Search Death Records

Find Death Records, Time & Location of Death, Family History, Relatives, Birth & Marriage Records, Public Records

Death Records
Birth Records
  • Full Name at Birth
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Name of Mother
  • Name of Father
  • Maiden Name
Marriage Records
  • Full Name of Groom
  • Full Name of Bride
  • Groom’s Age
  • Bride’s Age
  • Date of Marriage
  • County of Marriage
  • Presiding Judge
Divorce Records
  • Full Name of Groom
  • Full Name of Bride
  • Groom’s Age
  • Bride’s Age
  • Date of Divorce
  • County of Divorce
  • Presiding Judge

The Death Records Database

In the member’s area you will find our “Vital Records” section, and our death records search is in that section. Death records in this database resource will include the time of death, location of death, birth records, maiden names, relatives, birth place, mother’s name and more. Other vital records searches include birth records, marriage records, and divorce records. Other searches available in the member’s area include criminal records, court records, lien records, driving records, vehicle records, people search, background checks, and phone number lookups.

Death Records Are Public Record

People often ask, Are Death Records Available To The Public In The United States? Death records are included with birth records under the category of “vital records.” These records are created by local authorities throughout the United States and may also be created overseas by the military. There are many reasons why you may need a death record. For example, you may be an executor of an estate. You may be a surviving spouse who needs a death record to gain access to your spouse’s real estate assets. Regardless of the reason, there are many ways to gain access to a death record online.

The History Of Death Records

Vital records have been kept by most states since the early 1900s in the United States. However, some states were recording deaths much earlier, such as Massachusetts, have had death records as early as the 1600s. It is now required by federal law for all states to keep death records, but what must be included in a death record can vary. In the 21st century, certain forms of death records have become much more accessible than others. You might also want to note that not all death information has been transcribed from paper forms to digital formats so if you want to find out more about a death that’s not recorded then you may also want to reference newspaper archives or genealogy resources.

Death Record vs. Death Certificate

There are two types of death records: official death certificates and death indexes. The official death certificate is issued at the time of one’s death and includes vital information about the deceased. This may include the full name, age, ethnicity, verifiable personal information, cause of death, mother and father, DOB, DOD, residence, age of death and if the person was in the military or a veteran of the armed forces.

The information included in these records can be more sensitive, so they are sometimes restricted by the state. The restriction expires within 50 to 100 years, depending on the state. To obtain an official death certificate, begin by contacting the state in which the individual resided. The state may refer you to a local agency or may have possession of the certificate.

Death indexes are more readily accessible. They provide basic information about the deceased and do not include sensitive information. While there are often costs associated with obtaining death certificates, death indexes can usually be downloaded for free.

Obtaining a Death Record Online

Depending on the state in which the death certificate was issued, it may be possible to obtain a death certificate online. State agencies sometimes maintain their death records online and there are also various websites such as which aggregate death records online. While these websites are convenient, the death records are not official. If you need an official death certificate then it is best to contact the county in which the death took place and/or the place in which the person who died had lived. If you are unsure of the county of death or residence then websites like can be very helpful in trying to locate a death certificate.

How to Find Someone’s Obituary

In addition to finding a death record, there are many websites that aggregate obituaries, including newspaper archives and genealogy websites. Obituaries should not be treated as official death records because it is possible to submit an obituary that contains information that is not factual. A death certificate is considered a much more official record of an individual’s death.

Death Information by State





























New Hampshire  

New Jersey  

New Mexico  

New York  

North Carolina  

North Dakota  





Rhode Island  

South Carolina  

South Dakota  







West Virginia  



Easy and Affordable Public Records Access

Unlimited Public Records Searches and Reports Your membership includes as many public records searches and public records reports as you can run. We provide you with lots of detailed and easy to access information about all public records.

Respect For Privacy Rest assured that all of your public records searches are 100% anonymous. Nobody will ever know that you are making these searches.

1000’s of Updated Public Records Databases Our data is compiled from thousands of public records sources all over the United States with frequent updates to reflect new information.

