Kansas Warrant Search

NamePhone NumberLicense PlateVIN

How To Perform a Kansas Warrant Search

In the state of Kansas, warrants are taken very seriously as they are an important part of the criminal justice system in the state. They hold those accountable that break the law, or people that don’t follow their civic duties, as well as those that disobey direct court orders. Once a warrant is issued it becomes public record which anyone can view online. A popular way to access this information is to run a Kansas warrant search through a public record website. The search is simple as long as you know the name of the person of interest. You can simply input their name into the search form and go. Once the results have been displayed you may get multiple results for different people with the same names, this is fairly common. If this is the case, then you will need to sort your results with a middle name, age, or county of residence. Then once you have determined you have the correct person, you can view any active Kansas arrest warrants or bench warrants, arrests, criminal history, court records, and incarcerations. These are all considered public record which anyone can reference online.

Reasons Kansas Warrants Are Issued

It is important to know if there is an active or outstanding warrant set in your name. You can receive a Kansas warrant for various reasons. If a warrant is left unresolved then it can lead to much more serious criminal charges in Kansas. Below are some important reasons for performing a Kansas warrant search.

  • There may be a bench warrant issued by the court for failing to attend a proceeding.
  • The court can issue a bench warrant for an unpaid parking offense.
  • You can receive a bench warrant, capias warrant, or arrest warrant for failing to obey a direct court order.
  • It could be for a criminal activity for which the police suspect your involvement. If they do, they can have the court issue a warrant against you.

Kansas Warrants are Public Records

Warrants in Kansas, as in every state in the U.S., are considered public records. This means that they are accessible to the general public. However, it is worth noting that only active or outstanding warrants will appear in public record databases. Once a warrant has been executed or recalled, it might no longer be visible to the public, although it remains part of a person’s criminal history that can be accessed by law enforcement. 

Criminal Record Search

Connection Between Arrest Warrants and Criminal Records

Once a Kansas warrant is issued, it becomes a part of a person’s criminal record even though it does not mean that person is guilty of a suspected crime. It means that a judge has issued a warrant to arrest someone for an alleged crime because of strong supporting evidence. Even though a Kansas arrest warrant doesn’t guarantee a conviction, it is still listed on someone’s criminal record and can have harmful ramifications to a person’s livelihood. Potential employers, housing agencies, or educational institutions conducting background checks can access this information. An unresolved warrant can lead to complications such as job denials, housing application rejections, and other hindrances in personal and professional growth. 

Steps to Take If You Have a Warrant in Kansas

Should you find that you have a Kansas warrant in your name: 

  • Determine What Type of Warrant You Have: If you have a bench warrant then you might be able to rectify the situation yourself if it is regarding a missed court appearance or forgot to pay some court fees. Then you can simply skip to the next step. If you find yourself with an arrest warrant, then you will want to skip to the “Seek Legal Advice” section below. 
  • Address the Underlying Issue: If the warrant is due to unpaid fines or a missed court appearance, addressing the root cause might lead to the warrant being lifted. It might be as simple as rescheduling that missed court date, or jury duty. 
  • Seek Legal Advice: Before you do anything with an arrest warrant it is a good idea to consult with an attorney. They can help guide you in your situation, your rights and the best course of action moving forward. 
  • Consider Turning Yourself In: If you voluntarily surrender yourself, it might be very beneficial to you in court as it demonstrates your accountability and initiative. It is a lot better than being arrested at an inopportune time. You should of course have this discussion with your attorney, there might be other options available to you depending on the criminal charges. 

Running a Kansas Arrest Warrant Search Through State Agencies

A solid option for running a Kansas arrest warrant search is through state run agencies, such as sheriff department websites, such as  Johnson County , Wichita county, or Shawnee county for example. These searches are available to the general public to search however, they cannot be used to search Kansas bench warrants, only arrest warrants. They also have call in phone numbers if you need assistance or want to report a known fugitive or someone that is wanted by the law. In some circumstances they even offer rewards when someone reports a wanted person, and that leads to their apprehension

Another state agency that offers a Kansas arrest warrant search is the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI). The KBI maintains a centralized database that allows people to search fugitives and wanted persons from multiple jurisdictions. This is particularly useful for a broader searches such as performing a statewide search for someone. This state agency has a bulletin board of their most wanted as well as an arrest warrant lookup tool. You can also get a reward for calling in a lead that leads to the arrest of a wanted fugitive. You can also access the list of registered offenders through the KBI website.

