How To Correct Incorrect Public Records

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How To Correct Incorrect Public Records

If you’re wondering how to correct incorrect public records that are incorrect you’re not alone. Many public records contain errors. These can be simple misspellings, wrong address or phone numbers or incorrect criminal, court, civil or driving records. Many times if you’ve already corrected an issue it will take up to several weeks to months to have this reflected online. This is because online public record repositories update their information a different rates. You can also contact the individual repositories to have your information changed but since there are a lot of them out there it will be difficult to sniff them all out to make the necessary changes. The best practice is to make the changes with the relevant public records office and wait until the corrections are updated in the system. Learning how to correct incorrect public records is a process. Knowing what agency to contact is the first step ? see below for more helpful information.

Fixing Mistakes on Public Records

  1. First find the public record that has an error
  2. Visit the relevant city/town public records clerk ( ie. DMV, Courthouse, Police Dept., etc.. ) that is in charge of the public records and bring in all available information to change the errant information. You want to make sure you bring in multiple forms of identification ( ie. Driver’s license, utility bill, passport, marriage certificate, other bills you receive in your name )
  3. Fill out the germane form and submit it to correct the error.
  4. Check in regularly to see if the information was updated correctly. This may take several weeks so be patient. You can use online public record repositories ( ie. ) to verify the information in your public record is accurate.

Additional Information on How To Correct Incorrect Public Records

Search Your Public Records Report

Disputing Errors on Credit Reports

Correcting Errors on Birth, Marriage & Divorce Records

Correcting Errors on Your Identity

How To Correct Incorrect Public Records
How To Correct Incorrect Public Records

Correcting Public Records For Identity Verification

It may be paramount to verify your public information is correct before applying for a job or getting a buying a new car or taking out a new loan or even applying for college. Knowing what’s in your public background record can help you avoid a potentially difficult situation if there is a mistake that can thwart the process of a multitude of things. As mentioned previously, there are sometimes incorrect public records as well as old infractions or misdemeanors that should have been expunged or sealed. These surprises happen to a lot of people and it’s a simple process to find out what’s in your public record that is tied to your identity. Another situation that is becoming more common is identity theft and people that clone another person’s identity and get a criminal record or commit a crime can put that person in jeopardy with the law. Some experts recommend that on top of obtaining some type of identity protection, it’s also a savvy idea to check your background report on a yearly basis to make sure everything is accurate.

Incorrect Public Records - Q&A

What Are Public Records?

Public records in the United States via the Freedom of Information Act. You can lookup public records from federal, state and local government agencies as most government collected information on it's citizens are public information. Another option is to use the resources that are available through public record websites like

How Can I Check My Public Record?

Public records are just that, publicly available records that you can access from most US government agencies. Another way to check your public record is to use and online public record website where you can lookup anyone's public record with a simple name search.

How Do I Know If My Public Record Is Correct?

In order to determine if you public record is correct you will want to visit a public record website, like, and lookup your public record. Once you find your public record, verify it's you by the middle name, address, relatives and date of birth. Then if there is any incorrect information you can email the website and have those incorrect public records fixed.

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Responses to “How To Correct Incorrect Public Records

  1. My physical address is incorrect therefore if I use it on the computer to validate my physical address it always says its incorrect!!!!!
    The map has it as Charley Breeden Road, Shady Springs THATS INCORRECT. My correct address is 202 Charley Breeden Road, Cool Ridge, WV 25825

    1. Thanks for the feedback on How to Correct Incorrect Public Records , we can certainly assist you with updating your address in our public records database. That being said, if you are noticing this incorrect public record on other websites such as Yellow-Pages or White-Pages you will need to reach out to them separately. It’s sometimes the case that the public record that we all pull data from is incorrect so that means you will want to reach out to as many different public record and government websites that host this information. Unfortunately we are not affiliated with any other public record website so you will need to reach out to the administrators of those public record websites independently to mitigate this incorrect record. It should be pretty simple for most websites to update your physical address. You might also want to verify this is you and not someone else as it is often the case that there are multiple people with the same first and last, and even middle names.

