Los Angeles County Court Records

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Los Angeles County Court Records

Los Angeles County Court Records refer to the court documents that can obtained from the Los Angeles county courts. The court documents that can be obtained from the Los Angeles county courts include orders related to criminal and civil cases, name changes, probate, judgments dissolutions, and dissolutions of marriage. The Los Angeles County Court Records can be obtained either in person from the courthouse, via mail, or online through public databases.

In order to get county court record you want, you must provide the case number and the exact year in which the case was filed. Furthermore, you must indicate:

Apart from indicating the aforementioned things, you need to specifically point out the documents you need copied and whether certification is required. You can purchase or view copies of Los Angeles County Court Records in person by visiting Archives and Records Center, 222 N Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 9001 on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you make an in person request for the county court record you want then you can easily pay the fee for it using cash. On the other hand, if you choose to make mail request for the court records then you need to mail the relevant documents to: Archives and Records Center, 222 N Hill St, Room 212, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

Along with documents, you must enclose a self-addressed envelope and a check payable to the Los Angeles county court. The fee for Los Angeles County Court Records is fifty cents per page. Furthermore, the fee for certifying the document is $25. Also, based on fee schedule on the Los Angeles Country court website, include an amount greater than or equal to the order?s estimated cost. Your request will be rejected and mailed back to you in case the amount is less than the fee for processing. A mail request for Los Angeles County Court Records takes about eight to ten weeks to process.

Another way to make a request for Los Angeles County Court Records is online through public databases. In order to request Los Angeles County Court Records online, you must know the case number. Using the case number, you can search divorce, criminal or civil records online. By filing in the information related to you and the case and paying a small fee, you can gain access to Los Angeles County Court Reports online!

Los Angeles County Court Records
Los Angeles County Court Records

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Responses to “Los Angeles County Court Records

  1. I need a search for a LA county 1950 probate filing, how can this be done if I don’t live in LA?

  2. How do I access my records for adoption and foster care.

    1. Angela, unfortunately LA adoption records are not public record so we cannot directly assist you with these. That being said, you can locate your Los Angeles adoption records by contacting the LA Superior court. A good place to start is to contact the clerk of the LA superior court and make your inquiry with them. They will directly you to the appropriate venue to obtain a copy of your adoption records.

  3. Need following Copies of Marriage certificate and Divorce Decree how do I get case number I love our of town

    1. In order to obtain a copy of your Los Angles marriage certificate you can either contact the LA county courthouse where your marriage license was filed or you can also contact the California Department of Public Health, they are the managing state agency that archives California vital records.

      To obtain a copy of your Los Angeles Divorce Record you will need to reach out to the LA courthouse where your divorce was filed. Unfortunately these types of records are not available through the California Department of Health. Many of the courts also use the service VitalCheck which is an online service where many certified court documents can be obtained

  4. I saw a Felony on my record. Upon further investigation it revealed I was never charged nor did I ever receive a court date nor was I ever contacted by a Bail Bondsman.

    How can I have this supposed felony removed from my record?

    It is not a conviction it does not fall under expungement.

    It appears that a record of an arrest has somehow turned into a felony that was never filed, nor tried nor convicted from July 2007

    I have not moved from my address in 25 years so I am certain if it was something serious I would have been contacted.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    1. Steven, thank you for reaching out about your LA court record. To answer your question, you will first want to contact the Los Angles county courthouse clerk and inquire with them about the accuracy of this record or what may have happened. Also, there might be multiple people with your same first and last name and sometimes public records are incorrect. In any case, your best option to start would be to verify this felony record with the LA county courthouse clerk.

  5. I\’m looking for my family member up coming court date on March 25,2019. In re: Gary Lynn Gilbert vs. Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. In re: SB 1437. His trial case number was
    TA041797, date of conviction was May of 1996.

    1. To find an upcoming LA Court date you will want to contact the relevant LA court clerk and inquire with them. Our Los Angeles county court records do not have any pending LA court cases or LA court records that have not concluded and listed as public record. Below are some instructions on how to find an upcoming LA county court date.

      Find an Upcoming Los Angeles Court Date

      1. Visit the Los Angeles county website
      2. Select “Court Services” and select a court
      3. Pick what type of Court Services you want
      4. Submit your inquiry online or over the phone
      5. Find the relevant upcoming LA court date

  6. I need a copy of name changes for me and my girls. How do I get those?

    1. Thanks for reaching out about our Los Angeles county court record post. To answer your question, you will need to reach out to the Los Angeles courthouse where you filed your name changes and request a copy of the name changes from the court clerk. They can directly assist you or point you in the right direction. Since this is an official LA court record you will want to deal with the courts directly with this request.

