Mechanic Lien Search

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What is a Mechanic Lien Search

Also known as ?laborer liens?, or ?construction liens?, mechanic?s liens are those that contractors, construction firms, or anyone who works in any capacity on a property file upon the owner of a property when they are not paid for the construction or repair work they did. There are a couple ways to perform a mechanic lien search. The easiest is to use online database resources. To begin your online mechanic lien search use the above form.

People who can file a mechanic?s lien include plumbers, carpenters, roofers, suppliers, subcontractors, and builders.

How to File a Mechanic Lien

If you are a construction worker and have to file a mechanic?s lien on someone, fill out the court form specific to a mechanic?s lien. Ask the court clerk of your state for the documents or proofs that need to be attached with the form. These typically include the bill of the work that you did and the copy of the agreement. File the request in the county?s recorder office.

Notify the property owner and other lien holders (if any) as soon as you file the lien. There are chances that the property owner pays the debt immediately after receiving the notice for lien.

In case of non-payment, the court will hear the case and if your lien request is accepted by the court, you get the right to take over the property as a way to recover your money.

How to Get a Mechanic Lien Removed

Here?s what you can do to remove a mechanic?s lien from your property:

· Check Its Validity of the Mechanic Lien

As soon as you learn about a mechanic?s lien being filed on your property, the very first step should be to check its validity. If the contractor did not complete his work, the lien will become invalid. Also, if the lien is filed by a supplier who was not a part of the contract, the lien will not be valid.

Another possibility is that the contractor, laborer or supplier has filed the lien after the designated legal timeline for filing this type of claim.

If you find the lien invalid, file a petition in the court for its removal and hire a lawyer to help you in this process.

· What If It Is a Valid Mechanic Lien?

If a mechanic?s lien is filed on your property, the only way to get it removed is to pay the amount you owe to the contractor, supplier, subcontractor or any other person, or to workout a settlement for the payment in exchange for an affidavit of lien removal. Submit the affidavit in the county office to get the lien removed.

Check if There is a Mechanic Lien on Your Property

A public records website such as is the simplest way to perform a mechanic lien search on vehicles, assest and property. This is important to get it resolved at the initial stage to avoid complications and legal problems in the future.


Mechanic Lien Search
Mechanic Lien Search

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Responses to “Mechanic Lien Search

  1. I need to file a release or discharge of mechanic’s lien in Northumberland County PA. I have the form, but I have no idea how to obtain the BOOK # and PAGE#. How can I get this?

    1. You might want to reach out to the prothonotary of the county in Pennsylvania and inquire about how to get your mechanics lien removed.

      How to Get a Mechanic Lien Removed

      1. Pay off the mechanic lien completely
      2. Get a lien bond to have the lien removed
      3. File the removal of lien with a Prothonotary

Last Updated: 2016-12-05

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