      That being said, please let us know all the incorrect public records you see that need to be updated and we’ll correct them ASAP for you. Also check our ” Whose Number Is This ” blog post and verify this is your correct phone number

      Verify My Public Record Is Accurate

      When verifying a public record is accurate, first make sure that you’re looking at the correct public record for the correct person. This can be verified by a birth date, a middle name, an address or a marriage record. Then if there is still an inaccuracy with your public record then contact the referring website or agency to fix and correct any inaccuracies to insure your public record is accurate. Government websites might need a photo ID to verify your public record before making any changes

      1. Since im new to the country. My records don’t appear anywhere.

        1. Andrew, how can we help exactly? We only have public records available for the United States only

  2. I need help. I don’t know who to talk to or what to do. Somehow my “public record” has become confused with someone else. I was denied a bank account bc I couldn’t prove I was me. Even though I pay Equifax, Experian and TransUnion ALL monthly fees for credit monitoring, it doesn’t matter. These aren’t credit questions. (What is Mr X’s birthday… I’ve no idea who he is. Which of the following addresses ha e you lived at? Umm none. Etc).

    When happened with Asurion I asked WHO they got the questions from. No one all the way up the chain of command could answer.

    When it happened with chase, no one could answer.

    When it happened with PNC, no one could answer.

    When it happened with quicken rocket mortgage, no one could answer.

    How can I fix it if I don’t know where it comes from?!? I took your advice and went to the police dept. They said since it wasn’t verifiable identity theft there was nothing they could do about it.

    I called Equifax. God as my witness they asked me questions to verify my identity and I FAILED! Either way, they claim they don’t generate the questions.

    Experian says they don’t generate the questions.

    TransUnion says they don’t generate the questions.

    1. This is a very unfortunate situation Melanie, there are a couple of possibilities here. First, your identity has been stolen and your good name is being used by someone else. Second, your public record is confused with someone else. A good way to determine what is happening is verifying your social security number and/or driver’s license number and date of birth. If all of these are the same then it’s likely that your identity has been stolen. If this is the case then you want to contact all the relevant credit agencies and your banks to let them know you’re a victim of identity theft.

      You can also contact the FTC to file a report and get helpful advise on how to handle your identity being stolen. Their toll free phone number is: 1-877-382-4357

      What To Do If My Identity Is Stolen

      1. Notify credit agencies, banks and credit card companies
      2. Place a fraud alert on your credit report
      3. Document all known credit fraud accounts
      4. Put a freeze on getting new credit on your credit report
      5. Contact the police and fill out a police report
      6. Send the relevant agencies a copy of the police report
      7. Contact the FTC and file a report of identity theft

  3. hi there my name is Deonte Merritt I’m having a problem of trying to get my relatives added to my personal information on every online public record database website I was very upset when I’ve seen some miscalculations that were missing like my father’s name Cortlandt Laroy Merritt, my mother’s name Sabrina Carter, my two brothers, my uncles Cleron Merritt and Cedric Merritt, my grandmother Charlotte M. Dozier, my grandfather Winston Leroy Merritt, my sister Cortney Dominique Merritt, and my granduncle Eugene Milton Merritt added on my profile report if anyway I can get this finalized I would like to get more details on how to do it.

  4. so i tried to sign up for synchrony bank but the system they use need to verify my phone number real time but then i have a prepaid line and my name or public information is not linked to it is there a way to attach my public record to this line ive been using it for years but infos or anyone else record is not linked to it.. help

    1. Eddy, you would have to talk to the carrier or the to see if they can link your phone number to your name so unfortunately that number will not come up in your public record unless it’s registered under your name

  5. Someone else shows my phone number as theirs on White I cannot correct as I don’t have a paid dubscription do I cannot correct this

