Louisiana Divorce Records

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Louisiana Divorce Records Information

When you need to search for Louisiana Divorce Records there are a couple of different ways to get results. Louisiana is different than many other states that keep divorce records in a central registry.

How to Find Louisiana Divorce Records

The records are available for ordering through the Louisiana court clerk’s office of the parish where the divorce took place. It is a good idea to call the office when using this method to obtain the records. There is a fee for the search as well as the copy and this fee changes periodically. The search fee is nonrefundable regardless of whether the records are found. The clerk can provide you with the current fee.

When contacting the court clerk’s office for the records there is certain information that must be provided. Additional fees are charged if all information is not included and the search may be denied if there is not enough information. In Louisiana the person requesting the records must be one of the following.

Louisiana Divorce Records Information

  • The couple that divorced
  • Siblings of the couple
  • Parents of the couple
  • Children of the couple
  • Grandparents of the couple
  • A legal representative

You will need to provide official proof of your relation to either of the people who divorced. If you cannot, the request will probably be denied.

When requesting Louisiana Divorce Records, you will need additional information. Although the divorce records are generally filed using the husband’s name, you will need the wife’s married and maiden name, the parish where the divorce was file and the date filed, the date the divorce was final, and a certificate number.

If you are not sure about divorce dates, you should include a time frame using the shortest number of years possible. Include your phone number in case the clerk needs to contact you for more information. You should also say why the records are needed. Two to ten business days are standard for the search unless it is for genealogical purposes that may take longer.

Other Methods to Find Louisiana the Records

Other than requesting Louisiana Divorce Records by mail, you can perform a search online for the records. Some heritage sites will provide records if you are a member of the site or for a fee. There are other sites that charge a fee to search for these records. The report may or may not include the full divorce record. You can search by the name and a list of people by that name will be provided. The list will include known relatives and approximate age to help you narrow down the search.

Many Louisiana public records are available online by going to the parish court clerk’s website but divorce records must be requested in writing. This is the only way to get an official divorce certificate in Louisiana. Although the Freedom of Information Act has made many records available to the public. Louisiana is one state that has ?privacy rights laws? that get around releasing all public records, one of which is divorce.

Louisiana Divorce Records
Louisiana Divorce Records

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Responses to “Louisiana Divorce Records

  1. I need a copy of my old divorce papers my name is Katie Harrison and my ex husband was Barney ward are divorce I believe was final February of 2007

    1. Katie, to obtain a copy of your official Louisiana divorce papers you will want to reach out to the courthouse where you filed for divorce. You can typically order an official copy of your Louisiana divorce record online by accession the courthouse website. You can also try contacting the Louisiana Department of Health for inquiries about official copies of vital records.

  2. Dear Sir or Madam:
    Please be advised that I need a copy of my divorce records. Will you be able to provide that via email and mail the original to the following address:
    I will call next week.

    Name: Allen Jules Marcelin
    Ex Wife: Francine P. Marcelin
    Divorced in New Orleans

    Email: allenmarcelin@gmail.com
    Mail to Address: 1821 NW 18th Avenue, #101, Delray Beach, Florida 33445

    1. In order to get a certified copy of your Louisiana divorce record you will want to reach out to the courthouse clerk where your divorce was filed and processed. This is the most common means of obtaining a copy of your LA divorce records. There are a couple other options such as contacting the Vital Records Department of the Louisiana Department of Health or using certified 3rd party resources such as VitalCheck.com. Our resources are for reference only so if you need an official copy then these are the best options to pursue. Please reach out if we can be of any further assistance with looking up Louisiana public records.

      3 Ways to Obtain Louisiana Divorce Records

      1. Contact the courthouse clerk where the divorce was filed
      2. Contact the Louisiana Department of Health & Vital Records
      3. Lookup using a 3rd party certified vital record website

  3. Hello,
    I am in afghanistan i am trying to locate my divorce paperwork a certified copy
    I was divorced 1998 in orleans parish or Plaquemines?
    my ex isnt responding
    Lisa Naomi Wilson is her name
    My names Randall Lee Frey
    i am in process of getting remarried overseas and need this paperwork as they wont allow me to get marriage license without it

    Thanks so much you can email me any time

    1. In order to obtain a certified copy of your Louisiana Divorce Certificate you will want to contact the Louisiana county courthouse in the parish where your divorce took place.

      How to Get a Copy of My Louisiana Divorce Certificate

      1. Visit the Louisiana Department of Health website
      2. Click on the Clerk of the Court link
      3. Select the county clerk where your divorce took place
      4. Contact them directly via phone or email
      5. Request a copy of your divorce certificate

Last Updated: 2016-12-19

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