Tag Number Lookup

License Plate Tag Number Lookup

A vehicle license plate number combined with registration stickers, also known as tags, are proof that a vehicle registration is current. A license plate tag number lookup can also offer a lot of information about a vehicle, as well and owner information, depending on what information is available in that state. To run this search, you will need to know the full plate number and the state of registration, which can easily be found on the license plate itself. Then you’ll want to make sure you have a valid reason to run your search, there are privacy restrictions in some states that limit what license plate owner information is available. Then, if your reason for a tag number lookup is acceptable, you can continue using the following simple steps:

  1. Find a reliable online vehicle record website 
  2. Read through the terms of search and privacy restrictions 
  3. Enter the full license plate tag number and search 
  4. Review the results and make sure the make and model of the vehicle match 
  5. Use the obtained vehicle records as directed by the relevant guidelines 

It’s important to review your results before proceeding with a vehicle history report or any other intended use of the vehicle records, one wrong tag number can bring up an entirely different vehicle. According to a 2023 Yahoo Finance report, there are 278 million vehicles owned in the United States, which means there are a lot of similar license plate tag numbers. It’s a good idea to double check the make and model match your results.

Tag LookupWhere You Can Find Your Tag Number

 When people talk about “tags” they are usually referring to either license plate numbers or, more specifically, to their car’s registration stickers. So finding your tag number doesn’t always mean the same thing depending on the context. Usually, however, it means license plate number. Obviously, you can find your license plate number on your car itself. If you can’t reach your car at the moment, you should also be able to find your license plate number on your vehicle’s registration form or on your insurance policy.

 Keep in mind that registration stickers–which show that your registration is current–are usually found on your license plate. However, in some states, such as Texas, these tags are instead found on the windshield. Registration stickers usually include your license plate number, registration expiry date, and a number identifying the issuing county.

 Also, your tags are not the same as your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). This number is unique to your particular car and can usually be found on the inside of your driver’s side door or on the windshield. The VIN is also found on the registration and title. A VIN lookup is another useful way of finding out the history of a particular vehicle, including recall notices and accident reports.

What Can Be Found from a Tag Number Lookup

Looking up a tag number can be really helpful for a lot of different circumstances, regardless of whether you are looking up your own tag number or another vehicle’s. The type of information that tags can reveal depends on the state. In some states, for example, tags are owned by individuals, meaning that when a car is sold or transferred then the tags for the vehicle will need to be replaced. In other states, the tags stay with the vehicle and not the driver, in which case those tags will reveal a lot of information about the vehicle, but not so much about the driver’s record.

You can look up a tag or license plate number online. Some states allow you to do this online either for free or for a small fee. A license plate number lookup may reveal very useful information like accident reports, recall notices, DUI arrests, and more. A tag lookup will also help you verify that your own tags are current. The specific information contained will vary from state to state. Many third-party databases, also allow you to perform a tag number lookup or VIN lookup online as long as you have an allowed reason as outlined by state specific privacy laws.

 How to Renew Your License Plate Tags

Keeping your tags current shows that you have paid your registration fees. If your tags are expired, then you run the risk of being pulled over by the police and fined, or have your vehicle impounded. You can renew or replace lost tags through your state’s department of motor vehicles. In some states, renewing your vehicle’s registration can be done entirely online so long as you have a debit or credit card, and your driving record is clean. In other states, you may still have to visit the DMV in person and renew your registration. If you have difficulty renewing your tags online, you can always call to make an appointment to visit a branch in person. 

Car Owner Search

History of Vehicle Tags in the United States 

The very first license plates were issued in 1901 by the state of New York to show that a vehicle was registered, and so that the vehicle could be traced back to it’s owner by highway patrol. These first license plates had very basic information, and these were basically the registration tags of the time. Over the next couple of decades, license plates were issued by each state and standardized which made it easier to index and reference vehicle owner information and registration information. Then during WW2 some states started to issue metal tabs to that were placed on the license plates to show the registration was current. Today those tags are now reflective stickers that are placed on a license plate to show the month and year the registration is current until.

Tag Lookup - FAQs

How to renew my license plate tags?

To renew your tags you can do this online by visiting your state's motor vehicle department website. You may need to setup an account to do this online, then pay the fees and obtain a smog certificate if needed. Then your renewed license plate tags will be mailed to you after processing.

Are license plate tags tax deductable?

Possibly, you can write off some of your vehicle registration and tag renewal fees but check with your tax accountant first. Each state has a slightly different rule on what is tax deductible

Are license plate and tags the same?

Both the license plate number and registration tags are part of your vehicle's registration but they are technically 2 separate things. Some states have registration tags that are stickers that go on the license plate itself and other states have the tags displayed on the windshield

Can I renew my license plate tags online?

Yes, you can go to your state DMV website and can complete your registration online if you have all the required documentation and no restrictions on your vehicle. You can also download the appropriate license plate tag renewal form and submit them in the mail with your renewal payment.

Can I drive my new car without a vehicle tag?

You typically can if you've just purchased a new vehicle with temporary tags until your new tags arrive in the mail. This grace period is usually only a month or less.

Can I use my vehicle tag on multiple cars?

No, vehicle tags are typically tied to one specific vehicle and cannot be used on another car. It is illegal to do this and you can have your car impounded for this

What if Iu2019ve lost my vehicle tags?