    1. Kathleen, you will need to reach out to that website directly to correct your information and public record

  6. I want to correct my public record

  7. Hi, I live in Maryland and I came to this country in 2014 and I been having serious issues with my name since then. There is a coincidence with my name and date of birth with someone in living in Texas Somehow my “public record” has become confused that person. When I try to file an insurance claim or apply for a loan there are some random questions to verify my identity. Like mane of relatives that I don\’t recognize, addresses in San Antonio, TX ( I never been in there) cars that I supposed to own in the early 2000\’s and more. Even when our full name is not the same the matching first name, last and date of birth has become enough to public agencies to consider we are the same person. I\’ve been even getting contacted by Deb collectors charging me things from times when I wasn\’t even close to come to this country for the first time. Is there anything I can do to fix this. This is getting worse and I am afraid I can get in trouble because someone else. Thanks

  8. someone else has my cell number listed from public records. i regularly get calls for him, sometimes 3 or 4 times a week. i have had this number for decades, I looked it up and it came up under someone else’s name. How do i correct this? and how can i determine which public records have this error?

    1. Why is my phone number associated with someone else?

      Phone numbers are typically recycled, especially mobile phone numbers. This means that there might be multiple people listed as the owner in various directories. You can typically contact the carrier for that phone number to make sure they removed the previous phone number owner from the directory however it may still be incorrect on other directories that are not updated regularly. To fix this you will need to contact the relevant directory to have this fixed.

  9. I\’m researching a elder abuse case involving my sister with a English PHD, and my mother. During my investigating I have noticed that my sister\’s records around the five yr period seem to be altered. For years that she was in San Diego she has addresses in northern CA like four different addresses all people like her father , known associated people who would let her say she lived with them. Also there has been space created between my mother and the family and my sister, my Mom sister and boy friend of a few years are all listed as family, while my mother spent all but the last 5 yrs with the whole family. Could she have edited us out saying it was a error. I also believe she was a student for 30yrs and has likely used the student protection to keep her info very slim to none private as students are afforded, bit she is not a student and is defrauding the public works so that she may hide her fraud and embezzlement. So my question is,. are edits, and removed info done secretly or is the public made aware that some changes where made. How can I find out bye who and when and report if I\’m correct

  10. I do not show up in this data base and am confused on how to add it. I can’t find a background check or my birth

    1. Ryan, you cannot upload any information to our website. We pull our public records from government resources and do not allow users to augment any data themselves. If you find an error or an incorrect public record, we are happy to assist you in correcting it

  11. Having trouble verifying a account says info is wrong even though it\’s correct

    1. Tara, what incorrect public record information have you found that need to be updated?

  12. I am trying to get verified for a sports betting website but my record does not appear anywhere. I simply cannot find it

    1. Nick if you need verification you should be able to use a driver’s license, SSN or birth certificate if you are a USA citizen.

  13. I can’t get verified for a sports betting app. I can’t locate my records to verify. Need to confirm they are accurate but don’t know how to.

    1. Ellen, you can order a duplicate certified copy of your birth certificate from the Department of Health in the State you live in.

  14. My public records don’t appear anywhere

    1. Tahir, if you can be more specific and provide us with your full name, age and state of residence we’ll gladly help you find your public record

  15. Need to check my public records are accurate, but don’t know how to do so without paying a fee. Companies are trying to verify my identity, but apparently I do not exist according to public records. I have no idea how to verify my information is correct with public records.

    1. Ryan, we are happy to run a public record search for you if you can tell us what state you would like us to search in as well as your age and full name. That being said, you should be able to verify your identity with a social security number and/or driver’s license and passport, if you possess one.

  16. I have recently “failed” the questions asked of my bank (to change my address) and another financial institution holding my funds.
    Interestingly, my second husband remarried a woman with the name Mary Auvil who then became Mary A Sherry.
    Somehow her information is in my public records. I saw my age with her name and she is significantly younger.
    How can I separate this information?

    1. Mary, if you give us the correct information we can separate it out in our database resources however you will need to contact other institutions directly to make this correction where you see an error in your public record listing

  17. How can I check my records without paying for a copy

    1. Dan we are happy to run a free public record search for you. Please give us your full name, age and state of residence and we’ll see what we can find for you.

