means your searches will not be anonymous. You can also call them or email them for your inquiry if you have difficulty navigating their online resources.
A third option is to use an online public record website where you can search statewide, or nationwide if you want to check other states as well. Another benefit of using a resource like this is your searches will be anonymous and you will also be able to access a person’s complete criminal history and public record profile. You can’t do this with any state run law enforcement agency or courthouse resources.

Run a Tennessee Arrest Warrant Search
A Tennessee arrest warrant search can be performed a few different ways. Some of these resources are anonymous and others are not. If you are concerned you have one issued in your name and want to get in front of it before being arrested then you may consider using one of the anonymous resources. Here are some solid options to begin your research:
- Visit the county sheriff department website or police department website in the city or county where was issued. Most of the larger metropolitan areas and county law enforcement websites have online listings of their most wanted persons, known fugitives, and online resources to search active TN warrants. Some examples include the Nashville Police Department, the Hamilton County Sheriff Department, and the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department.
- Another TN state agency that will allow you to search for arrest warrants statewide is the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. They have active listings of fugitives and the most wanted in the state. You can also call them directly to run an active search if you don’t find what you are looking for on their site. The most wanted list is updated daily but might not include non-violent offenders. The list of active warrants is too long to display all of them online so calling them is a good option if you need to be certain.
- You can also use a public record site to run a statewide search. You will need to have the full name of the person of interest, and any additional information you have will help with your research. The preliminary search is usually free however, if you need a detailed report or a full criminal history abstract of the person you are researching, this will cost a few bucks. Many people choose this option because of the convenience and confidentiality of the online search.
What to Do if You Have an Arrest Warrant in Tennessee
If you discover there’s an arrest warrant in your name, there are some important steps to take to handle the situation without making it worse:
- Consult With a Defense Attorney: Before talking to the courts or law enforcement, and making any decisions, get the advice of an attorney first. A skilled criminal defense attorney can advise on the best course of action. Even if you can’t afford one, try to get some legal advice before surrendering yourself to the courts. The worst-case scenario is being arrested and waiting until a public defender can assist you, which can drag the court case out longer depending on their ability to assist you in a timely manner.
- Turn Yourself In: As much as you might not like the idea of surrendering yourself, turning yourself in can sometimes be the best thing you can do in the eyes of the court, especially if accompanied by an attorney. This shows a willingness to cooperate with the system and let’s the judge know that you are taking your situation seriously.
- Prepare for the Consequences: Depending on the nature of the warrant, you might face fines, court appearances, or even jail time. It’s crucial to be mentally and financially prepared. You may be able to bond out of jail until your court arraignment and that can give you much needed time to get your affairs in order in the event that you need to do some jail or prison time. It can also give you time to prepare your criminal defense and make sure that you have all the information you need to defend yourself in court.
Tennessee Warrants as Public Record and Criminal Records
In Tennessee, as in every state, warrants are considered a part of a person’s public records. This means anyone can access them unless they are sealed for specific reasons like protecting ongoing sensitive investigations or the safety of individuals involved. However, having an outstanding warrant and having a criminal record are two distinct things. A warrant indicates that there’s probable cause to arrest someone, or summons them to court, while a criminal record indicates past criminal convictions. However, if someone is arrested due to a warrant, that arrest becomes part of their criminal record. All of these are public records and even though a warrant does not necessarily mean a conviction, it is still recorded under a person’s criminal record until that warrant is executed or removed or quashed by a judge or magistrate.
Other States That You Can Run a Free Warrant Search In

Tennessee Warrant Search - FAQs
Can anyone lookup a Tennessee arrest warrant?
Yes, since Tennessee warrants are public record, via the Freedom of Information Act, anyone can perform a Tennessee warrant search anonymously online. There are many public record websites, such as, that offer this free Tennessee warrant search that is anonymous and confidentialCan I search Tennessee warrants for free?
Yes, there are a few free online resource to search Tennessee warrants. First, if you know what county one was issued in, you can contact the relevant sheriff department or county courthouse clerk. If you don't know the county, you can search statewide through the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. Lastly you can use an online public record website to research active TN warrants anonymously.Are warrants in Tennessee considered public record?
Yes, all active arrest and bench warrants are part of the public record system which means that anyone can view them online.How do I find out if I have a Tennessee bench warrant?
There are a couple of options to run a Tennessee bench warrant search. First, you can contact the county courthouse where you think one was issued, they sometimes have online listings, or you can inquire with the clerk of the courts to find out. A second option is to search anonymously using an online public record site. You will need to know the full name of the person in question to run this search with any of the above options.How do I get a Tennessee warrant removed?