Research Someone’s Warrant in Another State

Kansas Warrant Search

Kansas Warrant FAQs

Do I Have a Warrant in Kansas?

To find out if you have a Kansas warrant you can inquire with the relevant county courthouse clerk, the county sheriff department or use an online public records website to search the status of a Kansas warrant.

Are Kansas warrants public record?

Yes, Kansas warrants are public record. In fact, all warrants are public record that anyone can access via the Freedom of Information Act of 1966. All you need is the full name and age of the person in question to perform a Kansas warrant search.

Can I be arrested for a Kansas bench warrant?

It is possible to be arrested for an outstanding Kansas bench warrant depending on the relevant criminal charges such as a failure to appear in court.

Can I be extradited for a Kansas warrant?

Yes, depending on the nature of the warrant you can be extradited to another county or state

Can I search Kansas warrants for free?

Yes, there are various free online resources you can use to find out if you have an active warrant in Kansas. First, you can try using the county sheriff department websites, they often have an offender list with active warrants. Another option is to use the Kansas Bureau of Investigation website. A third option is to use a public record website where you can search statewide in Kansas, and your searches are anonymous with this last method.

Do I have a Kansas tax warrant?

If you have unpaid taxes and you it's been a while since you have done anything about it then you might have a tax warrant. You can search through a public record website to find out if you have anything active in the state.

Do I have a warrant in Johnson county Kansas?

A quick way to find out if you have an active warrant in Johnson county is to visit the Johnson county sheriff department website and perform a warrant search there. You can also search anonymously through public record websites.

Do I have a warrant in Wichita Kansas?

The city of Wichita has an online web search tool where you can lookup fugitives, most-wanted persons, and run a warrant search. A second option is to use the resources of a public record website where you can search statewide with a first and last name, and all your searches will be anonymous.

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Responses to “Kansas Warrant Search

  1. Yes my daughter is currently dating a man named Dustin O. Shown born in 1992. I am aware he has a criminal record in Lyon county, KS. Could you run a warrant check?

    1. Felicia, we ran a Kansas criminal record search and did not find any active warrants for him but we did find felony drug charges and incarceration records for thi person

  2. Looking to see if a person who is a squatter in my Texas home has a warrent in Dodge City Kansas from possibly Nov 2021
    Pamela Sue Friedhoff
    DOB 3/20/1966

    1. Penny, we ran a Dodge city warrant search for the person in question and did not find anything active at this time

  3. I would like to search for any active warrants in my name. Steven L Brill 08/09/1990 Kansas or Missouri.

  4. Do I have any active warrants in Kansas, Missouri or Nebraska? DOB: 07/06/1979
    Thank you!

  5. Do I have active warrants in Topeka ks

    1. Tommie, we don’t show any KS warrant records associated with your name

  6. I would like to know if I have a johnson county warrant jennifer mallicoat

    1. Jennifer Mailcoat did not show any results with our Kansas criminal record search

  7. Do I have any Johnson CO warrants Kevin W. DiiBon 08/09/1988

    1. Kevin, we ran a Colorado warrant search for you and did not find anything active at this time

  8. I would like to know if I have a warrant in all of kansas.

    1. We found multiple criminal records for a Christopher S. Fanestil in Kansas however, we’re not finding any active warrants at this time

  9. Are there any active warrants for jamesine jackson age 24 d.o.b 01/18/1996 throughout all of kansas??

    1. We found multiple criminal records for a Jasmine Marie Jackson but no corresponding warrants that we can find at this time

  10. Can you see if Chad Ross II
    DOB 9/8/1991 has active warrants in Shawnee County KS? And what they are for.

    1. We found multiple people with your first and last name Chad however, none of our records match your birth date. This means we did not find anything active with the information you provided us

  11. Is there a warrent for a Kendra wheeler age 20?and is it extraditable and how does her address get updated?

    1. Shelia, we did not find anything active for a Kendra wheeler in Kansas. Let us know if we can be of further assistance with any of your public record inquiries

  12. I would like to know If I have any warrants against me in Kansas because cop from a different state say that I have on

    1. Aaron Nicholas Collins shows up in our Kansas criminal record database as having a criminal history however we’re not showing any active KY warrants

  13. Thank you for all the help. I appreciate it.

  14. The Justin Osburn from Nevada isn’t me. Did you check Justin Allen Osburn from Douglas County, Kansas?

    1. That is the only record we have

  15. Thank you for all the help 🙂

  16. Did you find my actual criminal record? Do I have a warrant?

    Justin Allen Osburn

    1. The only record we show Justin, is from Nevada from 2015. We are not showing any warrants out of Kansas

  17. I didn’t have any charges on 2015. Is there a chance you checked the wrong Justin Osburn? Could you double check? Thank you.