If you have lost your vehicle tag, you should contact your local DMV immediately. You will be better off visiting a branch in person to acquire new tags as you can get pulled over for not having your tags displayed and potentially have your vehicle impounded.

How often do I need to renew my vehicle tags?

Most states will require you to renew your tags annually however, renewal frequency varies depending on the state. Some states make you renew your tags every two years.

Can I customize my vehicle tags?

Most states allow you to personalize your license plate tags but there is an additional fee for vanity or specialty plates.

Why do I need a vehicle tag?

It's the law. Your vehicle tags are tied to your vehicle registration and must be displayed so they are visible to law enforcement. You can get a hefty fine or have your vehicle towed and impounded if you fail to have tags or expired tags.

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Responses to “Tag Number Lookup

  1. How do I deactivate a tag? I sold the vehicle and the new owner refuses to send me the tag

    1. Erica, you will want to contact your local motor vehicle department in charge of issuing tags to resolve your issue

      1. Buenas tardes e tratado renovar mi tag placas pero no puedo me podría desir como

        1. Adan, Necesitará contactar directamente con el DMV para renovar las etiquetas de su placa de matrícula

      2. Nesesito remplazar mi tags license plate tags

  2. My car has been stolen I have forgotten the tag number. What can I do

    1. Herbert, you should file a police report and they might be able to locate your vehicle information for your stolen vehicle. If not, you can also contact your auto insurance company and the DMV if you still can’t locate your vehicle tag number

  3. Where are my tags

    1. Raymond, you will need to contact your local DMV directly to inquire about the status of them

  4. Possible stolen motorcycle.

  5. how can i find out if the tags are out of date and what it costs to get them up to date on a car i am looking at a tow yard auction,when half the cars have no tag?

    1. Lois, you will need to make your inquiry with your local motor vehicle department to find out about the tags on this car

  6. will this report tell me the Title number to my car ? I only actually need the number I have the vin and the plate number

    1. Jerolyn, you will need to contact the Motor Vehicle Department in your state to inquire about the title number on your vehicle. This is not a piece of information that we currently have in our vehicle record database

  7. Search for hit and rub

    1. Chris, if you’ve experienced a hit and run you should contact the police ASAP and file a police report. Then after you file the report, give the police report and details to your auto insurance company to get your vehicle repaired in a timely fashion. The police will follow up with the car accident and report back. This typically takes a few days to a couple weeks depending on how difficult it is to track down the hit and run driver.

  8. Can you find out if a vehicle is reported stolen?

    1. Stacy, thank you for reaching out about our Tag Number Lookup. Unfortunately we cannot lookup if a vehicle is stolen. We can however find the vehicle history and some limited owner information, depending on the name of the state you live in.

      How To Find Out If A Vehicle Is Stolen

      To find out if a vehicle is stolen you will need either the license plate number or the VIN number. Then you will want to contact your local police department or sheriff department and request for them to run a stolen vehicle report for you. They may only be able to tell you if the vehicle is stolen but not any specifics about the owner or vehicle information.

  9. I need to renew my tags can u send me something to my mailbox 1523 north tasker drive

    1. Fabien, you will need to reach out to the relevant DMV to request duplicate tags. Your best option is to visit a DMV office in person and bring your driver’s license and vehicle registration with you.

  10. Find it for me

    1. We are not certain what you are looking for Caleb. Can you be more specific about the tag number information you’re looking for?

  11. Why is my tags on my 1996 toyota tacoma pick up.comming up as another vechicle

    1. It is possible that the tag number is coming up for a previous owner. We are happy to update this record if you would like

  12. I have someone who took my tags and put it on their car i want to beable to run the numbers so i can identify it to mine that was issued in

    1. Your tag number information should also be on your registration. This would be the easiest way to verify that these are your tags. You can also contact the DMV and request a duplicate tag be issued to you since yours was stolen. You might also consider filing a police report since this is also illegal to steal another person’s tags and falsely place them on another vehicle.

      How to Get Duplicate Vehicle Tags

      1. Visit the DMV in person or online
      2. Submit a completed duplicate tag form
      3. Make sure you’re the registered owner
      4. Show proof of your driver’s license
      5. Pay the relevant fee for duplicate tags
      6. Processing by mail may take several weeks

  13. All I want to know is yearly cost of plate living in hurricane Utah

    1. In order to find out how much it will cost to register your vehicle, and obtain your vehicle tags, for a year in Utah, you will want to contact the Utah DMV directly. You can visit the Utah Department of Motor Vehicles website for more information

  14. I\’m trying to buy a vehicle from someone who doesn\’t have the title and I was going to pay for a title search but I don\’t want to waste the money if the car has a lien on it or whatever. Y05 87V is the tag # Tennessee tag

    1. In order to perform a title search and find out if there is a lien holder on the vehicle you will want to perform a vehicle title search. Our tag number lookup will not show the current lien on the vehicle if there is one. You will want to visit VehicleHistory.gov, See below on additional instructions on how to perform a Vehicle Title Search Online.

      How to Perform a Vehicle Title Search

      1. Go to the website VehicleHistory.gov
      2. Search vehicle title by VIN
      3. Enter the VIN number and search
      4. Pay the VIN check fee
      5. View vehicle title lien holder

Last Updated: 2023-04-28

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