Hawaii Driving Records

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Hawaii Driving Records Search

As a driver, you can obtain any of the three Hawaii driving records offered by the state of Hawaii whenever you wish. Car insurance companies and potential employers are likely to obtain copies of your abstracts to review your driving history. Hawaii insurance companies will set premiums based off of your history. Potential employers will base their hiring decision off of your driving record.

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Types Of Hawaii Driving Records

There are three different types of Hawaii driving records that you can obtain from the state of Hawaii. These include traffic abstracts, traffic court reports, and driving history records. All of these include different information and can be used for various purposes by different requestors.

Hawaii Driving Record Abstracts

A traffic abstract is a summary of a person’s alleged moving violations and any convictions from driving a motor vehicle. These abstracts do not contain parking or equipment violations. These abstracts are best used by insurance companies, potential employers, and general knowledge for you, as the driver.

Traffic abstracts are obtainable from any of the District Courts spanning across Hawaii. You may show up in personal or obtain an abstract by mail. In both cases, you will need to supply the driver’s full name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and a $20 payment for the District Court.

Hawaii Traffic Records

A traffic court report is a complete abstract. This includes all moving violations and their convictions, as well as any equipment or parking citations. A traffic court report is only released to the individual driver in person at one of the Hawaii District Courts. You will need a picture identification and you must pay for the service. Costs are $1 for the first page and an additional $.50 thereafter.

Hawaii Driver History Records

Driving records are basically a summary of your Hawaii driving history and your personal information. These records include:

  • Your Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Home Address
  • License Number
  • License Status
  • Traffic Violations
  • Accidents
  • Past Suspensions and Revocations
  • Any Failures To Appear

Driver history records are available for purchase by mail or at the local Hawaii District Courts. To obtain your driver history record you will need to submit a Request For Hawaii Driver History Record Form DOTH 2067. If you chose to submit the form by mail, you will need to have it notarized and include a self-addressed envelope. The cost for a driver history record is $9.

Hawaii doesn’t currently offer the ability to get any of these records electronically. You must go to the District Court, or request the record by mail where applicable.

Hawaii Driving Records

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  1. I live in California, can I obtain a Hawaii Driver History Record(s) online?

    1. We are happy to help you with your Hawaii driving record lookup. First, what do you plan on using this for? Official uses, like for a job or driving gig? or is this just for your perisomal reference? This will help us better assist you with what type of HI driving history report you will need.

Last Updated: 2017-03-22

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