  18. Hello, I realized that my public information was recently updated. I did not make these changes. Could it be that someone is intentionally doing this? If so, how can I find out who updated my info?

    Thank you!

    1. Lauri, it’s unclear what public records you are looking at and what was changed. We only change public records in our database resources when someone can prove who they are and what public records need to be updated or removed. Also please take note that you have a very common name so make sure to verify your middle name, age, DOB and any relatives listed on these public records in case you might be looking at someone else’s. Please reach out if we can be of further assistance

  19. Hi, how do I get on this list? a service im using needs to verify me via this list.

    1. Andrew, we are not certain what you are asking for exactly. We are a public record website that makes it easy for people to lookup public records with a simple name search. That being said, we are happy to correct any incorrect public records on our website however, you will want to reach out to each individual public record website that has the wrong information that you would like to correct. Please let us know how we can assist you

  20. Public Records list incorrect information about my address and my phone number and people who currently live at my address who don’t live at my address, I know these are common problems but, the current covid-19 pandemic prevents contact with my local public records department to update my personal contact information. Sadly with cutback of hours and staff it’s proving difficult to get these problems resolved. Please help me to clean up the errors on my contact information.

    1. Tanya, we are happy to update your incorrect public records in our database resources however, we are not affiliated with any government agency so we cannot assist you with changing your information on other public record websites. That being said, please let us know specifically know what we can correct in our public record listings such as; name, age, address, etc..

  21. I am listed as Pamala Miller Vargas. I am divorced and have my maiden name back for 6 years. I do not live in NC.
    People are listed that I do not know and some are dead as Daniel O’Malley.
    Pamala Miller

    1. Pamala, if you can be specific what records you’d like for us to change in our public records database we’re happy to assist you. We’ll need your full name, age, residence as well as the specific records you’l like for us to update

  22. There is a last name on my records I was never an ABDELLA need this removed only married twice.

    1. Yvonne, we are happy to assist you with correcting this incorrect marriage record in our database. Can you confirm what state you were searching in so we can modify the correct public record for you?

    1. Greg, thank you for reaching out about our “How to Correct Incorrect Public Records,” we will forward these updates to our technical team. That being said, you will also want to reach out to other public record websites to update your information with them. Unfortunately correcting incorrect public records can be tedious, but worth it.

    2. Greg, thank you for updating us on an incorrect public record. We will forward this to our technical team and have it updated. Please reach out if we can assist you with any public record searches in the future

  23. has information saying that my home is in an active foreclosure and it is not. Also My name is Lisa F. Love and they mix Lisa A. Love up with me and this has happened before and she had a huge lien on her credit. It has my current address on there. I don’t want people knowing my address. It can be so unsafe.

    1. It would seen that you will need to resolve the case directly with and make the necessary changes to the foreclosure record. You might also want to run a credit check on yourself, though, to see if this foreclosure is actually on your credit report. As far as the publicly available information, such as your name and address, this is unfortunately public record which means that anyone can view that information via the FOIA of 1966.

  24. My age displays incorrectly on most sites, and I\’m not sure how to fix this.

    It says I am 32, 33, 34, or 75. When I am actually 28. The relatives/towns are usually correct, so I know it\’s my record.

    1. John, your request has been made before about correcting these types of incorrect public records. Since you have a very common first and last name the ages, and sometimes other information, can be misplaced when it’s report and gathered from various public record resources. That being said, you will want to reach out to each website independently to make the correction to your public record. If you provide us with your full name, age and state of residence we are happy to update your public record in our resources.

  25. Update phone number and email. Dyanna Small 6176 Autumn View Cove nw Acworth,GA
    Old phone number 6785745740 new phone number 7703147462. Email is Please update all public records

    1. Dyanna, thank you for reaching out about how to correct your incorrect public records. We will submit these changes to our database and make the necessary updates.

