License Plate Number Lookup

How to Run a License Plate Lookup

Running a license plate lookup online has become a simple process that just takes a few seconds. Historically, this has been a tedious task of scouring multiple websites, or using legacy state run resources. A license plate search can uncover ownership information, vehicle title information, vehicle specifications, and much more. The best part is you can run this search from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

The search starts by entering the full plate number and state into the license plate search fields. Next, verify the vehicle’s make and model, then the user can access all the available vehicle information. Results may include owner contact details, title verification, odometer verification, vehicle history reports, accidents and recalls. Accessing valuable vehicle information is quick and easy, taking only a few moments to complete.

What You Can Find From a License Plate Number Lookup

You can find  license plate owner information, verify vehicle title information, manufacturer specs, vehicle history report, vehicle title information, recalls and safety issues. Using a free license plate lookup tool is great for research when purchasing a used vehicle.

It can give potential buyers a lot of information to help determine if the vehicle they want to buy is a good value. The ability to run a license plate number lookup has assisted millions of people in purchasing a used vehicle. It effectively gives the buyer an advantage in this process. There are some free license plate lookup resources but for detailed reports you will need to pay a few bucks.

Researching Used Vehicles With a License Plate Search

It is difficult for people or dealerships to be dishonest since most vehicle related information is publicly available. If you do not have the plate number available, you can lookup vehicle information with the 17 digit VIN. You can find it stamped on multiple locations on all vehicles. It is typically located on the dashboard, the driver side door and on the vehicle engine.

If you are purchasing a used vehicle from a dealership, they should provide you with a car-fax or some kind of vehicle history report. If they don’t, you can run one on your own using either the plate or vehicle identification number. Be sure to request that before making the purchase. There can be a lot of hidden issue that can be uncovered with a quick vehicle search.

Things to look out for are a salvaged title, which means it was in a major accident at some point. According to national vehicle registration statistics from January 2023, over 800,000 vehicles on the road that have washed or salvaged titles. The majority of these vehicles have been damaged by flooding, weather events and accidents. Without running a vehicle background check, it may not be obvious.

Why a License Plate Lookup is Popular

With over 285 million vehicles on the road, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics in a 2023 report. This means vehicle related public records are in high demand. Many people want to research used vehicles they want to purchase. Other people may want to report a suspicious vehicle to the police. Others may want find out about an abandoned vehicle on their property.

The ability to lookup license plate records online has a lot of benefits. Some of the popular benefits are anonymous searching, and accessing vehicle information on the go. It’s a convenient way to research vehicles from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and you can access any vehicle information from anywhere.

Car Owner Search

Understanding the License Plate Lookup

In order to perform a free license plate check, it is important to understand terms and conditions of this type of search. There are both federal and state privacy guidelines, such as the Driver Protection Privacy Act. They state that some information may be restricted for certain reasons. This can include vehicle owner’s contact information for example.

Most all of the other information, such a car history report, or a title verification can be accessed by anyone. The intent of the search is what is important. As long as you have verified your intent for this type of vehicle record search, you can proceed with your inquiry.

It is also important to note there are occasional errors with vehicle reports. Make sure verify the information you are accessing as best as possible.

Finding VIN Information From License Plate Numbers

If you have the plate number of a vehicle you can also find the VIN number with a quick online search. This is a good means of identifying and verifying any vehicle you lookup. A VIN number will give you the make and model, manufacturer, body style, engine, year and much more.

The VIN number is a unique 17 digit code that will allow you to verify every detail of the vehicle in question. There are free online resources from the NHTSA where you can lookup safety and recall information about a vehicle by its VIN.

If more information is needed then running a vehicle history report from the vehicle identification number is a good option. These reports will cost a few dollars but they are well worth it as they give you a solid health check of the vehicle.

Free License Plate Number Lookup

Frequently Asked License Plate Lookup Questions

Can You Lookup Someone's License Plate Number?

You can lookup someone's license plate number if you have the complete license plate number and the state it's registered in.

Can I Lookup a License Plate Number For Free?

You can lookup some license plate information for free. You will need the full plate number and state it's registered in to run a free license plate search. Vehicle information may include make and model and year, VIN, recalls and safety issues associated with that vehicle.

Can I Lookup Someone By Their License Plate?

