Georgia Warrant Search

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How Can I Check for Warrants in the State of Georgia?

It is quite easy for someone feeling the long arm of the law and wanting to know if they have an active Georgia warrant. Some may have missed a court appearance or jury duty, while others may have violated a court order or probation. Whatever the reason, running a Georgia warrant search is a simple process that can be done anonymously through a public record website. To start this search you will need the name of the individual in question as well as their middle name or age, if possible. You may need more than just the first and last name as many people have common names in the state and you will need to filter your results. Once you locate the correct record for the right person you will be able to see all active Georgia warrants as well as their criminal past, previous arrests, police records, court records, sentencings and jail and prison records. All of these record types are public domain which means that anyone can research them online.

How to Run a Georgia Arrest Warrant Search

While there are online state run resources to access warrant records, they are not always anonymous and easy to track down. The simplest way to run a Georgia arrest warrant search is with a reliable online public record site that offers detailed criminal records and background checks. Using an online resource like this will make quick work of your warrant inquiry and you can also get online assistance if you get stuck or need to ask a question. All you will need is the name of the individual you want to research and the rest will take a few moments by entering their name into the online search form. If you are researching yourself and find you have an active warrant for your arrest then you may want to seek legal counsel before surrendering yourself to make sure you know your rights and what options are available to you.

The Different Warrant Types in Georgia 

Georgia law recognizes several types of warrants, each serving a unique purpose. The main types are arrest warrants, bench warrants, capias warrants, fugitive warrants, and search warrants. 

Georgia Arrest Warrants are the most common type in the state, permitting law enforcement officers to arrest a person suspected of committing a crime. These are issued when there is probable cause to believe that the person named in the warrant has committed an offense and is always signed by a judge or magistrate, for a person to be arrested and detained until they go to court.

Georgia Bench Warrants are issued directly by the court or judge and are most commonly issued for failure to appear in court or other non-compliance with specific court orders. They are most often seen in cases of contempt of court, missed court dates including jury duty, or failure to pay fines. They rarely result in someone being arrested but on occasion they do if someone ignores this or it’s a serious court order that wasn’t followed. 

Georgia Capias Warrants are similar to bench warrants in the sense that someone has violated a direct court order however, they are not based on a criminal allegation like a typical arrest warrant is. They are issued for more serious cases such as violations of probation or parole or a serious court order that was disobeyed. They will result in that person listed being arrested and detained until they can go in front of a Georgia judge. 

Georgia Fugitive Warrants are just as they sound. They are issued for someone that has fled the law, escaped their detention, or violated a parole or probation order. They are very serious and a top priority of law enforcement as many of these fugitive warrants are for dangerous individuals who have committed violent crimes. They can be researched through most any state law enforcement website, FBI website or public record website.

Georgia Search Warrants, which are different from the rest, allow authorities to search a specific place for evidence of a crime. The search warrant must specify the location to be searched and the relevant items to be seized. There must be sufficient evidence and an affidavit signed by law enforcement or a prosecutor in order for a judge to sign off on. These are not public records and are not searchable records by the general public. 

Criminal Record Search

Search Wanted Persons Through Georgia County Sheriff Departments

If you are searching for fugitives, wanted persons, or active warrants and you know the county they are wanted in, a Georgia sheriff department website might be a good option to explore. For example, if you visit the Floyd County Sheriff website, then you will see you can search through their online portal. If you need to check multiple counties then it is easy enough to go through this list of Georgia Sheriff Departments to locate the various relevant county sheriff websites. Most sheriff departments in Georgia offer some online resources to search within their county however, if you do not know what county to look in then you can always search statewide, or nationwide, using a public record website. One of the benefits of using such a resource is your searches will be anonymous and confidential so nobody will know you are looking them up.

