Ohio Divorce Records

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Ohio Divorce Records Search

If you are an Ohio resident that needs to get hold of some divorce records, you have a few choices. You can get a copy of your Ohio divorce records online, or you can get them in person. You can then use those records to do whatever you need to do. Proof of your divorce will be in your hands for personal records, remarriage, name changes, special benefits and the like. The following is some information about how you can grab hold of your records if you need them.

Official Ohio Divorce Records

There may be some reason that you need your Ohio divorce records immediately. You may want to take care of something personal today, for example. You can get some up close and personal records of your divorce by visiting the clerk of courts in the area where you were divorced or where you live. If you live in Clark County, for example, you can take one of two options. You can go to domestic division, which is at 31 N. Limestone St. (lower level) in Springfield, Ohio at 45502 (937-521-1680), or you can go to the civil division at 101 N. Limestone St. Room 210 in Springfield, Ohio at 45502. The choice is yours. The number is 937-521-1680.Here you can find information on how to file for divorce, and you can find information on a divorce that you already had. You will find what you need to survive.

If you want to run a check on the records and see if they are available for you to obtain, you can go to the Ohio Department of Health. The Department of Health will only provide you with partial information, however. You will be able to get some abstract that may help you find the actual decrees, but you will not be able to get the decree directly for the DOH. The number to the Department of Health is 614-466-3542. The office is at 426 N. High Street in Columbus, Ohio at zip code 43215. You can give a visit if you are nearby and want to take care of stuff there.

Ohio Divorce Records Online

If you live in Lake County Ohio, the County has a wonderful online system called Courtview Justice Solutions. To locate your divorce records, all you need to do is put in the information such as the name, type of records and perform the search. The system is very quick and it will pull up accurate results in record timing. You can then proceed to digging deeper into getting your records. The report will have information such as detailed docket information and dispositions. You can print the page that comes up for you, and you can use it for whatever you need to use it for.

Those are just a few ways you can get hold of your important court records. Use the method that will get you your records as soon as you need them.

Ohio Divorce Records
Ohio Divorce Records

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Responses to “Ohio Divorce Records

  1. dear sir
    I am trying to find the date of divorce for the following person for family history records.

    James hevey m. Sarah jane rosecrans (aka Sally Jane) 5 May 1854 Franklin county Ohio,.
    James remarried Sarah Jane Wise Tupper 7 Apr 1868 Franklin county, Ohio.

    so somewhere bet 1855-1867 they divorced or she died. but cannot find either in family search or ancestry.

    1. Doreen, these Ohio divorces are much older than what we have access to. Much older Ohio divorce records may prove difficult to find with conventional public record resources or even the Ohio Department of Health, which archives these types of vital records. A good option to consider is to lookup these OH divorce records in genealogy records or newspaper archives. They may have some useful information for your research

Last Updated: 2016-12-12

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