The ability to search for someone using their license plate number varies depending on the state you reside in. To conduct a license plate search, you must have a valid reason that complies with your state's DPPA guidelines. The extent of personal information available may vary depending on your state of residence..

Can You Find Someone's Name From Their License Plate?

Yes, you can find someone's name from their vehicle plate however, there are restrictions that apply. You can with your state's privacy laws to find what information is allowed to be shared.

How Can I Trace a License Plate?

To trace a license plate number to the vehicle or owner you will need the full vehicle plate number as well as the state the vehicle is registered in. Then you will need to have a reasonable request, as outlined in your state's DPPA, to access owner information. License plate trace reasons will vary depending on what state you live in.

Can a Civilian Run a License Plate?

Yes, a civilian can run a license plate number. To run a license plate search as a civilian you will need to have all the license plate information and select a reason from the DPPA to be in compliance with state law.

How Do I Find The Owner of a License Plate Number?

To find the owner of a vehicle you will need to have a valid reason to perform this search as outlined by your state's DMV and DPPA regulations. Some owner information might be limited depending on what state you reside in.

What Information You Can Get From a License Plate Search

A license plate search can reveal a lot of information. You can find vehicle information, VIN, recalls & safety concerns and limited owner information if you have a reason that complies with your state's laws and regulations.

How Do I Search a License Plate Number Online?

There are online vehicle record websites that allow you lookup license plate information with the full plate number and state of registration. You can also find vehicle information online with the vehicle's identification number or VIN.

Where can I find my license plate number if I lost my plate?

If you lost your vehicle's license plate you can always find your plate number on your vehicle registration, vehicle title or your auto insurance card.

Can I find a license plate number by running a VIN search?

Yes, since each vehicle identification number is unique, you can lookup a license plate number by running a VIN search. You must have the full 17 digit VIN to accurately find the corresponding license plate number

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Responses to “License Plate Number Lookup

  1. I wanna do change of address for me Xhelil Ballazhi and my wife Kadrije Balazhi

    1. Xhelil, you will need to contact the DMV in your state to change your address on your vehicle registration and/or vehicle title. You can download the forms online to change your address with the DMV and mail them in with the proper documentation to prove it’s you an not someone else.

      How To Change My Address With The DMV

      1. Visit the DMV website in your state of residence
      2. Download the Change of Address form
      3. Complete the form with proof of ID
      4. Mail in the Change of Address form
      5. You will receive confirmation by mail in a few weeks

  2. What if a car has not moved for over 6 months and tags are out of date like 2013.

    1. It’s possible that it’s an abandoned vehicle. You can reach out to the police and have that vehicle removed if it’s on your property. If it’s on the street and hasn’t been moved then you might want to report it in any case since it’s a possible abandoned vehicle.

      How to Report an Abandoned Vehicle

      If you suspect a vehicle has been abandoned you can report this to your local police to have it removed. Make sure to have a full description of the vehicle as well as the license plate number and VIN if possible. The police will then send a notification to the last registered owner of the vehicle that their vehicle has been impounded.

  3. The owner of this explorer hit my vehicle today in buffalo minnesota plate number DFM037

    1. First, hopefully everyone is OK. Please seek medical attention if there are any injuries from the car accident. Next, you will want to file a police report and give them the license plate number and make and model of the vehicle if you know this. Then follow up and notify your insurance company and provide them with the police report number. If the vehicle did not stop or acknowledge the accident, this is called a “hit and run” and you will follow the same process outlined above but without the other vehicle owner and insurance information.

      How Do I Report a Hit and Run Car Accident?

      First make sure everyone is OK. Then call the police as soon as everyone is safe and out of harms way. Once the police officer has arrived, give them all your information including driver’s license, registration and insurance. Then tell the officer you would like to file a Hit and Run report and give them and details of the other vehicle. Once you have a Hit and Run report number, notify your auto insurance company.

  4. I lost my trailer plate in Oklahoma on 40 on the expressway..i dont know the was a lifetime plate…

    1. In order to get a duplicate license plate for your trailer you can visit the DMV website and fill out the form to replace your lost trailer license plate. You must be the registered owner and have the plate mailed to the address on your vehicle registration. There will be a nominal fee and your new trailer license plate will arrive via mail in a few weeks

      How to Get a Duplicate Trailer License Plate

      1. Visit the DMV website in your state
      2. Fill out the form for a duplicate license plate
      3. You must be the registered owner of the trailer
      4. A new plate will be sent via mail in a few weeks

  5. Yes I am trying to check on a boat being registered in the state of Arkansas and it will not give me any information when I type in the vin number off the boat

    1. Danny, thank you for reaching out about our Free License Plate Lookup tool. Unfortunately our license plate and VIN resources only have records for vehicles on the road. We do not have any records for off-road vehicles, boats, trailers or aircraft.