  26. Public records has my phone number as the one I had when I was 18yrs almost 20 yrs ago .My credit card company cant verify me because of this and the address that public records has is wrong so they have a hold on it so what can I do to change this as quickly as possible it already has been weeks and its comeing up to the holidays now and it dosnt look like my kids will have much if any of a Christmas if I cant fix this problem

    1. Lance, it’s going to be difficult to figure out what data resource your credit card company is accessing to verify your identity. You can request that they use a different means to verify your identity such as a driver’s license or SSN or birth certificate. This is typically what CC companies use instead of an email address or phone number to verify an identity if there is an issue.


    1. Lydia, how can we assist you with an incorrect public record? We are happy to make any corrections in our database resources if they are incorrect but to insure this is the case with other online public record websites you will need to reach out to them individually. That being said, many people have the same name and your name looks to be very common depending on how your middle name is listed in the criminal record you’re looking at. We are here to help

  28. My Verizon mobile phone number comes up with another person’s name on all the various search engines. I cannot give my mobile number to a potential date because they can\’t verify who I am and thus won\’t text me. It has cost me two potential relationships already. I have called Verizon and White Pages and they were no help. Do I have any options other than a new mobile number. I have had this one for 20 years and if would incredibly difficult to change

    1. Michael, your concern is not uncommon. An incorrect phone number listing can definitely cause problems. Unfortunately not all websites get their phone number information from the same sources and some of those resources are dated as well. From our experience, you will need to contact each website independently and request to have this information updated or removed. It is very difficult to change some public records and unfortunately a phone number listing is one of them.

  29. My husband and I have been married since November 2017 and not only does it not show anywhere in public record that we’re married, it shows someone as his spouse that he has never been married to

    1. Dawn, we are happy to correct any incorrect public record for you in our member’s area. Please provide us with the updated information, including the full names of the persons married and the date and we can update our system. Sometimes there are errors when public records are recorded and sometimes there are errors when being picked up by 3rd party data aggregators. In any case we are here to help.

  30. I am being BOMBARDED with texts and calls from realtors and house flippers wanting to purchase a property that is NOT mine, owned by someone else. Somehow my cell phone number that I’ve had for about 15 years has shown up as his. How do I get this fixed?? I believe my number is incorrectly listed as his on several public search sites – a daunting task to have to contact them all individually. Is there no “one-stop shop” to rectify this problem?

    1. Your issue with having an incorrect public record of your phone number is quite common and unfortunately information get’s changed with contact information regularly and there are a multitude of mix-ups because of this. That being said, you will need to contact many of the popular public record websites independently to do this. One of the large date providers that distributes phone number information is Lexus Nexis. That might be a good starting place to change your phone number. We are also happy to change your information on our site if you give us the update information along with your gull name and age and state of residence. Please email us @ to execute these incorrect public record changes

  31. I would like to correct the public records for John E Adkison he is deceased

    1. We are happy to assist you with correcting an incorrect death record. Can you provide more information about this person as there are a multitude of people with the same name in the United States. We’ll also need his age, state of residence as well as his full middle name.

  32. I was talking to a creditor trying to pull on public information half of the information is incorrect. some of The address is Incorrect my vehicles are incorrect my addresses some of them are incorrect
    It’s like they have two different people information on the same profile

    1. John, that’s not an uncommon problem with incorrect vehicle records. An example of this would be if the vehicle was previously owned and the title information has not been updated on that vehicle record was incorrectly updated. Please let us know how we can be of assistance.

  33. I signed a plea agreement for an A misd.
    Court records show it as F6 FELONY..

    1. We are sorry to hear this Sheila, typically it’s up to the courts to change this incorrect public record however since they won’t this seems unfair. It would seem that you could petition your housing commission to accept the updated court document you have even though it shows a different record on your court record. Hopefully you will be able to find a lawyer that will help you otherwise we don’t have any additional advise we an give you. Best of luck

  34. My prior address’s are showing up on my families public records for places they have lived how do I fix that

    1. Daryn, if there are incorrect public records listed in our database for places you’ve lived then we are happy to change those for you. That being said, our public records repository might not be the only database that has this information so you will want to also reach out to each individual resource and request to have these public records changed.

