Oklahoma Vehicle Title Search

How to run an Oklahoma vehicle title search

Always protect yourself when purchasing a used vehicle, especially from anybody you do not know personally. While most sellers are honest and would not actively mislead buyers about the condition or background of a vehicle, there are rogue sellers out there, who would seek to take advantage of unwary consumers. If you do not take the time to personally check up on a vehicle’s history, you could end up lumbered with a stolen car or one which is not safe to drive. The fastest and safest way to find out about the history of a used car is to run an Oklahoma vehicle title check. This kind of background check can be run entirely online and should cost no more than a few dollars.

What Information is included in an Oklahoma vehicle title?

An Oklahoma vehicle title is an official document which details important information about a vehicle. This document should be in the possession of the vehicle’s legal owner and operator. Most vehicle title slips include the following information:

  1. The make, model and production year of the vehicle
  2. A unique Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
  3. Details relevant to the vehicle’s taxation regime, such as weight, power and purchase price
  4. The name and address of the vehicle’s registered owner

When a used car is sold, the seller must transfer the car title over to the new owner by signing the document and presenting it to the Department of Public Safety. To run a background check on a used vehicle before making a purchase, all you will need is the vehicle identification number.

Oklahoma Vehicle Title LookupRunning your Oklahoma vehicle title search

Thanks to a federal database known as the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS), it is remarkably easy to find out everything you need to know about the legal status of a used vehicle. All you need is a few minutes, access to the internet and the VIN of the car you hope to purchase. This 17-digit code can be found on the vehicle’s title document or printed on a metal plate within the vehicle itself. Once you are ready to go, choose an online search facility that will link you to the NMVTIS database. There are several reputable search facilities online that are suitable for Oklahoma residents, all of which give access to the same information. Simple enter the VIN to title search tool to gain an instant snapshot of the vehicle’s history, including previous owners, damage, repairs and modifications. The Oklahoma vehicle history report may seem confusing at first glance but the information provided here will help you pick it apart. Below are some of the information you might find with an Oklahoma VIN lookup.

What to look for on your Oklahoma VIN search

  1. The make, model and production year of the vehicle. Does this information match the car you are checking?
  2. The registered owner of the vehicle. Does the person selling the car have the right to do so?
  3. The brands listed on the vehicle title. Is it safe and legal to drive?

In most cases, vehicle brands are self-explanatory. The main bad brands to look out for are ‘salvage’, ‘junk’, ‘fire damaged’ and ‘flood damaged’, as these all mean that the vehicle cannot be legally registered and driven in the United States. However, a ‘salvage’ brand followed by a ‘rebuilt’ brand means that the vehicle has been repaired and signed off as safe to drive. Keep in mind that sellers are legally required to disclose any negative vehicle brands to potential buyers.

Car Owner Search

State Vehicle Title Search

Oklahoma Vehicle Title Q&A

Can anyone lookup an Oklahoma vehicle title?

Yes, most the information that is included on an Oklahoma vehicle title is public domain which means that anyone can verify the status of a vehicle title as well as find out the vehicle history as long as you have the complete 17 digit vehicle identification number

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Responses to “Oklahoma Vehicle Title Search

  1. How do I get an out of state vehicle request from Oklahoma City . I mailed the request one year ago from Arizona. I need a letter from Oklahoma City/ MVD stating whether or not they do or do not have a vehicle record so I can continue with the process of obtaining a bonded vehicle registration in Arizona

    1. Francisco, you may want to call them directly to make your inquiry. eMail and Mail requests often have issues with timely responses

  2. Hi, My name is Enrique Rivas and I moved to Tucson Arizona I need my Vehicle Title to registrant it in Arizona .I will pay for a new title because I leaf it in oklahoma
    where I use to live.
    Thank You.

  3. Can you share with me please the photos for the Evoque vehicle accident reported on 22/02/2019 .
    Above yioy can find the Vin number.

    1. Rony, we do not have any vehicle accident photos in our Oklahoma vehicle record resources

  4. I bought a 63 Impala Biscayne in 2012, in Lawton Oklahoma, I lost the title trying to get another one so i can transfer over to Florida

    1. How can I get another Oklahoma car title?

      It’s simple to get a duplicate OK car title by visiting the Oklahoma DMV website. You’ll need to download and complete the Oklahoma duplicate car title Form 701-7 and mail it back to the DMV with the payment for the duplicate form. Your new car title will be mailed to you at the address listed on the original vehicle title

  5. About a 1995 trailer from a man in Oklahoma in a trailer does not have a tablet plate on it how can I get a tablet plate for that trailer I have the title

  6. I am trying to replace a lost title on 2010 Chevrolet Traverse VIN# 1GNLVEED3AS113672. It was titled in Oklahoma and I moved it to Texas. The car is paid off and I applied to the Texas DMV for the lost title. However they said that the title was not forwarded to them from Oklahoma—All I need is the title so I can handle a transfer to another individual—can you help me?

  7. how do I get a letter from Oklahoma Dmv stating they did not issue a title for my vehicle. Just paid it off and California issued me a title.

    1. Enrique, thank you for reaching out about our Oklahoma car history search. To answer your question you will need to reach out to the Oklahoma DMV directly. For your convenience their phone number is 580-237-5464

Last Updated: 2021-01-23

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