      How to Run a Boat Registration Number

      1. Locate the boat registration number
      2. Call the state’s Department of Marine & Wildlife
      3. You can also contact the US Coast Guard
      4. Provide the registration number & vessel description
      5. Find out who is on the title & registration of the boat

  6. Can I use my license plate on another car?

    1. You will need to make a request with the DMV if it’s possible to use your license plate on another vehicle but it is not legal to do this before doing so. This would mean updating your vehicle registration, the title information.

      Can I Use My License Plate on Another Car?

      You cannot use your license plate on another car unless cleared by the DMV. Depending on the state you live in, it might possible to transfer a license plate number to another vehicle but this would mean updating the title and registration of your vehicle as well as your auto insurance carrier.

  7. Wreakless driver

    1. Reckless driving and distracted driving can be very serious when it puts other people on the road in danger. Your best option to help the situation is to contact the police or call 911 if you think this is a drunk driving situation. Please do not attempt to thwart the situation yourself as this could lead to a dangerous situation.

      Calling 911 on Reckless Drivers

      Calling 911 indicates a serious situation. If you notice a reckless driver, dangerous distracted driving or a super aggressive driver then you should call 911. Please note that calling 911 is for emergencies so if you see a reckless driver putting other people at risk then calling 911 is appropriate.

  8. I have been billed for a toll that I am not responsible for. I need to find out who owns this car.

    1. In this situation your best option would be to contact the agency that sent you the Toll violation and dispute this charge. This should be as easy as showing them evidence of your vehicle with the license plate number on your registration. Sometimes the toll company will also take a picture to verify who is driving. This should also be evidence that it wasn’t you. These mistakes happen from time to time and you should be able to easily sort this out with the Toll agency. See below for how to contest a Toll Violation with the bill you were sent

      How to Dispute a Toll Violation

      Disputing a toll violation can be done by filling out the “Contest of Notice” portion of the toll evasion you’re accused of. Submit an explanation of why you are contesting the toll violation. Then mail in the form and wait for it to be reviewed. This may take a few weeks to process. You can also go online to dispute your charges with the relevant state toll road agency

  9. I have the plate # but there is no State on the plate. curious how this can be as all 50 states display the state on the plate

    1. It’s possible that the license plate is a specialty license plate but there should still be a state listed on the plate somewhere. If you cannot find it on the license plate then look on the tags, or registration sticker.

      Different Types Specialty License Plates

      • Collegiate
      • Legacy
      • Environmental Organizations
      • Veterans’ Organizations
      • Artistic
      • Charities
      • Conservancy
      • Firefighter Recognition
      • Police Recognition
      • Pet Lovers
      • Awareness Topics
      • Endangered Species
      • Special Interest

  10. Hi. I’m on the board of my condo. How do I search for the person’s name using the serial number on a handicap placard?

    1. You will need to contact the DMV about any disabled person parking placard information. We do not have the ability to search placards such as you mention.

      Handicap Parking Placard Fraud

      If fraud is suspected with a handicap parking placard, you can report this to the DMV in your state via email. Reach out to your state’s DMV website and search for “reporting fraud” and fill out the form and submit it online

  11. I just obtained a vehicle from a friend of mine. She bought it from another friend and never brought it in for a title transfer. And the other guy did a online bill of sale. Taking it out of his name. Who\’s nname is it in now and how do I license this truck

    1. Matt, it really depends on the state in which you registered your vehicle. You will probably need to visit the DMV in person to find out what to do next and get it registered in your name. See below for the most common way a vehicle title transferred when purchasing a used vehicle.

      How to Transfer a Vehicle Title

      When a person sells a vehicle the title transfer is handled by the owner and the seller must send in the release of liability. The title must be signed by both parties and all the relevant fields filled out. The title transfer can then be mailed in, sent online or handed in person.