What to Do if You Have a Warrant in Georgia 

If you discover that a warrant has been issued against you in Georgia, it is super important to act quickly and responsibly. It is not wise to attempt to evade or ignore an active warrant as it can lead to additional charges, fines and incarceration times in the state. The first step is to contact a criminal defense lawyer or get some legal advise. A lawyer can help explain the nature of the criminal charges against you, provide you with advice on your rights, and assist with potential next steps. This next steps might be surrendering to the police, which can demonstrate to the court that you are respecting the warrant and not trying to flee. And in some circumstances you may be able to bond out of your arrest and detainment until your court hearing which can help you prepare your court case and get your situation in order if you think you will be incarcerated.

Check For Warrants Nationwide

Georgia Warrant Search

Georgia Warrant Search FAQ

How do I find out if I have a warrant in Georgia?

The quickest and easiest way to find out if you have an active Georgia warrant is to use the services of a public record website. With a quick name search you can find out if you have any warrants, your criminal history and get a full background check. A benefit to using an online resource like this is your searches will be anonymous and confidential.

Can a Georgia bench warrant be served in any state?

Yes, bench warrants are can be enforced in other states. However, depending on the severity of the original offense, some states may not extradite that person for a bench warrant. Arrest warrants on the other hand are much more serious and often times lead to extradition to the state or origin.

What happens after an arrest warrant is issued in Georgia?

After the Georgia arrest warrant is issued, that person will be arrested and taken into custody and and then scheduled for a court appearance or arraignment. They can sometimes bond out if the criminal charges are not very serious but it really depends on the nature of the charges brought against them.

Does an Georgia arrest warrant mean I'm guilty?

No, an arrest warrant means there is probable cause to believe you committed a crime. It is an allegation with supporting evidence but it does not mean your are guilty. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty in any court of law in Georgia.

Are warrants public record in Georgia?

Yes, warrants are public records via the Freedom of Information Act. This means that anyone can research warrant records for anyone with a simple name search online. Most all criminal records are public record as well and a warrant, even though it is not a criminal conviction, is still considered part of a person's criminal record.

What is a capias warrant in Georgia?

A capias warrant, is a type of legal order for arrest issued by a judge for someone that fails to appear before the court for a serious circumstance, violates a direct court order, or violates a probation court order.

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Responses to “Georgia Warrant Search

  1. Is there a warrant for Marcus tackett. Thanks

    1. We see some criminal convictions for this person but no active GA arrest warrants that we an currently find

  2. Do i have any active warrants in ga

    1. Madison, we do show a criminal records however nothing active in the GA warrants category according to our records

  3. See if I have a warrant

    1. We found an active Georgia arrest warrant for a Brody Allen Moore for a failure to appear in court as well as a parole violation. These were associated with Whitfield county, Georgia. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

  4. My name is Donald Eric Holt 52 years 569 Simone Way stone mtn ga 30087 I wanted to see if I have a warrant from code enforcement Dekalb county cuz I was forced to sell the property so I don’t own it any more

  5. I am looking for a free warrent search of mine to see if I have warrents Russell Tipton 50 blur ridge

  6. I’m trying to find out how to pay an outstanding traffic ticket and to see if I have a warrant from it as it has been over 7 years since I left Georgia my name is Maria Carmen Amescua Limon

    1. Maria, we ran a Georgia warrant check for you and did not find anything in our criminal record resources to suggest there is one at this time

  7. Need to find out if Stacey Pennington has about a GA warrant

  8. On my daughter

    1. Donna, we will need the full name of your daughter and her age to run a proper Georgia warrant search for you

  9. It\’s my daughter,

    1. We are happy to help you perform a Georgia warrant search for your daughter. We will need her full name and age to begin. We also have a multitude of additional Georgia public records we can offer you if you’re interested in knowing more.


Georgia Warrant Search
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5 /5 Stars

Excellent service with quick results and very convenient payment method too. I would recommend this service.

Georgia Warrant Search
Summary Results
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4 /5 Stars

Before I signed up for your program I saw a brief summary of information I needed, once I went forward with completing signup the person who I was looking for had the summary plus some added info on their record.

Georgia Warrant Search
Not great on an ipad
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4 /5 Stars

The webpage kept failing when trying to search while on iPad.

Last Updated: 2023-08-04

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