Free Reverse Phone Lookup

NamePhone NumberLicense PlateVIN

Top Picks For Free Online Reverse Cell Phone Search

1. – If all you need to know is the name and address of the owner of a cell phone number then will likely do the job for you.

2. – The TrueCaller app is an excellent, popular application that is well worth a download onto your laptop, tablet, or mobile device. You can enter in pretty much any number and you are likely to find out the owner of that number.

3. – ThatsThem has a lot of data on people and on their contact information including phone numbers. It seems as though they don’t have quite as much information as SpyDialer and TrueCaller, but they have quite a bit of information, and it is free.

These free reverse phone search websites do not provide background checks. If you want to know more than the contact information and phone owner then you will likely need to pay a small fee.

If you cannot find the information that you are looking for on the websites listed above, then we can help you. Our  free reverse phone search will provide you with up to date information about the owner of the cell phone including criminal records, lien records, driving records, & more.

Search any Phone Number and Find the Owner

More Information about Reverse Phone Searches:

The massive growth of the worldwide use of the internet over the past two decades has been staggering. In addition to the countless websites available at the click of a button, the internet also holds the key to gathering information in ways that many people would not have believed mere years ago. For just about anyone living in the United States, a huge amount of personal information is available on the internet to anyone who has the wherewithal and the patience to find it–and all this without even spending a cent. To begin your reverse phone lookup use the form above.

One of the most interesting examples of this is the reverse phone lookup. As its name suggests, a reverse phone lookup is a method for finding out information about the owner of a phone number, whether that number is connected to a land-line or a smartphone. This information includes much more than just a name, but often an address as well. But why would you need this sort of information?

Many times, telemarketers, debt collectors, and other individuals or companies soliciting money or products can cause difficulties ranging from mild irritation to serious frustration. A reverse phone lookup can pin down the exact entity making the call–whether it is a call center or a company–and give you the advantage when deciding the best course of action. Other times, you may be the one needing to discover the owner of a phone number if you receive a call from someone who fails to leave a message. Where otherwise you might miss an otherwise important call, you can find out enough about the caller to determine if it was just a simple mistake or if it was something that requires you to return the call.

At first glance, this sort of search seems like it would cost a lot of money–perhaps an account with a firm specializing in background checks or something similar–or maybe that it will require a lot of patient study to understand the high-tech wizardry involved. Far from it! There’s no need to spend a dime to harness this potent tool for many phones, and for those that are a little more difficult to find, the prices are not exorbitant.

A really awesome website that offers a lot of free information for reverse phone searches is I put in the cell phone numbers of 10 people that I know and gave me the names of those people for free. They also were able to come up with address information for most of those people. I’m not sure how they do it, but SpyDialer is definitely a great resource for a reverse phone search. is another really useful application for finding out the identity of the owner of a cell phone number. You will need to sign into their app in order to view your results, but it is free, and you can sign in via Facebook or MSN, and they may have some other options to sign in as well. I tried several numbers of some people that I am associated with and Truecaller was able to provide me with the name behind most of the numbers for free.

Another great source for a reverse phone lookup is one that is familiar to everyone, even those that rarely use the internet in their day-to-day life: the white pages. Almost like the paper analog, provides an easy-to-use interface and the simplest of procedures to get a great deal of information about the source of any phone call. Simply fill in the phone number in the input field provided at the page linked above and press “Enter” or click the magnifying glass button. The website will search through a number of databases to find the name associated with this number. The best part? This service is free for landline numbers! If you try to search a mobile phone number, it will tell you that the number is tied to a “Mobile Phone Owner,” and while it will give you the zip code and geographic area associated with this number, it requires an account to dive any farther into the data. If you want to use WhitePages Premium to try to discover this information, as of the writing of this article it costs $29.95/month.

Another useful resource is here at Search Quarry. Similarly to WhitePages, we offer a free initial search, but will require a fee and an account to find the owner of a cell phone number. A third useful reverse lookup service is This website not only provides the owner’s name and address, but even attempts to estimate the owner’s age, guess at relatives and friends, and even provides information like whether or not the owner has a pet and the make and model of his or her vehicle!

The important thing about all these sites is to use more than one to confirm information. The way that many of them work is to purchase data from a wide variety of databases and compile it together with their own tools. Sometimes the data that these companies purchase may be out-of-date, inaccurate, or just wrong. By using more than one service, you can cross-reference the data you find between multiple sources and zero in on the accurate information.

Unfortunately, cellphones and smartphones are more difficult to pin down. The reason for this is straightforward: while landlines were stored by local emergency services and municipalities in large, publicly-accessible databases, mobile phones have never been organized in this kind of widespread manner. As a result, mobile phone lookups typical require you to pay money to the company, and the results may or may not turn up an address and a name at the end of the day. Thankfully, many services, including WhitePages, will provide a single lookup for free before requiring the creation of an account.