  12. Proof of insurance as of to date

    1. If you are looking for proof of insurance via a license plate number search we cannot assist you with this unfortunately. Proof of insurance must come from your auto insurance company. With many auto insurance companies you can request proof of insurance online or over the phone.

      How to Get Proof of Auto Insurance

      Call your auto insurance company or visit their website to obtain proof of auto insruance. Most auto insurance companies allow you to print a “proof of auto insurance card” online or have your auto insurance card emaild to you.

  13. Why are there so few license plate number variations compared with the vehicle identification number?

    1. That is a good question about the difference between a license plate number and a vehicle identification number. Read more below to understand how a license plate search works and a VIN check works.

      Difference Between a License Plate Number and VIN

      A license plate number refers to the registration of a vehicle to a person and is managed on a state level. A VIN , or vehicle identification number , is a 17 digit alpha-numeric code that is attached to a vehicle by the manufacturer and describes all the features and characteristics of a vehicle

  14. In Oklahoma there are lots of Native American tribes that issue license plates. Can these be searched here as well?

    1. That is a good question about Native American License Plates. Typically license plates are issued by the state and are managed on a state level but several Native American Tribes issue and register license plates to member’s of that tribe. That being said, we do not have access to the Native American License Plate information. You will need to contact the relevant Native American Tribe to inquire about a vehicle that has been registered within that Tribal Nation.

      Native American License Plates

      Native American License Plates in the United States can be issued and registered by Native American Tribes. Some Native American Tribes issue license plates for official use only and some Tribes issue license plates for person and official use. The issuing and registration of Native American License Plates vary with different tribes. These license plates are recognized by the state and local governments.

  15. stollen blue Chrysler town and country 2008 van jan 5th 2017 San Antonio

    1. You should contact the San Antonio police about a stolen vehicle. Unfortunately we don’t have an affiliation with any state or local law enforcement agency.

      What To Do If My Vehicle Is Stolen

      1. Keep calm and call the police department
      2. Request to have a police report filled out
      3. Report the incident to your insurance company

  16. Trying to find out when the last time it was registered before I buy

    1. You can start by running a Vehicle History Report to see what registration information is available. If you cannot ascertain the last time the vehicle was registered you should contact the Department of Motor Vehicles and request this information. Since they are the managing agency for vehicle registrations they will know, however you will probably need to visit them in person.

      How to Find When a Vehicle Was Last Registered

      To find out when a vehicle was last registered, run Vehicle History Report using the vehicle VIN number. The VIN number is a 17 digit alpha numeric code that is unique to each vehicle. If the vehicle registration date is not available then contact the relevant state DMV and request this information in person.

  17. Hi how can I change my license plate number ?

    1. To change your license plate number to a new number or to get a custom license plate number, you will need to contact the DMV directly. Depending on what state you live in, the process may vary on how to change your license plate number.

      How Can I Change My License Plate Number?

      1. Visit the DMV online or in person
      2. Request to have your license plate number changed
      3. If it’s a vanity license plate fill out the vanity license plate form
      4. Pay the relevant fee for a new license plate number
      5. Receive you new license plates via mail
      6. Processing may take several weeks

  18. Hey,

    I am trying to get in touch with the person that owns a vehicle and may possible sells it, but I only have the License plate number – can you help ?


    1. Legal Parameters For Looking Up License Plate Information

      In order to obtain license plate number information you will need to read and agree to the terms and conditions of the license plate search. There are a multitude of legitimate reasons a person needs to obtain vehicle records or owner information however because of the legal parameters of our vehicle records you will need to see if you are eligible to lookup this information in our member’s area. The other option is to visit your local Motor Vehicle Department to obtain this formation.

  19. have a car with texas license plates parked in front of my house. its been here for 3 days i live in nj lic plate number 6yv9214could this
    be a stolen car

    1. Russ,

      If you suspect it’s a stolen car you should contact the police or the NICB for more information about this. We don’t show anything on this license plate record that says its stolen but that doesn’t mean that it’s not. Unfortunately we don’t have any affiliation with local law enforcement.

      How To Check if a Car is Stolen

      1. Visit the National Insurance Crime Bureau website
      2. Enter a VIN Number from the car in question
      3. View VIN car theft record and if it’s clean or stolen
      4. Also view vehicle history report

      More information can be found at the National Motor Vehicle Titling Information System website

  20. Making sure a car not in my name

    1. Jermale,

      We can certainly lookup a license plate number to verify the information that is on record. You should also contact the DMV in your area as many times the change of title request is delayed when being processed and can take several weeks before it’s finalized.