  7. We are searching for the last will of our Grandma – Keitha Russell Davis .
    D.O.B. – 3/29/1905
    She passed away on 12/15/1978
    The last will would have been filed in 1974

    How can we go about this ?

    1. In order to locate the Last Will and Testament from your Grandmother, you will want to visit the Los Angeles county courthouse Probate Clerk and request a copy of this Los Angeles county court record. View the instructions below for more details.

      How to Find a Los Angeles Last Will and Testament

      1. Go to a Los Angeles county courthouse
      2. Locate the Probate Clerk’s office
      3. Request a last will and testament copy
      4. Show proof of ID and pay the relevant fee

  8. I just got a copy of my parents divorce judgement. It says that the Court aquired jurisdiction of the respondent on 7-31-68 by: Service of process on that date, respondent not having appeared within the time permitted by law. Does that mean the respondent did not show up to Court for the divorce hearing?

    1. It certainly sounds like the respondent didn’t show up for court in the time allotted during the divorce judgment. Since this is an old Los Angeles county court record, and a lot of laws have changed since the 1960’s, your best-practice option would be to contact the Los Angeles county courthouse clerk and request clarification or be referred to someone that can help you understand this divorce judgment case better.

  9. How do I find out the results of a court case either in 1988, 1989 or 1990?

    Charge was dismissed, but, I still need the name of the court, name of charge, date of charge, disposition and arresting agency.

    Please advise – thanks!

    1. If the charges were dismissed then there might not be a record of this in most public record websites. A good option would be to contact the relevant Los Angeles county courthouse clerk and inquire about this. They should be able to offer you some more insights on how to obtain these court records where the charges were dropped.

  10. Police came to house and said I have a warrant but I have been checking in and haven’t been in trouble.

    1. You can receive a warrant for various things without your knowledge. These can be from an unpaid traffic citation, not showing up for jury duty or other unpaid court fines. You will want to check with the issuing law enforcement agency as to the specifics of this Los Angeles warrant.

  11. I have recently requested my parents divorce records from Superior Court, California, divorced in 1968, I received back that my request was rejected because it is a confidential family law case and I need to resubmit a family law parentage action form 063. This case is 50 years old, my mom passed away years ago, and I cannot locate my dad. I am immediate family, their bio daughter, and I should be able to get the documents. The 063 form requires their attorneys to request and sign, I’m sure after 50 years they aren’t even around anymore, nor I haven’t the clue who those attorneys were. What other course of action can I do to get these divorce docs? Other than the fam 063 form?

    1. Since this is an older divorce record that is confidential you have a few courses of action. First, you can call the California Superior Courthouse Clerk and explain your case and limitations for obtaining this court record. Second, you can hire an attorney that specializes in divorce record cases. Third, find a court precedence for this case and petition the courts to release this divorce record to you since you’re immediate family.

  12. Are family law/custody cases available for public access? And if not, can you please explain why?

    1. Family custody and juvenile cases are not public record. If you are immediate family you can contact the LA County Courthouse Clerk for more information about a civil or family court case.

  13. i would like to know when is his release dats and what does ORDS mean

    1. If you can provide us with the full name and age of the person you’re looking up Los Angeles county court records for we are happy to assist you. Unfortunately we won’t have the release date for the person in question but we can certainly lookup any relevant court record information for you.

      In regards to the Los Angeles county court “ORDS” question we are not familiar with that acronym. Can you elaborate on that some more so we can better assist you?

  14. How do we access birth records for 1963 if all we have is a last name??????? I have been searching for my true name for awhile and finally found adoption court paperwork but it only has a last name with DOB and location. Can the archives pull that for me?

    1. Your best course of action in finding your true name is to contact the California Department of Health and Vital Records as they archive all the birth records in Los Angeles county.

      How To Get a Copy of a Los Angeles Birth Certificate

      1. Contact the California Department of Health and Vital Records
      2. Request a copy of a certified birth certificate copy
      3. Download and complete the application form
      4. Have your birth certificate form notarized
      5. Pay the $25 fee and mail in your form

      California Department of Public Health
      Vital Records – MS 5103
      P.O. Box 997410
      Sacramento, CA 95899-7410

Last Updated: 2016-10-03

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