Pennsylvania Divorce Records

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Pennsylvania Divorce Records Search

The Pennsylvania Department of Health maintains and issues Pennsylvania divorce records. The Pennsylvania Department of Health maintains records from 1906 to present. The Division of Vital Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health does not provide divorce certificates rather it verifies the legal status of a divorce. To obtain divorce certificates, you need to contact the court in the county where the divorce was granted. You can obtain a copy of a Pennsylvania divorce record through mail, fax, online or in person. In Pennsylvania a warrant can have serious consequences that can land you in jail and with some hefty fines. It’s a good idea to be in the know and check to see if you have a PA warrant before it’s too late.

To obtain the divorce records in person, you?ll need to visit the county court clerk office at the court where the divorce was granted. If you choose to make a mail request, following is the information you?ll need to provide:

  • Your name
  • Your spouse?s name
  • The county or city where you were granted the divorce
  • The month and year the divorce was granted
  • The purpose you require the divorce records/ certificate
  • If requesting for someone else?s record, how are you related to the person?
  • A photocopy of your current government issued photo ID

Along with the pay order or check for the fee, you need to send the mail request that contains the aforementioned information to:

Pennsylvania Division of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1528
New Castle, PA 16103

If you want to request a copy of a Pennsylvania divorce record over the phone, you can call the Pennsylvania Department of Health at 724- 656-3100.You can also obtain Pennsylvania divorce records online through public databases. By signing yourself up with the online service and paying a fee, you can perform a search for Pennsylvania divorce records and obtain a copy of the divorce record you need. The public databases are also a good way to obtain the divorce records you need.

A single database is where these online services keep the divorce records. This makes it easy and quicker to conduct searches related to Pennsylvania divorce information. Making an online request through public databases for Pennsylvania divorce records is the quickest way to obtain the records as these online public databases provide you real-time access to Pennsylvania divorce records. Before you request for Pennsylvania divorce records, make sure that you have a proper purpose for the request. If you have any further queries about Pennsylvania divorce records, you can visit the website of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Pennsylvania Divorce Records
Pennsylvania Divorce Records

Pennsylvania Divorce Record FAQs

How to Verify Your Pennsylvania Divorce Date

You can verify your Pennsylvania divorce date by contacting the clerk of the court in the county courthouse where your divorce was originally filed. You can typically do this in person, online or over the phone.

Are Pennsylvania divorces public record?

Yes, divorce records in Pennsylvania are public record as dictated by the Freedom of Information act however, only the divorcee party can obtain certified copies of their divorce records.

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Responses to “Pennsylvania Divorce Records

  1. I need my divorce papers to prepare for retirement. It was over 20 years ago and papers were displaced in a move. Unfortunately, I do not remember which county I obtained it from. I think it was Allegheny but, I am not sure. I’ve already tried to on line services and do not want to keep paying money without some type of positive response. I would like to know if there is something that I am able to do to obtain this record.

    Thank you

  2. I need to verify the date & attorney that handled the divorce my wife filed.. I am in Florida so I can’t come in person.. It was in Cranberry Township. The names were Rachel Renee Ridenhour vs Joseph Michael Ridenhour. I believe it was last summer. She sent me the papers and I signed them.. I returned them to her. I never got a final decree or anything else… I need this so I can get on with my life. I have no way of contacting her or her family. Can you help me????? I have no idea on how to proceed with this or what to do.. She’s not easy to get along with. We got a divorce on separation even though she was committing adultery.. I just wanted to make it easy.