It can prove difficult as most warrants will not go away without being arrested or having the judge remove it. Your best option to petition a warrant is to seek the counsel of a defense attorney that can go in front of the judge to contest the validity of the warrant.Can I be arrested in another state for a Tennessee warrant?
Absolutely, it can be risky to travel outside the state or country with an active TN warrant. You can be arrested, detained and extradited back to Tennessee for a warrant depending on the circumstances. It's best to handle any active TN warrants before planning on traveling.
What warrants are there for Aaron M Kaylor DOB 4/26/87?
Aaron Kaylor does not show up in our Tennessee warrant record database.
How to find out if I have a warrant in Tennessee?
1. Contact your local Tennessee sheriff department
2. Inquire with your county courthouse clerk
3. Use the services of a public record website
4. Hire an attorney or private investigator
Warrants for korie b Mahoney dob 4/15/87
We found a Tennessee arrest record for a Korie Beth Mahoney with a misdemeanor charge however no warrants registered with our search as of yet. If this person missed a court appearance there might be a pending one for them however, we did not find one at this time.
Active warrant for Anna Young 10/02/1977?
Murfreesboro, Clarksville or Stewart county?
We found an arrest record and criminal charges for an Anna E. Young from 2017 but we are not seeing any active Tennessee arrest warrants for this person at this time
Is there any warrants for alicia Lynn clark 04/14/1979
We show an Tennessee arrest record and criminal record for a controlled substance charge from 2022 but not active Tennessee warrants at this time
Is there a active warrant for Michael swallows cookeville tn 9/21/82
Michael, we ran a TN warrant check for you and nothing came up in our TN criminal records database with your name on it
Do you have an active warrant for Moneca Conyer, date of birth 9/4/1981 for aggravated assault & battery or related charges?
We show a criminal record for a Moneca Ann Conyer from 2021 however we did not find any active TN warrants for this person currently
Do you have an active warrant for Adrian Louis Patterson, 35 yo
Does Robert N Owens Jr. Have any warrants DOB 1/23/78
Wondering if my cousin has a warrant in loudon? Eric A. Stover
Are there any active warrants for Sumlee M Fayssoux DOB 6/30/1979 or for Travis W Malone DOB 5/14/1981
Checking for warranties on my sister Susan Stokes does she have any
We’ll need more identifiable information about a Susan Stokes as there are a multitude of people with the same first and last name in this state. Can you also provide a middle name and age so we can conclude our search for you?
Are there any active warrants for Houston Scott Eaves dob 09/24/1964 in Bradley county tn
Houston, we ran this search and did not find anything active for you in our TN database resources
Does Kala Ingram DOB 5-16-82 have a warrant?
Can you tell me if there are any active warrants for Ashley N. Pratt DOB 05/16/1994 in Sumner County in Tennessee or any counties in Tn
My name is Jonathon S.Norden I\’m from mckenzie , tn dob 11/04/1977 do I have a warrant out of Henry co , tn?
Johnathon, we do show some criminal possession charges from 2018 but not an active TN warrant according to our records
Is there a warrant for Nicholas Brooks 2/11/1983. Rutherford tn
Our Tennessee warrant record resources show there was an arrest in 2019 for a Nicholas Wayne Brooks as well as a bond issued for his release, however do not show any active TN warrants at this time
What warrants are there for Jeffery Paul Tester 12/12/60?
Terry, we ran a TN warrant check and found there is an active arrest warrant for a Jeffery Earl Tester for a probation violation but there are no listings for a Jeffery Paul Tester that we can find at this time
Could you tell me if their is any active warrants for a Nicholas W. Brooks D.O.B 2/11/1983. Davidson or Rutherford County?
We do show criminal charge from 2019 and an ongoing court case with this person being released on a bond. It is possible there is a pending bench warrant if there was a missed court appearance however we do not show any at this time
Is there a warrant for Duane McFarland D.O.B 7/10/87
We show an arrest charge and criminal record for a joyriding without authorized use charge from 2019 for a Duane Roy McFarland however, no active warrants that we can find at this time
Is there an active warrant for Cesar Colin, DOB 07/13/1993
Michael, we ran a Tennessee warrant check for a Cesar Colin and did not find anything for this person
Is there a warrant for ashley randall d.o.b 12/18/1987
We found an arrest charge from 2018 for an Ashley Randall, out of Smith county, related to a drug charge however, we did not find any active warrants with our search
Do you show any Active warrants for Brooks, Nicholas DOB 2/11/1983. Thank you
Nicholas Brooks did not show up in our Tennessee active warrant search
Do you show any active warrants for a Brooks, Nicholas DOB 2/11/1983 (37), Tommis# 449626. Be grateful to know asap
Nicholas W. Brooks shows up as being arrested last year on a misdemeanor charge out of Robertson county, Tennessee but no active warrants that we can see
Do you show any Active warrants or anything for Nicole Ferguson DOB 4/01/1980, OCA# 207589
Warrants for Nicole Ferguson DOB 4/01/1980, OCA# 207589
or warrants for Tina Mason DOB 8/09/1972
or warrants for Bradley Breeding DOB 10/09/1970
Warrants for any and all counties in Tennessee.
