Louisiana Death Records

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Louisiana Death Records Search

Louisiana Death Records are managed by the Department of Health, under the State Registrar and Vital Records office. They are issued for any person who has died in the state and are used to close personal accounts, pay any creditors, and start the process of dividing any assets and paying out an insurance policy. This is a vital record that you must have several copies of if you’re handling the affairs of someone who has passed away.

How to Get Louisiana Death Records

You can obtain a Louisiana death record in person, online or by phone, or by mail. The base fee to search for and issue a copy is $7.00, though other fees may apply.
You can apply in person at the Vital Records office in New Orleans, where a walk-in service is available from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM on weekdays. You will need to bring your completed application and photo ID, as well as cash, a check, or a money order to cover the fees.

If the death has occurred after July 7th, 2012, you can apply to receive a copy of a record from participating Louisiana clerks of court, located in parishes throughout the state. An additional fee will apply.

Ordering in person from a Vital Records kiosk is also possible. There are eight locations in the state. You will need to complete an application and security screening, and have your identity verified. Once this is complete, your order will be placed and sent back via the US Postal Service or an expedited service such as FedEx. You’ll need to cover an additional security fee.

Louisiana Death Records Online

You can order copies of Louisiana death records online or by phone through VitalChek, a nationwide records service provider that works closely with the state government. Credit cards are accepted and additional fees may apply for expedited postage, but you will also be able to check the status of your order online.

To order by phone through VitalChek, you can call 1-877-605-8562.

Louisiana Death Records By Mail

If you apply for a record by mail, you will need to send your application, as well as a check or money order to cover the fees – there is an additional charge of $0.50. Send the application to the following address:

Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics
P.O. Box 60630
New Orleans, LA 70160

You can expect to receive a copy of the death record within eight to ten weeks.

Who Can Obtain a Louisiana Death Record?

Louisiana is technically a closed-record state, meaning that only close relatives of the deceased, or an attorney acting on their behalf, can apply for a copy of a death record that is less than 100 years old. However, via the Freedom of Information Act, you can file a request for a record. This will be reviewed and can be granted or denied.

If you are interested in historical death records, you can order them from the Louisiana Secretary of State, as these are held in the Louisiana State Archives.

Death Record Look Up By State

Louisiana Death Records

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Responses to “Louisiana Death Records

  1. I am trying to find cause of death and possibly autopsy report on a person I am not related to. My daughter is involved with a man whose mother is deceased since 2010. He has made statements that make me suspicious and my daughter has also had a head injury shortly after moving to be with him. Oddly, her head injury was within 3 days anniversary of his mother’s death. There are other things that have caused me not to trust him. I do not need a certified copy. How do I get info or a coroner’s report? Something is wrong.

  2. My husband recently passed away and I am trying to get military pay, but the only way I can do this is to prove his ex has passed away as well, I have all of her information and she has no other immediate family to order a death certificate for her. how would I go about this?

    1. You will need to contact the Louisiana SOS directly to order a certified copy of a death certificate. This can be used for official purposes such as military pay, etc.

  3. When you request the death records, in which I am trying to obtain from my husband’s death, exactly what information is included in the “death records?” Like when I receive the death records, I requested exactly what will be mailed to me.??

    1. Louisiana death records will tell you date and location of death as well as what is in his public record. If you are asking about a Louisiana death certificate, since it’s your husband, there will be a lot more information included, such as cause of death potentially. Would you like us to run a preliminary search for you?

  4. im looking for a birth certificate for my great great great grandmother Suzanne Louise D’Aquin married name barthelemy she was born 1850 died around june 6 ,1898 in new orleans la

    1. How to lookup old Louisiana death records

      Many older death records in Louisiana cannot be found in a digital public record format which are typically managed by the Louisiana Department of Health. You can sometimes find these older death records from genealogy sites or newspaper archives. A good starting place is to inquire with the Department of Health in Louisiana for additional guidance if they cannot procure this LA death record for you.

  5. I need to several copies of a death certificate. If it is not found, how much am i charged for the search.

  6. i am requesting several copies of my mother’s death certificate for inheritance purposes and a birth certificate. if they are not found, what will i be charged for the search.

  7. hey id like to know if you got a record about someone committing suicide on march 3 2021 8:22 pm? On lousiana new orleans. I just wanna clarify that my partner is really dead. Theres been suspicion about my patners death and im really upset about it.

    1. The cause of death is not revealed in our Louisiana death record inquiries. The cause of death may be listed on the Louisiana death certificate, but not always

  8. I am trying to get a certified copy of the death certificate for my nephew. His father, my brother, is deceased, and his mother unreachable and we have no information on her whereabouts. My nephew was listed as a beneficiary on my mother’s life insurance; however, since he too is deceased, and my nephew’s father is deceased- I am the next of kin. How can I as the uncle get a certified copy of my nephew’s death certificate. I have been to the vital records area and showed them my mother and my brother’s death certificate, but they would not allow me to get a copy of my nephew’s. A request for record was mentioned above, if this form or request could be emailed to me with instructions I would appreciate it.