  3. I need to obtain my divorce decree for retirement pension.

    1. William, you will need a certified copy of your divorce decree for official purposes and our PA divorce record resources are for online reference only. That being said, you can obtain a certified copy of your PA divorce decree by contacting the clerk of the court where you filed for divorce. You can usually order a copy online through the courthouse website portal

  4. Trying to find out when my divorce was final papers were misplaced in a move

    1. Marvene, if you’re interested in obtaining a copy of your PA divorce papers you will want to contact the PA clerk of the courts where you filed for divorce or, you can also contact the PA Department of Health and request a divorce verification. They manage vital records for the state of Pennsylvania. Their phone number is 717-787-8092

  5. I am trying to figure out when divorce was final. It was 36 years ago.

    1. Ellen, if you can provide us with your full married and maiden name and age or date of birth we are happy to assist you with a Pennsylvania divorce record search

  6. How can a verify if my divorce has been finalized?

    1. Fran, you can contact the Pennsylvania county courthouse clerk, where your divorce was filed, to inquire about a divorce verification and find out if everything has been finalized

  7. I am looking for the date to make it easier to get my copies

    1. John, we were unable to find the date of your divorce in our Pennsylvania vital records database. You can contact the clerk of the court where you filed divorce papers and request a copy of your divorce certificate or a divorce verification

  8. I’m trying to get a copy of my divorce records for my passport because I went back to my maiden name and also my records are with the divorce records as well

    1. Christal, you will want to reach out to the Pennsylvania clerk of the courts in the county where you filed for divorce. You can obtain a certified copy of your PA divorce certificate that you can use for a passport or real ID

  9. If your having a hard time trying to figure out which county your divorce was filed in, and your ex-spouse\’s lawyer is a shiester, check with the Potter county, PA prothonotary. It\’s easier to file there for some reason.
    Your welcome.

  10. I cannot remember where my divorce was filed in Pennsylvania. How can I find out this information?

    1. Ashley, if you can remember the Pennsylvania county you were divorce in you can contact the clerk of the courts in that county and make a request for a divorce verification or a copy of your divorce records. If you cannot remember the Pennsylvania county you filed for divorce in you can pick a county and inquire with that county courthouse clerk of where to proceed. Unfortunately we are not showing what PA county in our divorce records database.

  11. Greeting , Can not locate my divoce paper of 1992. Do not know my divoce county. Any suggestions?

    1. James, you can contact the clerk of the courts in the county you were divorced in and request to get a certified copy of your Pennsylvania divorce records. If you know the county courthouse you filed your PA divorce decree you can typically make your request online or over the phone as well.

  12. I got a divorce in 2016. Immigration officer said that this paper is a divorce nisi not a final divorce. What is a divorce nisi? And how can I get a final divorce certificate.

    1. Seena, typically a divorce nisi is the time between a divorce is filed and finalized. This means for a certain amount of time, as deemed by the courts, your divorce is not finalized. This time allows both divorcee parties to settle their estates, property and other interwoven assets. You will need to contact the clerk of the court in the Pennsylvania county your divorce was filed and inquire how long before your divorce is finalized.

      What is a Divorce Nisi in Pennsylvania?

      A divorce nisi in Pennsylvania is the time from when you originally filed for divorce and the courts grant your divorce. This allows both divorce parties to get their property and estates in order before the PA divorce is finalized.

  13. Hello,l would like to get a copy of my Divorce papers by mail, they were missed place in our you know of any reputable site to use.

    1. Linda, if you know the Pennsylvania county you were divorced in you can contact the clerk of the courts in that county and make a request to obtain a certified copy of your PA divorce papers. There will be a nominal fee for the copy to be mailed to you and processing typically takes a few weeks. Another option is to use the resource , this is a vital records website that many Pennsylvania courts work directly with. This service will be a little more expensive but it will also be a little faster than reaching out to the courts directly.

  14. If I need to confirm that my wife was in fact legally divorced when she married me, is there a way for me to access those records online? Are they even available for me to access without her permission? The article mentions various pubic databases, but does not name them or their web address.

    1. You can inquire with your local Pennsylvania civil courthouse clerk. Unfortunately we don’t have the ability to search that information with our database resources. Another option would be to hire a private investigator to do some digging around to find out the truth about your wife’s previous marriage.

