Mississippi Death Records

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Mississippi Death Records Search

Mississippi death records, or Mississippi death certificates, are extremely important legal document. When a person dies, it is used by their survivors to help close down bank accounts and utility bills, as well as start the process of dividing and settling the estate and any assets. The record is especially vital if the deceased held a life insurance policy that could then be distributed according to their will. For the state of Mississippi, a death record is also vital for record-keeping and health statistics, helping them track incidences of maternal death, deaths related to cancer, and more.

What’s Included in Mississippi Death Records?

Mississippi death records, typically issued within 72 hours of a death taking place, will include the personal details of the deceased, such as their name, date of birth, address, and family relationships. The certificate will also include details on the direct cause of death, as well as any issues that the medical examiner believes to be contributing factors to the death. The date and time at which death occurred (or is estimated to have occurred) is recorded on the certificate by the medical examiner.

How Can I Obtain a Mississippi Death Record?

There are three ways you can obtain a copy of a death record in Mississippi:

  • Ordering a copy by mail: Simply fill out an application form and enclose a check or money order with your application.
  • Ordering in person: You can visit the Department of Health in Ridgeland to request a copy of a death certificate. Payment options include cash, money order, or checks, and the record will be mailed to you within 7 to 10 days of your visit.
  • Order online or by phone Private services are available in Mississippi to help you obtain a copy of a death record. Payable by credit card, this is a quick and convenient way to access records.

The base fee for a certified copy of a death record is $17, with additional copies costing $6 each. If you request a record online or over the phone, an additional fee will apply as these records are processed through a third-party company.

Who Can Request a Mississippi Death Record?

The process of ordering a copy of a Mississippi death records is straightforward, but you’ll need to provide evidence of your relationship to the deceased when you make your application. Parents listed on the certificate may request a copy with no need to prove their relationship.

Spouses, children, siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren may apply for a record after submitting proof of their relationship to the deceased. Legal guardians or representatives will have to submit proof of their guardianship papers to the Mississippi Department of Health when they fill out the application form. If you aren’t related to the person on the record, you may still be able to obtain one, but you’ll need a court order first.

Mississippi death records are vital for tying up the affairs of the deceased and making sure that the estate is settled. They can also provide peace of mind for family members long after the death as taken place, as the certificate can answer questions about what happened to their loved one. With different options available for obtaining a copy, it’s relatively easy to order a death record in Mississippi.

Find Death Record Information By State

Mississippi Death Records

Mississippi Death Record FAQs

Are Mississippi deaths a public record?

Yes, death records in Mississippi are public record as are all vital records such as birth records, marriage records and divorce records

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Responses to “Mississippi Death Records

  1. My ancestor died approx. 1880, but I don’t know the exact day/month. I only know he was married 24 Jul 1838, in Lowndes, MS.
    Is there a way I can still obtain a death record?

  2. How can I find out if someone is deceased without having to pay a fee or go thru any type of hassle? I work for a finance company and needing to find out if several of my customers are deceased.

  3. I am looking for the death certificate of my grandfather who was born around 1893. How can I obtained that information?

    1. Jerome, since you are immediate family you will be able to get a copy of your Grandfather’s death certificate from the Mississippi Department of Health website.

      How to get a copy of a Mississippi death certificate

      If you are immediate family you can get a copy of a family member’s death certificate from the Mississippi Department of Health. You can visit their website, fill out the form for a copy of a death certificate and mail it in. There will be a small charge for this copy and the death certificate will be mailed to you in a few weeks

  4. I am looking for a ancestor that died in 1848 in Mississippi. Can you tell me where I need to go to find this information?

    1. Rachael, you can contact the Mississippi State Department of Health about old death records. You can visit their website or call them directly @ 601-206-8200. Another option is to contact the Mississippi State Archives about looking up these very old Missippi death records and genealogy resources.

  5. What is physical mailing address for Mississippi death records for a relative from Hattiesburg, MS who was lost at sea Oct. 2-3, 1866? Do your records go back that far? Thank you.

    Louis P. Hackenjos, Sr. died at sea 1866

    1. This is an old Mississippi death record that is much older than what we carry in our death records database. Our death records only go back around 50 years. Your best option is to contact the Mississippi Department of Health and search for that Mississippi death record.

      Lookup Old Mississippi Death Records

      1. Contact the Mississippi Department of Health
      2. Fill out the Application For a Death Records Copy
      3. Provide your name & proof of identification
      4. Pay the $17 Fee for the Death Certificate Copy
      5. Processing may take a few weeks

Last Updated: 2017-05-18

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