Kevin, we show an incarceration record for a Nicole Casey Ferguson however we did not find any active Tennessee warrants for this person. We also ran a TN warrant check for a Tina Mason and did not find anything active for her either. We did however find an active Tennessee arrest warrant for a Bradley Keith Breeding for a probation violation.
Hey is there a chance if u could tell me if cecilia cooper has any outstanding warrents
Alley, we ran a Tennessee warrant check for a Cecilia Cooper and did not find anything for this person
Can you tell me if Leif Dehart has an active warrant please
Lief Dehart did not show up in our record as having anything active in Tennessee
Are there any warrants in Wilson County TN for Paula M Rush DOB: 11/21/1981
Paula M Rush shows up in our Tennessee criminal record database as having an active TN arrest warrant from misdemeanor probation violation out of Davidson county
Are there any warrants in TN for Paula M Rush DOB: 11/21/1981
We did find an active Tennessee warrant issued for a Paula M Rush, out of Davidson county, related to a misdemeanor charge
Do you show any Active warrants for Nicole Jackson DOB 4/1/1980 OCA# 207589
We do not have any record of an active Tennessee warrant for a Nicole Jackson with that DOB
Is there an active warrant for Christopher Lynn Harness? Anderson county tn.
We do show there is an active Tennessee arrest warrant for a parole violation for a Christopher Lynn Harness
Is there a warrant for Nicholas W. Brooks age 37 on Rutherford or Davidson County? Grateful
We are showing a Tennessee arrest and criminal record from 2019 however we’re not able to find any active TN warrants with our resources
hello my name is Bobby Ray Hill age 40 as of the 10th from knoxville i Received a letter in the mail saying there could be a warrant for my arrest I think for unpaid fines if I do what would be the best professional way to handle that would you pay everything and ask to be added to docket ? Thank you!
If you have received a noticed for unpaid fines and fees that have resulted in a potential warrant, it’s best practice to pay those fines and fees immediately. Then contact the clerk of the courts to inquire what to do next, which might include setting up a court date to discuss this with a judge.
Is there a warrant for jason Steve gramajo age 23 on rutherford county or davidson county?
Tatiana, we did not find anything active for Jason Gramajo in Rutherford County or Davidson County.
Is there a active warrant or anything for kiron fowler?
Our records show there is a Tennessee criminal charge for aggravated assault from November 2019 as well as a recent arrest warrant for a Kiron J Fowler.
Any warrants for Alan L Feicht
Alan Feicht does not show up in our Tennessee warrant record database
Is there an warrant for Nicholas Lee Shaffer Jr in Jefferson County TN?
We do show an active warrant for a Nicolas Lee Shaffer from Kentucky. Our records indicate this is a fugitive warrant from another state.
I would like to see if there are any active warrants on Jasmine S. Pruitt age 29 from Cocke County and Hamblen County.
We show a multitude of DUI related charges from August of 2019 and an active Tennessee arrest warrant for a Jasmine D. Pruitt. Is it possible this is the person you’re referring to, even though the middle initial is different?
Is there a warrant in tn for Heather McIntosh
We don’t show anything active in Tennessee however, we do show an active Kentucky bench warrant for a Heather Marie McIntosh
I am looking for warrants in Tennessee for an Abbigail Caroline Newcomer, age 37. She also goes by Abbigail Johnson. She has lived in both Clarksville and Hampshire, Tennessee. She also has warrants in northern Alabama. She currently lives in Oklahoma City.
Our Tennessee criminal records database shows there are some criminal charges against an Abbigail Caroline Newcomer from 2013 however we don’t show any active TN warrants for her
Is there a warrant for evia may corvin?
Timothy, we ran a Tennessee warrant search for Evia and did not find anything in our TN criminal record database
Is there currently any active warrants for Jordan Wesley O’dell
Bryan, we show a Tennessee criminal record from 2014, issued in Knoxville, for Jordan however we don’t show any active Tennessee warrants for him
Could you please tell me if you active warrant for Kenneth G Barnes TN an if so what the date it was issued thanks
Could you please tell me if you active warrant for Kenneth G Barnes TN
We show that there is a Kenneth Barnes that is a fugitive from justice from Shelby County, Tennessee. There is no middle name listed, can you also confirm his age?