      How to Check if My Car Title is Transferred

      1. Contact the DMV in your area
      2. Visit the DMV and show proof of identification
      3. Request a title transfer confirmation
      4. Get a printout so that you have it for your records
      5. Also make sure you’ve sent in the Vehicle Release of Liability

  21. I’m trying to find out who owns a truck that has been following me I think,I believe it’s my sister that I haven’t seen in years,if it’s her then I will feel so much better,thank you

    1. Michelle, you might consider contacting your sister to see if that is the case. Otherwise you can file a police report about this suspicious vehicle and let them follow up for you, it’s much safer this way.

  22. How far back does this search go I have a 1964 Chevrolet Impala I believe it was stolen. It as a Antique Vehicle

  23. The police took my friend’s trailer because someone told them it was theirs. Even helped him unload it in his yard. Turned it right over to accuser on the spot. No paperwork was left and no Vin was checked, either. What can he do?

    1. If your friend has proper documentation to prove it’s his, i.e. trailer title or registration, then it should be a simple matter to sort out

  24. How do I get a car title?

  25. I have a question about my car. My car sometimes jerk. I noticed it does this when I start off after stopping. The RPM raises to 3 at the time it does this . Could it possible be in my transmission

    1. Alien, you should consult with a mechanic about your car RPM issues. We are a public record website that offers access to vehicle related records and background reports and do not deal with the automotive repair side of the world. Try running a search on Google that says, “Find mechanics near me”. You’ll be directed to local listings of mechanics that you can call and discuss your car problems

  26. Who does this licence plate number belong to ? 95310 HP .The vehical was parked in my yard on Saturday with a person delirious in it police were no help .I just wanna know who it was .

  27. I was going to use a vin search on a car I was buying. The car was sold before I got the search info. I never open the search info. Would like a refund. $9.95
    This was on Sunday, April 2nd.

    1. Leif, we are happy to issue you a full refund for your license plate search. Please allow a few business days for this to be reflected in your bank account

  28. How do I find the current owner of a vehicle that was abandoned and inspection shop my husband bought the vehicle from the inspection person

    1. Rebecca, you will need to know the plate or VIN number to find any vehicle related information. Then you must read through the privacy laws in the state you are performing this vehicle search to find out what vehicle information is available and for what reasons

  29. Trying to prove my car is mine without paperwork.

  30. The owner of the vehicle tried to run me off the road

    1. Jimmie, you should contact the police about this issue. If you give your local police department, or highway patrol office, a call you can report this situation to them and give them all the information you have.

  31. How to register my vehicle if I don’t know the plate number and I’m not near my vehicle to get it

    1. Edward, you will need the license plate number or VIN to register your vehicle unless you visit a DMV office in person to make this request with your driver’s license

  32. Involved in a hit and run on October 29, 2021 on I-45 south in Conroe.

    1. Elizabeth, if you are interested in running a license plate number lookup in your state, please read the terms and privacy laws associated with this service. You must make sure that your reason for running this search is in line with the current regulations of the state you reside in

  33. I recently requested and received new license plates with a different plate# than I originally had.
    I went online to pay a bridge toll and it said that license# is for a different account.

  34. I want to find owner, license plate number from vin number

  35. Whats the address of this person. He keeps blocking my driveway

    1. If there is someone blocking access to your home you can report this to the police and let them handle it. Take a picture and submit this with the license plate number information. This is considered a best practice means of solving issues like this with minimal risk

  36. Need a copy of Title sold car to brother In-law ASAP..

    1. Melvin, you will need to contact your local DMV directly about obtaining a duplicate California car title. You will need either the full VIN or the license plate number of the car to obtain this from either the DMV website or in person, which is the fastest way to get a copy of your car title.

  37. Name of plate owner

  38. I got hit by this car and I want to find the driver

  39. I sold my scrapped car and had it towed but I forgot to take off the license plate and I can’t get it back. I am worried about liability if the license is criminally misused. What should i do?

