Inmate Records Definition
When inmates enter correctional facilities, a wealth of paperwork comes with them. These inmate records, which include details of any previous stints behind bars, also include a “rap sheet” detailing any offenses the inmate was convicted of over the years, the sentence they received, and where they served time for the offense. Along with this information, inmate records can also contain facts on programs the inmate was involved in at any facilities, such as educational achievements, jobs while incarcerated, and any other achievements or accomplishments. In order to properly locate the correct inmate records you will need to know the inmate’s full name, state they’re located in and their inmate correctional number. There are a lot of inmates with similar names and having the correctional number ( their ID number ) is crucial so that you know you’re finding the correct inmate record for the right person.
Processing Prison Inmates
One of the most important aspects of inmate records involves the treatment plans they were involved in. When an inmate is received into the prison system, they are usually sent to a holding center, where they will stay for up to 120 days while counselors and other officials determine their security classification. Depending upon their security risk, which is based on the crimes committed and past behaviors at other facilities, they will be assigned to a correctional facility that is able to meet their needs while also having the means needed to keep them safely incarcerated. While many inmates are held in prisons located near their families, this is not guaranteed and in many cases does not happen at all.
Once an inmate arrives at their prison, they are assigned a counselor and meet with them within their first week there. During this meeting, the counselor and inmate discuss the inmate’s past crimes and what they hope to achieve while serving their sentence. The counselor will then assign the inmate to a job within the facility, as well as sign them up for any treatment classes they need, such as substance abuse, anger management, and communication skills. Along with this, the counselor and inmate will discuss any concerns the inmate has and attempt to address them as soon as possible.
Whether inmate records contain information from decades of incarceration or simply about the current imprisonment, they provide information that can prove to be very useful to counselors and others as well. Knowing an inmate’s past history is vital to developing a treatment plan that will be successful, as well as ensuring the inmate is assigned to an appropriate facility that will meet their needs while also keeping the public safe. By having a wealth of information available to them, prison officials can take on the task of rehabilitation while helping inmates turn their lives around.
Prison Inmate Finder
If you need to find a prison inmate and not sure where they are at use our Free Prison Inmate Finder tool. You will need to know a few things to make locating the prison inmate a little easier ( see below ). The more you know the faster you’ll find what you’re looking for.
- Full name of the Inmate
- County the inmate was sentenced in
- The prison facility the inmate is doing their time in
- The inmate identification number
Additional Prison Inmate Information
United States Inmate Statistics