Idaho Divorce Records

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Idaho Divorce Records Information

Idaho divorce records are stored in the databases of each Idaho county clerk?s office throughout the state. They?re public record, and anyone can view any Idaho divorce records online to see when and where a couple was divorced. Many former couples need copies of their divorce records for their personal financial reasons, and any party formerly divorced needs a certified copy of their divorce record on hand if they?d like to have a new marriage license issued. Other people want to trace their family history, and finding marriage and Idaho divorce records on record in Idaho is easy.

Idaho Divorce Records Online

Anyone in the market for a divorce record to view or print a non-legal copy for personal records only can view divorce records online in Idaho. The way to make this happen is to visit the county clerk?s website in the county where the divorce took place. You must know this information, or it makes finding the records you need much more difficult with so many counties to search. These records are easily accessible when you locate the link for public records searches on the county website. Once you find that link, you need only enter one name from the divorce record to begin your search.

If you want to narrow down the results you come up with, you can search for a divorce record in a specific year. This helps eliminate any other public records on hand for any particular person. This record takes only a few moments to find when you know what you need.

Obtaining Certified Copies of Idaho Divorce Records

If you are listed on a divorce record, you are the child or parent of someone listed on a divorce record, or you are the legal representative of someone listed on a divorce record, you may obtain a certified copy. This is a legal document that can be used for personal and financial reasons. It?s available at the clerk?s office where the divorce took place for a small fee.

It?s most easily obtained by visiting the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare?s Vital Records office in person or online to obtain a copy. To find what you need here, you?ll need more specific information.

– Your name
– Photo identification
– Month, day, year of divorce
– County where the divorce was finalized
– Reason for needing a copy of this paperwork

You can fill out the online application, call the office, or visit in person. You?ll need to arrive prior to 3 pm to find same-day service, or you?ll come back the following day to pick up your records. Each record will cost, but the cost is based on the type of record you order, how many you order, and whether you get it at the Vital Records office or a local clerk of court.

Divorce records in Idaho are also handed out on a non-certified basis if you just want a copy for your own personal reasons. Call the local vital records or clerk of court?s office to inquire about the cost of one of these.

Idaho Divorce Records
Idaho Divorce Records

How can I get a certified copy of my Idaho divorce certificate?

1. Contact the courthouse clerk where you filed for divorce 2. Request a certified copy of your divorce certificate 3. Fill out the proper form and show a government ID 4. Pay the nominal fee and the certificate will be mailed to you

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Responses to “Idaho Divorce Records

  1. I just need to get an email of a copy of my divorce

    1. In order to obtain a certified copy of your Idaho divorce record you will want to reach out to the Idaho civil courthouse where your divorce decree was originally filed. You can typically order a copy of your Idaho divorce records through the court’s website, over the phone or in person. If you order them online or over the phone, processing typically takes a few weeks.

  2. I am needing a certified copy of divorce records between Marjorie Mae Shapland and Danny jack Shapland also one between Marjorie Mae Cunningham and Larry lee Cunningham si I can get my drivers license renewed with the star thank you for your help

    1. Marjorie, in order to get a certified copy of you Idaho divorce record you will need to reach out to the relevant Idaho county courthouse and make this request with the court clerk. You might also be able to make this request for Idaho divorce records online depending on the courts e-resources.

  3. Need to know date of divorce

    1. We can certainly assist you with looking up an Idaho divorce record but we will need some more information to proceed. If you can provide us with your full name and age we can search our Idaho divorce record database.

      Another option is you can contact Idaho court where the Idaho divorce decree was filed and request this information from the Idaho county courthouse clerk.

Last Updated: 2016-12-22

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