Mississippi Marriage Records

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What Are Mississippi Marriage Records?

Mississippi marriage records are a commonly searched for type of online and offline document. Many searches only require an online result while others – made to obtain official copies of documents – require that you have a paper copy of the record. If you need official documents, the Mississippi State Department of Health maintains marriage records in their vital records division. You can easily search for the records or request them through a simple form. It takes a bit of time to receive these records through the mail, so if you immediately need to see information contained on a marriage record, then a third party website may be your best chance to review the info quickly.Mississippi Marriage Records

Purposes Of Mississippi Marriage Records

Common reasons to search for marriage records include:

– Needing to know if a certain person is married and when they were married
– Needing to change your name on official documents and needing your marriage certificate as proof of your name
– As a means of identification of who you are
– For things like applying for a home with your spouse
– For genealogy records that require precise names

There are many other reasons why someone might want to view a marriage record in Mississippi. Yours may be the same or different from any of these aforementioned reasons. The important thing you should know is that a marriage records search is extremely simple and easy to carry out thanks to the online tools out there in today’s world.

Search For Marriage Records Today

Third party websites maintain gigantic databases of marriage records, for all 50 states. All you have to do is perform a search by name, location, date of marriage, or any other information you might know about the records you’re looking for. Type in the information you have and you’ll get more than enough results to keep you busy for awhile. Most of the time, you’ll luck out and get the exact Mississippi marriage record you need. Other times, you might have to sift through a few results before locating the exact records you want.

People who perform genealogy research love to use marriage records as a way of diving further back into their history. Thanks to the information on there – such as spouse’s names and parent’s names – it’s easy to grab some of the family history just by viewing one marriage record. Date of marriage will be on there as well, so this allows you to view certain periods in your family history that will add to your body of knowledge.

Searching for Mississippi marriage information is an easy thing to do. Hop on the government website for vital records to request an official paper copy of a marriage certificate or simply get on an easy to use third party website to search for the records. Most of the time all you need is first name, last name, and state. From there, you’ll be successful.

Lookup a Marriage Record In Any State

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Responses to “Mississippi Marriage Records

  1. I am 87 and I am an Ohio Resident for all of my life. I am hoping to find a marriage license for my Sister Mary Marie Wyscarver and her fiance, Harold G. Hull who was stationed at Gulfport Air Force Base in 1943. Can you help me???

  2. Need a certified copy of my marriage certificate from 1950 to apply for an “enhanced driver” license in Michigan .
    Patricia Ann jones

    1. Patricia, unfortunately we only have Mississippi marriage records from the last 40 years in our Mississippi marriage record resources. That being said, you can contact the Mississippi State Department of Health. They will be able to issue you a certified copy of your Mississippi marriage certificate. You can order this online, in person, by mail or over the phone. Their phone number, for your convenience, is 601-206-8200.

      How To Get a Copy of Your Mississippi Marriage Certificate

      1. Visit the Mississippi Department of Public Health website
      2. Request a copy of your MS marriage certificate from VitalChek
      3. Fill out the form to receive a certified copy of your certificate
      4. Pay the nominal fee and show proof of ID
      5. A copy of your MS marriage certificate will be mailed to you
      6. You can pay an extra fee to have this certificate expedited

  3. I am a resident of Ohio and my Sister and her husband who was in the service at that time were married in Gulfport, Miss in 1943. He was in the Army Airforce at that time. They had a child together in 1946 and Harold died from complications in a farming accident in 1947. The child never got to know anything about his Dad so, as his Aunt I am trying to piece together the events in his life in order for his son, who now has a grandson of his own to know a little about his Dad. His Mother, my Sister is now deceased also. The names are Harold G. Hull and Mary Marie Wyscarver, She was an Ohio resident. The wedding took place on Aug 22, 1943, with a Rev. Clark officiating. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank You for your consideration.

    1. We are happy to assist you with some insights to locating old Mississippi Marriage Records. Our public records service has over 2 billion public records that go back around 50 years. Since these are older marriage records than are listed in our resources we recommend using a genealogy service, Mississippi state archives or the Mississippi Department of Health. These are all state managed agencies that archive public records going back much further.

      How to Find Old Mississippi Marriage Records

      1. Contact the Mississippi Department of Health
      2. Search the Mississippi State Archives Website
      3. Use a Mississippi Genealogy Service

      1. My Mother & Father were married in Gulfport, MS…at some date 1910 to 1921. My Mother was born in Biloxi as Elizabeth Richter…daughter of W.H. Richter and married to Arthur B. Chesnutt, resident of Birmingham, AL If you could assist, I’d certainly appreciate it. Thanks

        1. Unfortunately those are older MS marriage records than we have in our public records database. There are some other options to explore. Please check out our blog responses, we recently responded to a very similar question.

Last Updated: 2017-08-10

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