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Responses to “Search Death Records

  1. David Dwight Davis
    Born 1-10-54
    Death 01-00-’82

    1. Debra, are you looking to verify a death record or obtain a death certificate? We will need to know what state you are interested in you death record search for us to further assist you.

  2. He is my best friend

    1. Maricar, we are happy to help you with your death record search inquiry if you give us the full name, state of residence, and age or date of birth of the individual you would like to know more about

  3. Looking for a brother

    1. Jill, we can assist you with your death record search if you give us his full name, date of birth and state of residence where he passed away

  4. I am attempting to find the grave of my mother’s sister. Helen died March 1961. But I lived in Peru and wasn’t at the funeral.

  5. Died approximately 1961-62

  6. Trying to get information on Robert Sanchez dob12/31/1953. I am Leesa Sanchez wife of Mr. Robert Sanchez, we went through divorce procedings , final decree was not filed in 1997, 2 yrs in court. Last spoke with him in may of 2012 notified him of our Son’s death Galan M Sanchez. Our youngest Son Bastian l. Sanchez would like to know what happened to his Father.sounds like he had another family.what are my rights as his spouse since 0ct 13 1984

  7. I’m don’t remember her first name but her mother is Margaret Rachel (Maggie) Kirkland, father is Charles H Kirkland, she was born 1935, died 1939 in madisonville, Monroe County Tennessee

    1. Dawn, we tried to research the death record information you sent us however we did not locate the record you are looking for. We researched the parents but could not find the child’s record of death. Perhaps looking up genealogy records might be a good strategy for your research?

  8. Find the death certificate of William Henry Robinson Norfolk Virginia

  9. She was born Psinas.

    Her mother was Katherine Kavooras.

    Her first husband was Yrapsas.

    She has a daughter Katherine Yrapsas.

    1. Diana, if you would like us to assist you with a death record search we will need the full name of the person, including their middle name or initial, and their date of birth and date of death if you know this

  10. Hello

    At the end of the 1800s 2 brothers of my great-grandfather called Tobia and Cesarino Dacasto and a woman most likely their sister called Pierina emigrated from Italy to the United States, perhaps with a ship sailed from Genoa and docked in New York. My father knew that 2 people with my surname (Dacasto) lived in California. One of them was Tobia: my father remembered his will arrived in Italy from California in the 60s where it was rightly written that after thinking about it for a long time he left nothing to his Italian relatives, but everything to his wife and stepson (at some point he had lost contact with Italy). I am intrigued by the names of that wife and stepson. Can you provide them to me? Does that stepson have descendants who can develop the following? I launched on this site a search related to the death record of Tobia Dacasto finding nothing. Can you provide me with information in any other way?

    Kind regards,
    Massimo Dacasto

  11. I would like the death record of Linda may zuhl. Her parents are Dorothy zuhl and Frank zuhl. She is my biological mom and I just want proof she passed because there is a lady living near me with same exact name and would be around the same age

    1. Caitlin, we are happy to run a death record search for you but we’ll also need to know the state and date of birth of your mother. If you need a copy of your mother’s death certificate you will need to contact the Department of Health in the state she was a resident in last. They are the managing state agency, in each state, that can issue certified copies of vital records which include death records

  12. Daughter said she had a still birth on June the 20th 2020 in Savannah ga at St Joseph hospital, Just need to confirm since I have to pay medical bills

    1. Connie, we ran a death record search and don’t have any record of this event. You might want to reach out to the St. Joseph hospital directly about this

  13. I was adopted at age 3 been looking for my real mother been told she passed just want confermation on that please

    1. Michael, we are happy to assist you with a death record search but we’ll need the full name of the person in question as well as their age. If you know this person’s date of birth that will also be helpful.

  14. Friend crashed car in Arizona ,he was killed about 35 years ago

    1. Charles, we are happy to assist you with a death record search. Can you provide us with the full name of the individual and the state he lived in. We’ll check our death records database for you

Last Updated: 2019-08-13

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