    Justin Allen Osburn
    Douglas Country, Kansas

    1. Thank you for clarifying, you are correct. The record we have is for a Justin Osburn from Nevada, not Kansas. Plus there was no middle name listed on this record and the DOB doesn’t match so it’s definitely not your criminal record Justin

  18. Any warrants for me in Douglas County, Kansas?
    Kellie Michelle Osburn

    1. Kellie Michelle Osburn does not come up as having any active Kansas warrants

  19. Do I have a warrant?

  20. Do I have a warrant in Jana’s
    Kansas? Douglas county?

    1. Justin, we’re showing some criminal charges from 2015 but no active Kansas warrants that we can find

  21. I think I might have a bench warrant. Is that expaditable?

    1. Latosha, we are not finding any Kansas warrants for you at this time. To answer your second question, yes, you can be extradited for a warrant depending on the nature of the crime behind that warrant.

  22. How can I see if I have a warrant.

    1. Herbert, we are showing multiple criminal record listings in Kansas for more than one person with your first and last name. Can you also provide us with your full middle name as well as your age so we can filter these results for you?

  23. Warrants…??
    Stephen Dale Murray
    D.O.B. 09/13/1983

    1. We are showing some previous criminal records, from Wyandotte county, for a Stephen Dale Murray however, we are not showing any warrants in our resources for this person

  24. Newton ks sedgwick co ks and butler co ks do I have any warrants

    1. According to our Kansas warrant resources we do not show any active warrants for Newton Sedgwick

  25. Can someone check on a warrant for me

    1. Cara Dailey does not show up in our Kansas criminal records directory

  26. Warrants

    1. Our Kansas criminal records database shows there are criminal charges brought against a Jason Dean Young in December 2019 and an active KS warrant for his arrest

  27. I was wanting to see if I have an active warrant or any unpaid fines.

    1. We are only showing a few Oregon criminal records for a Christina Maria Willhite but nothing in Kansas that we can see.

  28. Do I have a warrant?

    1. We show a Kansas DUI charge from 2014 for a James Cannon Smith however we are not showing any active KS warrants for this person

  29. looking for warrants out of Leavenworth county and johnson county and wyandotte county and city of shawnee

    1. Our records indicate there are some drug related charges for a Gina Michelle Payton from 2018 but we are not showing any warrants attached to these criminal records in our system.

  30. Looking to see if my friend has warrants in the state of Kansas Dustin R. Burnett age 32

    1. Javiar, we are only showing Kansas criminal records for a Dustin L. Burnett and nothing comes up with the middle initial “R” and the age you mentioned

  31. Could I please get any info on warrants/charges etc for Tracy Lynn Pressgrove (alias could be Tracy Grammer also) and Christopher Grammer please and thank you.

    1. Tracy Pressgrove does not come up in our Kansas records however we do show criminal records for a Tracy Michelle Pressgrove but she has a different middle name than the person you mentioned

  32. Do i have any warrants in kansas born in 76. Tynisha S. Watson

    1. We show a couple criminal charges for a Tynisha Sharron Watson however we are not seeing any active warrants in Kansas

  33. I was needing to find out if I have a warrant in Kansas?

    1. We show a Kansas felony record for a Clifford Lee Miller however he was born in 1965 so that probably isn’t you. Other than that Kansas warrant record, we don’t show anything else

  34. I recently was stopped on a military base for an active warrant from 1999 in Kansas for a NSF funds check, have not been able to find who issued it.. the military had no other information , it shows on NCIC.

    1. Kathy, we don’t have access to military record as they are not public domain. That being said, we performed a Kansas warrant search for you and did not find anything active. You may want to contact your bank to get a copy of your check to find out more about this. If someone has issued a check in your name without your consent this is a serious crime. You may want to followup with filing a police report and changing your banking information as an extra measure since this is a form of identity theft.

  35. Do I have any warrants?

    1. Miles Edds did not come up when we ran a Kansas warrant check

  36. I would like to know if I have any warrants in Kansas.

  37. my name is Donna Lee Hewitt 57 yrs. old. i would like to inquire about any podsible warrants i may have in kansas can you check for me please.