    1. How to get a certified copy of a Louisiana death certificate

      You can obtain a certified Louisiana death certificate if you are immediate family. You can get this death certificate mailed to you by visiting the Louisiana Department of Health website and filling out a vital record request form. There will be a nominal fee and a copy will be mailed to you in a few weeks

  9. I am trying to find out if my good friend from high school passed away. Her name was Cheryl Christine White Fairchild. I don’t need a death certificate. I just need to know it she is deceased. And if possible I would like to know the date she passed away. She would have been 71 and she lived in Denham Springs, LA.
    Thanks, Claudia D. Loup

    1. Claudia, the only Louisiana death record we show for a Cheryl Fairchild does not match the information you provided. The death record we have shows the following for this person: Date of Death: 03/06/2006 Date of Birth: 07/19/1961

  10. I am in need of obtaining a death certificate for my father and his mother and father, all of whom died in Louisiana. I need to know the charge for these to be able to send it with my letter requesting them. Do I need a specific form to request them?

    Thank you.

    1. Tressa, you will need to reach out to the Louisiana Department of Health – Vital Records Department to obtain a certified copy of your parent’s Louisiana death certificate. They are the managing state agency in Louisiana that manages vital records which include the LA death records you’re interested in. You can download the forms, provide your identification and pay the $26 fee for a certified copy of the death certificate. Processing will take a few weeks and you will receive the certificates by mail. You can also contact them over the phone to ordre your parent’s Louisiana death certificate @ 225-342-9500

  11. Dear all i am trying to locate a death certificate, and or marriage certificate, a for my great grandmother, Martha brown who was an African slave in new Orleans she arrived from Alabama in 1838,and then had a son Henry(Mulatto) in color born 1839.Both are registered in United States Census 1850. in New Orleans, ward 1 (1st municipality) Orleans, Louisiana,United States
    .House number 138, Affiliate Publication Number M432 Affiliate Film Number 235, GS Film Number 443478, Digital Folder Number 004198708, Image Number 00021.
    Henry had a son named Charles Brown (Mulatto) in color born in New Orleans in 1851. Both served in the american civil war then became free men and emigrated to England United Kingdom. Any records or Certificates for either Martha, Henry, or Charles would be grateful.Could you please advise me if there is a cost for any copies of the records or certificates. Many Thanks Paul Brown

    1. Paul, thank you for your Louisiana death records inquiry. Unfortunately these are much older than the Louisiana death records we have in our database resources. You can check with the Louisiana Secretary of State Office or Louisiana State Registrar & Vital Records Department. These state agencies archive and index older vital records for the state of Louisiana. You might also want to check genealogy sites to see if they have any information for you.

  12. Are the parents of the deceased included on death certificate

    1. Yes, the name of the parents are typically listed on a Louisiana death certificate. You might also find the names of the siblings, children, spouse, when they were born and married and their occupation

  13. I found 12 savings bonds while cleaning out a cousin’s house after she died. They have my cousin’s name and her mother’s. I can’t find her mother’s death certificate. I’m the executor of my cousin’s estate. How can get her mom’s death certificate?

    1. In order to obtain a copy of a Louisiana Death Certificate you can reach out to the Louisiana Department of Health. There you can request a copy of a death certificate, since you are the executor of the estateexecutor of the estateexecutor of the estate this should be a relatively simple process.

      Louisiana Department of Health Phone Number


  14. I’m looking for a copy of my biological father death certificate, I was put up for adoption in the 1970s and adopted in 1975. I’ve learned in the past my father died in 1993 Eugene Jessie Hayden, I’ve recently been to the cemetery where he is layed to rest, I would very much like to have a copy, also of his parents his dads name is Jessie James Hayden passed in 1960, his mother is Lillian Myrtle Peacock Hayden both from Mississippi but buried in Louisiana , thank you

    1. To obtain a copy of your father’s death certificate you will want to contact the Louisiana Department of Health. Since you are the biological progeny of your father you should have no problem obtaining a certified Louisiana death certificate copy.

      How to Get a Copy of a Louisiana Death Certificate

      1. Contact the Louisiana Department of Health
      2. Order a copy of a death certificate by mail, phone, online or in person
      3. Fill out the request form and pay the appropriate fees
      4. Processing can take 8-10 weeks


    1. Arthur,

      The death records information in our database will not offer the blood type you’re looking for. That being said you should be able to find this out with an official Louisiana Death Certificate. If you’re a relative of the deceased then you should be able to obtain a copy of the death certificate.

      How to Get a Death Certificate Copy in Louisiana

      1. Contact the Louisiana Vital Records Office
      2. You can to obtain death records for the last 50 years
      3. Search the Louisiana death index
      4. You must show proper ID to obtain a death certificate copy
      5. Pay the $5 fee to get a certified copy

Last Updated: 2017-05-25

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