  15. I just need to confirm divorce date. my X told me it is Oct 1990 ? can this be done by email ? needed for SSA office

    1. David, we ran a Pennsylvania divorce search for you and don’t have the exact date your divorce was processed. You can also contact the county courthouse where you filed for divorce and request a divorce verification. You can usually do this online, in person or over the phone

  16. I did a fast uncontested divorce without a lawyer really cheap but I need a copy. How do I find out what county it was filed in the of Pennsylvania Thank You

    1. Typically you would get a certified copy of your Pennsylvania divorce record by contacting the courthouse in PA where your divorce was filed and request a copy there. Since you may have not visited a courthouse to file your PA divorce then you can also contact the Pennsylvania Prothonotary’s Office and find out the county your divorce was filed in and how to get a copy of your PA divorce record.

  17. I need copies of 2 divorce records for my passport and drivers license. They have to have the state seal on them. I can\’t remember the dates I was divorced. How can I get them ?

    1. Theresa, in order to obtain official copies of your Pennsylvania divorce record you will want to reach out to the courthouse where your divorce was filed and request a certified copy of your PA divorce records. Those will have the official court seal that you can use to obtain your USA passportUSA passportUSA passport.

  18. Can I get a copy of my DIVORCE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT.
    I have my Decree of Divorce but need the DIVORCE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT to request pension benefits of deceased ex-husband.

    What information do I need to supply and most important IS THERE A FEE?

    1. In order to get a copy of your Pennsylvania Divorce Settlement Agreement you will want to contact your attorney or your ex-spouse’s attorney. Typically if you made a divorce agreement settlement without going to the courts this should be in the possession of the ex-spouses and their corresponding attorneys. If this PA Divorce Agreement Settlement was handled through the courts then you can contact the relevant Pennsylvania courthouse clerk and inquire about obtaining a copy.

  19. I need a divorce decree. Our names are Francisco Salvador and Dorys Zelena Mejia . We were divorced on 1992. Thsnks

    1. Obtain a Copy of a Pennsylvania Divorce Decree

      You can obtain a copy of your Pennsylvania divorce decree contacting the courthouse clerk where the divorce decree was filed. You will need to provide the date and proof of identification for certified copies of Pennsylvania divorce decrees.

  20. I need a copy of my divorce certificate….My married name is Judith E. Malitas…maiden name is Judith E. Smith….my x husbands name is Antonios H. Malitas….THANK YOU

    1. In order to get a copy of your Pennsylvania divorce certificate you will want to contact the county courthouse clerk where your divorce took place. Many official Pennsylvania court records can also be obtained by an online service, used by the courts, called Vital Check. A third option is to contact the Pennsylvania Prothonotary’s Office in the county where the divorce certificate was filed.

      3 Ways To Get Pennsylvania Divorce Records

      1. Request a copy from the county court where the divorce took place
      2. Contact the relevant Pennsylvania Prothonotary’s Office
      3. Use an FCRA public records service to obtain a copy

  21. I need a copy of my divorce certificates. Thank you

    1. To obtain a copy of your Pennsylvania Divorce Certificate you will need to visit the Pennsylvania county courthouse where your divorce took place and make this request to the courthouse clerk. You’ll need to present photo identification and fill out the required form for a copy to obtain a copy of your Pennsylvania divorce certificate.

  22. How to get a copy of divorce decree of Karen Lee Bensel and William Leimbach, year divorced was 1988 or 1989, I need a copy for adoption of my grandson.

    1. In order to get a copy of a Pennsylvania divorce decree you will want to contact your local Pennsylvania county courthouse clerk where you divorce took place. They will assist you with an official copy for a small fee.

      How to Get a Copy of a Pennsylvania Divorce Decree

      1. Contact the Pennsylvania county courthouse clerk
      2. Request a copy of your divorce decree
      3. Provide proof of ID and pay the fee for an official copy
      4. Processing may take a few weeks

Last Updated: 2016-12-30

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