    1. We do show some felony charges however we don’t see any warrants. If you have violated any probation or parole then you might be in jeopardy of having a warrant issued for you however, you can find out more about that scenario by contacting your probation or parole officer.

  38. could I see if there\’s any open warrants for Tasha or Nathan bickett in johnson county?

    1. We only show a warrant for a Tasha Nicole Bickett in Utah but nothing is listed in our Kansas criminal records database.

  39. Do i have a warrant in lyon co ks

    1. We show some Kansas felony charges from 2017 Leandro but we don’t show any recent warrants unless there is a pending probation violation that we cannot see

  40. Son was pulled over and advised of a warrant in Wyandotte County Kansas. He is not aware of any warrants. Name Hugh Joseph Baker

    1. Kimberly, our records don’t indicate there are any active warrants for a Hugh Joseph Baker in Kansas however, there is another person with the same first and last name, but different middle name, that we show as having an open KY warrant. If this is thought to be related to an unpaid traffic citation or missed court appearance then you might have Hugh check with his local county courthouse to see if there is a pending bench warrant for him

  41. Hi I supposedly had a warrant for an unpaid ticket from when I lived in Kansas years ago. I’ve been unable to get help by phone and have been unable to locate anything online. Can you please help.

    1. Thuron, we don’t show anything active in Kansas with your name on it. You might also want to check with the traffic court where your bench warrant was issued. You can always reach out to them via email if you can’t get though on the phone.

      Kansas Bench Warrant Search

      To find out if you have a Kansas bench warrant for failure to appear in court or an unpaid traffic violation you can contact the Kansas courthouse clerk where your court case took place. They will be able to let you know if you have an open Kansas bench warrant and how to take care of the fees and fines and reschedule any missed court dates.

  42. Need to see if a warrant is listed if so date it was issued please

    1. We do show an active warrant for a Tracy Jean Murphy in Kansas related to a drug charge but we don’t show the issued date of this record. You can confirm the details of this KY warrant record by contacting your local sheriff or police department.

  43. Do I have a warrant ?

    1. Ryan, we have multiple listings for people with your first and last name in our Kansas criminal records database. Can you also confirm your middle name and age so we can verify these records to see if you have any active warrants in Kansas?

  44. Do I have a warrant?

    1. We ran your name through our Kansas criminal record database Kevan and did not find anything active for you. We also tried searching using common misspellings of your name and nothing came up

  45. I need to find out if I have a warrant and how much is the payment

    1. Amber, we don’t show any active KS warrants for you in our Kansas criminal records database. If you have a missed KS court appearance or unpaid fees or fines then you might want to reach out to the relevant courthouse clerk and inquire about any rescheduling or payments that need to be made

  46. I\’m trying to payoff old fines. I\’d like to start with any counties that have issued a warrant.

  47. I would like to know why active warrants i have

    1. We do show an open Kansas warrant for a DeAndre Cardell Love and there are multiple Kansas criminal charges listed. If you can confirm which circumstance you’re interested in knowing more about we can elaborate more about these Kansas public records.

  48. My only qestion is. Why can’t they just update there public records like once a week at the very least?

    1. Many times the delay in reporting of Kansas public records is due to the managing agency being back-logged in their reporting. This reporting delay can vary from state to state and agency to agency. You can always petition your local state or government agency to increase the availability and timeliness of their public record reporting.

  49. I have a warrant in Kansas that I would like to get taken care of

    1. You will want to contact the issuing Kansas state or county agency that issued the warrant. Typically a court or sheriff department will issue warrants for a person’s arrest or bench warrants for a non-appearance or not paying the fines, penalties and fees associated with the warrant. You might also consider hiring legal counsel to mitigate your situation depending on the severity.

      How To Resolve an Outstanding Warrant

      1. Contact the county court clerk to setup an arraignment
      2. Schedule the bench warrant hearing before being arrested
      3. Setup a time to turn yourself into the relevant authorities
      4. Prepare to setup bail prior to turning yourself in
      6. Prepare to have funds ready to pay your fines & penalties
      6. Talk to an attorney to help you if needed

  50. Douglas County Ks. Failure to appear

    1. We did not get any hits in our Kansas warrant database for your Failure to Appear. If this is a recent Kansas warrant there is a chance that this isn’t available to public record databases yet. Your best bet is to verify this with the Kansas county courthouse clerk where you were supposed to appear. Sometimes you can reschedule your appearance and avoid the bench warrant.

Last Updated: 2023-08-09

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