The final useful skill to learn before spending any money on a reverse phone lookup for a mobile number is using a search engine like Google. Simply put the number you are looking for in the search bar and search for it. Google will not only reveal places where the owner may have published the number, but also it indexes through many of the reverse lookup services and provides a quick way to find potential sources of information. Remember to try the number with and without dashes, and with and without the area code in parentheses—some websites may store the number in different ways, and you don’t want to miss out on useful information simply because you didn’t search different combinations!

Ultimately, the reverse phone lookup is a very useful skill for anyone looking to learn more about the phone calls they receive. Thankfully, the internet provides a wide variety of resources to discover the owner of a phone number, both free and paid.

Reverse Phone Lookup
Reverse Phone Lookup

Check Out These Other Searches That Are Popular

How Do I Stop Unwanted Robocalls?

Illegal Robocalls and Spoofed Calls can be stopped by blocking them in the phone settings on your smartphone. They can also be stopped by downloading a Robokiller app which filters call before they reach your smartphone.

How Can I Tell If A Phone Number Is Spoofed?

Phone Number Spoofing is difficult to detect much of the time. An unwanted phone call can come from a familiar area code but have no caller ID attached. If there is no caller ID then you might want to let the call go to voicemail. If that voicemail is spam or there is no message then it's likely that phone number was spoofed.

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Responses to “Free Reverse Phone Lookup

  1. Constant call and then silence from (540) 510-1310. If this is an individual or organization I would like to notify the authorities. Please help.

    1. Mark, we ran a reverse phone number lookup for you and there is not listed person or business for this phone number. It is possible it is a marketing or spoofed phone number but it’s diffiult to be able to tell. What you can do is block that phone number and submit your phone number to the federal do-not-call list. If you feel like you are being harassed or intimidated you can call your local police to file a report.

  2. My son has been talking to someone from 918.209.6821 for 9 months. No picture. No last name. No in person meeting. I think this isn’t who she says she is. This is a one time request just to find out who this person is.

    Can you help me?

    1. Nicole, we ran a reverse phone number search for you and unfortunately this was not listed in our database. It is possible that this is a VOIP number or unlisted. That said, we can tell you this is from the Sacramento area in California

  3. I only want a name to a phone number that has called me that is all, not their background etc. And I do not want to join anything
    JUST a name to this one phone number

  4. All those sites require you to pay a minimum of $1 for the full information (i.e., person’s or company’s name, address, etc).

    1. Skaizun, you are correct however we can assist you with a free reverse phone number lookup, just give us the full 10 digit phone number and we’ll run it through our phone number database for you and we’ll let you know who called you

  5. I\’ve been looking for an email address for the number (912)318-9879 or at least who owns this phone number… I\’ve looked and looked and just dead ends. Can you help?

    1. Brittany, we are happy to run one free reverse phone number lookup for you. When we plugged this phone number into our database we did not find any information about the owner unfortunately. Was this a sales call or a Robocall? There is a large increase in the amount of Robocalls and phone spoofing that has occurred recently. If this is an unwanted call you can block this number on your smartphone. There are also apps you can download that help to filter unwanted phone calls.

  6. Thanks for the information above. I would love to try the 3 Top Picks For Free Online Reverse Cell Phone Search and see who gets better results. I rather pay for the subscription just to make me feel safe from unwanted phone call from unknown callers. I cant put my life at risk that all.

    1. Thank you for the feedback Jade, we are here to answer any questions you might have about performing a reverse phone number lookup online.

  7. Your information was helpful and truly represented by your ad thank you I like knowing that there are still people out there that mean what they say

    1. Thank You Very Much for the flattering comment. It’s great to get feedback like this. We strive to help people with their online public record searches, reverse phone lookup requests and vehicle records. Please reach out if there is anything in particular we can assist you with. It’s our pleasure to help

  8. Cancel my order on this.

    1. We have cancelled your order for our Free Reverse Phone Lookup. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

  9. I am looking for the name of the person (812)483-8639

    1. The person we show on phone record with our reverse phone number lookup is ALYSSA IVY

  10. Hi there, for 23yrs I\’ve been trying to find a missing piece to my life, heart, and soul… My real dad! Never known my real dad, never knew his name or anything until just recently and I\’m 33yrs old! My last name is different then his also which made it harder! I\’ve exhausted all possible strategies including hiring a P.I. dna tests, etc so maybe possible this shine some light my way? His name Timothy(Tim) Ydrogo in linden, TX and last known phone numbers been disconnected for some time now! Supposed to be relative\’s residing in my area as well which is Sacramento,CA! Unfortunately I have stage4 cancer and my time left on earth is up to God☝ and wish to at least know who I am and exp what it like to have a family…

    1. Brett, below is the name, address and phone number that we show for Timothy Ydrogo in Texas. Please let us know what information we can assist you with specifically.

      1. Timothy M Ydrogo
      Age: 64 yrs old
      Current Phone Number: Not Listed
      Current Address: Po Box 292, Linden, TX 75563
      Pob 292 Linden, TX

  11. What’s the cost after the 5 day trial?

    1. After the 5 day Free Trial is up for our Free Reverse Phone Lookup, the monthly fee is $24.95 per month. You can cancel at any time. Once you’re a member you will get access to an unlimited number of reverse phone number searches as well as unlimited public record searches, all for our low monthly fee. We have access to over 2 billion public records you can access from your laptop, tablet or smartphone.