Any TN warrants on Lindsey Snell?
We show TN criminal charges from 2011, 2013 and 2015 but no active Tennessee warrants that we can find
Is there a warrant for Nathan t Collins Savannah tn
We only show a DUI offense for a Nathan J Collins, nothing comes up with the middle initial “T”
John A (50) and Greg G (43)
That’s not enough information for us to run a Tennessee warrant search. We’ll need full names and ages to properly run a check for you
Are there any warrants for either john (50) or Greg (43) Drew in Tennessee?
Jack, both of the names you mentioned are very common first and last names in Tennessee. Can you also give us the middle names and ages so we can possibly find the correct record for you?
Is there a warrant for Cameron Ferguson. In Nashville, tn
Michelle, we have a few different people listed with the same first and last name in Tennessee. Can you give us more information so we can filter our results and let you know if there is an active TN warrant for the person of interest. If you can give us a DOB, age or middle name that would be helpful. Thanks
Is there a warrant for a Jennifer Hester?
DOB is 11/16/80
We show three different listings for a Jennifer Hester in Tennessee however we don’t show the DOB on these TN warrant records. If you can confirm your middle name we can confirm any warrants we show in our public records databasepublic records databasepublic records database.
I was a victim in an assault crime back around August 2018 and I believe that the crime happened in Johnson City, Tennessee outside of a older ran down but still open motel. I can\’t remember the name of the the motel it has been some time now and also when the crime happened when I was assaulted I was pistol whipped numerous times and then punched in the back of the head which is when I fell to the ground unconscious. When I woke up from being assaulted, the police were all ready there bc some people that were there at the motel had heard me screaming an a man yelling came out of their rooms and saw the man who assaulted me attacking me an called 911. So when the officers got to me the man who assaulted me got away and they were trying to find out who the attacker was an where he might of ran to. They were questioning me and I was answering all of their questions to the best of my ability at the time. They never did find my real attacker. But they had wrongfully arrested a man for the crime even after I told Johnson City police officers that night in front of the man that they had in front of me that HE WAS NOT my attacker. He was still arrested on the crime but when the court date came up I did not receive a sepina for court so I did not appear in court. I live in Georgia. And I have ran into some police in Georgia and when they run my name they are telling me that I have a warrant for Johnson City Tennessee on giving false information to a police officer. So my question to you is can you please tell me if I do in fact have a warrant for Johnson City, Tennessee. For giving false information to a police officer?? If so how in the world can that be possible?? I was the VICTIM in an ASSAULT CRIME. I was knocked unconscious! And I never did give a police report that night not to my knowledge. And I did not tell ANY lies to the police officers I absolutely told them nothing but the truth to everything that I could answer under the circumstances of being knocked unconscious an then surrounded by many many police officers and being asked question after question. I mean they left that night an I never heard anything back from them. Up until a few months ago when I was back in GA and they informed me of the warrant Tennessee had on me. Can you please help me. And find out if there is in fact a warrant on me. My name is Catina Tehetra Ladonna Nix I am 27 yrs old. And the assault happened in Johnson City, Tennessee. I\’m trying to start my life over. I have a 5 yr. Old lil girl. I need to take care of this issue as soon as possible. Find out what I need to do to figure this issue out. Bc I don\’t understand at all what so ever how I have a warrant.. Thank you so much an please please get back to me as soon as possible about this.
Catina, that is a very unfortunate story, we hope you can sort all of this out. That being said, we performed a Free Tennessee Warrant Search for you and nothing came up under your name in Johnson County, Tennessee. To be certain there is not a pending TN warrant you might consider contacting the Johnson City courthouse clerk and inquiring with them about your predicament.
Best – The Search Quarry Team
Does Sarah A. Bickes have a warrant for Knox County for Civil sessions?
Good news Sarah, we don’t show any active TN warrants for you in our Tennessee criminal records database. If you feel this is related to a traffic citation or missed court date then you might want to follow up with the relevant county courthouse and inquire with them.
Does Stephanie M. Croft have a active warrant in McMinn County TN.?
Our Tennessee warrant records database indicates an open TN warrant for a Stephanie Marie Croft for a Tennessee parole violationTennessee parole violationTennessee parole violation. You can find out more information about this by contacting your Tennessee parole officerTennessee parole officerTennessee parole officer or the TN courts that issued the warrant.
Domestic violence and child support. For Matthew W warta …. Can you tell me if they are Felony charges
The child support issue is not a felony but we cannot be certain about the domestic violence charge. We can see that Matthew pleaded guilty to this charge but not the specifics of the Tennessee court case sentencing