      To correct any incorrect public record in our public records database, please give us your full name and state of residence as well as what public records you would like us to correct. We are happy to assist you

  35. All the web sites show people that are Relatives of mine, but are not, and a few places I have lived I have never lived! How can I fix this?

    Thank you very much

    1. There are a couple ways to go about doing this but first realize that some people have the same first and last name so verify that you’re looking at your information. That begin said, in order to correct these incorrect public records you will need to reach out to each website independently and request to have your information updated. This is a tedious process so you might want to start with the large public record data providers. The other way is to hire a service to go out and do this for you. If the incorrect public records are damaging your reputation in any way it might be worth considering this option.

      1. Thank you…

  36. I am appalled by much of the information on my public record. Unfortunately I have a daughter named after me and over the years her negative information ends up on my record. For this reason I have had bill collectors calling me or writing to me about her debts. She even appears as living at my address and I appear in hers. This is absolutely ridiculous, you\’d think our SS#s would be looked at before posting this publicly. I need to make many corrections here since even her in laws appear as my relatives. How can I do that?

    1. Unfortunately this is a commonly reported situation for many people with the same names who reside in the same state and county. Since your situation is a bit more unique, being it’s your daughter with the same name, it’s a bit more complicated. Many public record websites get their resources from different larger data aggregators. Additionally, many non FCRA public record websites do not report the SSN with the name. Many times results are filtered by relatives, addresses and DOB. That being said you will probably need to reach out to each of the different websites that have your public information reported incorrectly and have them change it for you. We are happy to do this for you on our website and remove your information.

  37. I get phone calls constantly for the same person… About 7 or 8 every day… So finally I looked it up on Google and found that my phone number is incorrectly listed under her name! Who do I contact to correct this so I can stop receiving these phone calls?

    1. In order to correct this incorrect public record you will need to determine what phone number directory, or database, this is listed under (i.e. Google Directories, Facebook, WhitePages, etc..). Then you will need to reach out to them and request to have your information changed or removed.

  38. I\’m Jon Hatcher..please how can I change my address on public records without stress

    1. Your concern is a common one Jon. Unfortunately, you will need to contact each and every public record website to update your information. It’s uncertain where every public record website obtains their information. You might consider contacting the phone number directories first, such as the white pages and/or yellow pages if it’s a business listing.

      That being said Jon, if you would like us to correct an incorrect public record on please give us the relevant information and we’ll do our best. Sound good?

      Best of Luck Jon in correcting an incorrect public record

  39. -When I request a correction to Gov’t records, I like to site the Code (law) of authority including sub-paragraph (e.g.: Georgia state Code § 50-18-70 – Inspection of public records).
    ? Can anyone site the authority (code w/ subsection) that allows petition for correction of errors in public records (relevant to the requestor/owner)?
    – In this case the County Code Enforcement Office issued a Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) for my single-family home as 4, but I can provide irrefutable evidence that my residence was marketed as 5 bedrooms, appraised & mortgaged as 5 BR. Furthermore, the inspector from code enforcement noted on inspection paper work that it should be 5 BRs, but notes from builder on page 1 of submission for C.O., stated ‘make 4 BRs + bonus room.
    -C.O. with number of BRs dictates the size of septic system.
    -I believe the number of BRs is a significant factor in the resale value of the residence (the septic system size directly correlates to the number of BRs).

    1. It sounds like there could be a precedence for this situation in the state of Georgia. Unfortunately correcting these incorrect public records is out of our expertise. It might be in your best interest to contact a Georgia legal professional in real estate industry and see if there is a way you can mitigate this incorrect public record.

      Best Regards – Team

  40. My number needs to be updated to 6262982808 please. You have my old number still listed.

    1. Thank you for reaching out about how to correct incorrect public records. Your request has been sent to our public record database experts to update. Please allow a few days for the updated public record to be updated.