  12. This site like all the rest They want your credit card.

    1. Yes but you won’t get charged if you cancel with in the 5 day free trial period. You can run a reverse phone lookup several times with the 5 day free reverse phone lookup trial

  13. Hi! I have a first name and what I believe to be the phone number of someone I am trying to find from almost 4 years ago. His name was Joel, and the phone number was 4074437259. It appears that is no longer his number, but do you have a way to look up who did have that phone number 4 years ago and provide a full name? That would be amazing!

    1. Unfortunately we do not have the ability to reverse search a phone number and who it was previously registered to. We only have current phone number registration information, that is also public record. You might consider.

      That being said we show that this phone number is registered to a CHARLES GILLIAM in KENTUCKY

  14. Thank yiu do much

    1. You are welcome Colleen. Please reach out if there are any additional phone number searches we can assist you with. Just so you know, we offer unlimited phone number searches when you sign up with our membership.

  15. Hi. Looking for a friend in Texas. I know his age and his names. I’d like a free search trial and don’t know how to o about it with success. Please help.

    1. I need his phone number. You know, the hurricane Harvey. I need to get in touch. Can you help point me to FREE number search please?

      1. Here you go … 5 Day Free Trial

  16. I lost in touch with a friend for 20 years and I totally forgot his last name.
    I still have his old phone numbers which has belonged to someone else for over 12 years.
    Can you trace back 20 years ago by using his old phone numbers to find out his last name?

    1. TN,

      We can certainly try however if a phone number is 20 years old the information listed on that phone number might not be up to date. If you can provide us with as much information as you have we can do some research for you. A name, phone number and age of the person you’re looking for will be helpful.

      How to Lookup Someone by Phone Number

      1. Enter the phone number with area code
      2. Verify the name and phone carrier of the owner
      3. View owner information and phone number history
      4. Cross reference the name with address and public records

  17. yeah I have a couple phone numbers I would like to look up just to see who’s calling me and who is texting and calling my kids and such

    1. Karen,

      We can certainly help you reverse lookup a couple of phone numbers. Please provide the phone numbers to lookup and we can search our reverse phone number database for you.

      Reverse Phone Number Lookup Results Include

      – Location of phone number
      – Phone carrier
      – Phone type
      – Owner of phone number
      – Public records
      – Background information

  18. None of these sites are truly free. They all give you an Unknown person and then you have to pay, sometimes a lot of money to get the actual information. This is all false information!!!

    1. Hello D,

      We do offer you quite a bit of information for free. Additionally we offer a full 5 day Free trial for our Free reverse phone number lookup tool as well as access to our public record search by name. With our Free trial you will be able to get unlimited phone number searches where you can find the owner of the phone number as well as their background records. I have included a link below for the Free Phone Number Lookup trial.

      Best Regards,

      The Search Quarry Team

  19. know the but not the nober or address

    1. Hello Kerry,

      I am not sure what your question is. Do you have a phone number that we can help you with a reverse phone number lookup? Our Free reverse phone number search can provide you with the owner name, address and public records.

      Best Regards,

      The Search Quarry Team

      1. 313 544 8003 texted me and I don’t know who its from

        1. We do not show that this phone number is from a residential phone customer. If you wish to avoid receiving calls from this phone number you can block them on your smartphone or register for the National Do Not Call Registry

          3 Ways To Register For The Do Not Call List

          1. Register on the website
          2. Call 1-888-382-1222 to register
          3. Email

  20. Reverse phone lookup

  21. LookupReact.Com is dedicated to helping people to discuss and report annoying callers and marketers.

    1. Thanks for the heads up about your useful reverse phone lookukp website Glenn!

      Best Regards,

      SearchQuarry Team

  22. Thank you for visiting!

    Do you have any questions about reverse phone lookups? We’d be happy to answer your questions.

    Best Regards,

    The SearchQuarry Team


Free Reverse Phone Lookup
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Last Updated: 2016-09-26

Please be advised that the information accessed through searches may not always be accurate or current, as we neither generate nor authenticate the data provided via our service. The reliability and precision of information are primarily contingent upon diverse public sources from which data is compiled. By utilizing, you acknowledge your acceptance of the terms delineated in the terms of service and our privacy policies. Information acquired via must not be utilized for unlawful purposes such as stalking or harassing individuals, or scrutinizing public figures or celebrities. Individuals who contravene these directives may be subject to both civil and criminal legal proceedings and sanctions. It is explicitly stated that does not function as a "consumer reporting agency" as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"), and therefore, does not furnish "consumer reports" pursuant to the FCRA. strictly prohibits the utilization of information garnered from search results (a) for discriminatory practices against any consumer; (b) for assessing a consumer's eligibility for personal credit, insurance, employment, housing, or government licenses or benefits; or (c) in any other manner that may impact a consumer's economic or financial status or standing.