  41. I got denied a apartment because it\’s public records saying that I was locked up in another state I was only locked up in Illinois Cook County 2003 September it has other record not even mine how can I get that removed off

    1. We are happy to assist you with removing an incorrect public record from our database if you can confirm the record and state where this incorrect record is located. That being said, you will also want to reach out to the relevant county courthouse where this record is said to exist and confirm that this is not in error. It is also possible that there is more than one person with your same name that has a criminal record. Typically we need to verify these types of public records with a date of birth, residence history or possible relatives.

  42. Kristina M Hazelton is not me and has never been me. She is attached to Kristin M Hazelton. I have never lived in any PA locations. How do I removed her from my public records?

    1. We are happy to remove you public record from our public records website however, you will want to reach out to any state agency that has reported your incorrect public record to mitigate this. Additionally, you will want to reach out to the other various public record website to have your incorrect public record fixed.

  43. Hi— me again.

    I followed your advice. But the police found no evidence of identity theft. No accounts have been opened in my name that aren’t mine, we checked all 3 credit bureaus. We also ran a nationwide background check to make sure no one has arrested and used my info. We checked with insurance companies (I guess they have their own ‘credit’ system) as well as short term lending companies (payday loan places and rent to own places).

    (Let me take a moment to commend the police dept that spwnt a lot of time with me checking these things… a detective took the time to really make sure I hadn’t been a victim and I really appreciated that).

    So, now what? How do I fix it? Who do I call?

    I thank you for your guidance up to this point. (If you don’t know, I understand. Seems no one does…)

    1. Melanie, it seems you have done your homework and it’s perplexing. We don’t have any advise we can offer but wish you the best of luck in your efforts.

  44. Angelica Fernandez isnt her last name or related to me , please take her and all her Araujo family members off as soon as possible also take off Angelica Rose Araujo

    1. We are happy to correct this incorrect public record for you. That being said, you will want to reach out to all the public record websites as this is what is reported by many public record websites. That being said, also make sure that this public record is for the correct person. Many times people have the same first, last and middle names if they’re common. A good way to verify your public record is by the birth date or a marriage record. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance in correcting an incorrect public record for you.

  45. update emily morris phon # 313 208 1469 for people looker

    1. Thank you for the updated public record information. We will update our phone number records accordingly.

  46. please add Manuela I Marshall to Erika H. Ramirez, daughter and Mother.
    thank you

  47. Please add daughter, Manuela I Marshall to Erika H. Ramirez. she is 78 and lives in Millbrae CA.

    1. We will make sure to forward this public record correction to our database resources. Please let us know if there are any additional incorrect public records that we can assist you with correcting.

  48. I was in an abusive relationship with someone who tormented me and my child. We now have a life long restraining order against her. During identity verification, when I am asked to provide her name, age, date of birth, etc it feels awful. I have to remember all these things about someone who destroyed me. My identity is based on her, a violent, disturbed individual. I have PTSD, and having to prove I’m me by reliving all the abuse … it’s too much. I want to move on with my life, but it’s hard when I’m asked about her over and over. It’s as if I’m not me without her, except for she’s a sick, twisted person. It took me so many years to get out of that relationship and with the PTSD it still feels like it will never end.
    Is there a way that I will ever be able to end my association with her? There are so many things about me other than the fact my child and I were almost killed by someone we trusted and I’ve worked hard to try to prevent this one thing from defining me, but this makes it feel like it does define me.

    1. It sounds like a very unfortunate situation and you’ve taken measures to remove this person from your life. Unfortunately your contact information is public record so that will be difficult to hide. You might consider changing your contact information if you feel you’re still in danger or being harassed. There is not much we can offer you unfortunately but we are happy to lookup any public records for you. Please let us know if this will be of any assistance for you.

      1. Is there any way for a victim of a crime to remove the criminal from their list of associated persons?

        1. That would be difficult. You would have to contact each and every public record resource and petition to have this changed. Unfortunately, it’s not a simple process.

Last Updated: 2021-08-11

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