  40. What if the vehicle isnt registered can you still look it up ?

    1. Jackie, it is possible to lookup some vehicle information by the license plate number even if it is not currently registered

  41. Hello i have bought a 1966 Chevy C10 pickup i had the title to it but missed placed it while i was getting it running how can i get a title search done on it so i can get a new tile i did not have it in my name yet because i needed to get it running to get a out of state title. I do not know the prev. owner name. Is there anyway you can help me?

  42. How can I find out if a vehicle is out of my name

    1. How to find out if a vehicle is out of my name?

      To find out if a vehicle is out of your name you will need either the license plate number or 17 digit VIN. Contact the DMV with this information as well as your driver’s license information and they can run a title search for your vehicle to find out if it is still in your name.

  43. im David DeAndreis and i need to look up the owner of a california lisence plate i live in nevada and this persons two of them were in the car and backed into my drive way in sparks the two males then got into our house and ransaced the family room and a bedroom on the morning of 04/20/21 my 80 year old mom lives there and shes old and on oxigen and it scares the hell out of me to know these two men were in tyhe house without any regard whos home the nerve of these two men im so upset i want to know who this plate belongs two as soon as posible california plate 8wx4189 or its 8WI4189 please help thank you David DeAndreis

  44. How do I find out if a scooter/moped is insured or not? I am a Utah resident.

    1. Kevin, we do not have information related to auto insurance coverage with our license plate lookup or VIN check resources. You can contact your local DMV to inquire about finding out this information

  45. what if some one steals my licenes plates what do i do next

    1. Charles, you will first want to report it to the police and then your auto insurance company and the DMV. The DMV will most likely issue you a new license plate with a new license plate number since your license plate was stolen

  46. My storage unit was broke into & I have on camera the color or vehicle, a truck & perfect Picture of the lisence plate & since it\’s Christmas & have to wait till Saturday for the police to do their reports etc.
    I want to know if I can run the plate & see who is the owner to the vehicle. Can I do this online for free?

    1. Amy, we regret to inform you that we cannot supply license plate owner information through our blog. You must read and agree and select a viable reason within your state’s privacy laws to be able to lookup any license plate information. The police are the best option to follow up with a stolen vehicle. Our resource can only be used for specific reasons as outlined in our member’s area. Please let us know if we can be of any additional assistance with your license plate lookup needs

  47. I need to look up information on a driver’s plate # in Canada. Where would I go for that?

    1. Rita, our license plate lookup and vehicle record resources are for the United States only. Unfortunately we do not have any advise on how to obtain the information you’re interested in from Canada. Also note that Canada does not have the Freedom of Information Act so they might not be able to share this information as it might not be public information

  48. Someone has been coming by our house a couple of times, blocking our driveway starring at our house.
    My son is Autistic and VERY SCARED.

    1. Cher, you should call the police and file a police report. If you have the ability to do it safely, try and take a picture of the vehicle and/or it’s license plate with your phone but only if you feel safe. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance with your public record needs

  49. Anyway to look up a vehicle registration or license plate number just with the previous owner\’s name and address

    1. Michelle, unfortunately we cannot lookup vehicle registration information by name. You will need to reach out to the DMV directly to make this type of inquiry

  50. Illinois has 100s of different types of license plates. How would I format the input to return the right one? I.e., ##### F over F, a B-truck plate, or an environmental plate.

    1. Tim, that is a good question however you will need to inquire with the DMV directly about augmenting the license plate number and specialty license plate question you have. We offer vehicle record resources for reference only and do not have a direct affiliation with the DMV in any state. Please reach out if you have any other vehicle related questions.

  51. I don\’t have any records of violations on fast track I want to get my car tags on my license plate

    1. Brenda, you will need to reach out to the California DMV directly about obtaining your new tags for your car registration. We are a public record website that does not have any direct affiliation with this government agency. That being said, if you have any questions or concerns about your California driving record, we are happy to assist you with looking up this information. We also have a multitude of California vehicle records available and a offer a Free VIN Check service.

  52. Whoever was driving this vehicle had the license plate number 238FDK He hit my dog and kept on going

    1. Kenny, you should file a police report and let them handle investigating the situation. This is typically the best procedure for a hit and run situation.

      We hope your dog will be OK!

      1. He’s well ,hobbling around, I hope he’s going to be alright.

        1. Kenny, we are very sorry to hear this as we are all dog lovers as well. We wish we could be of more assistance


License Plate Number Lookup
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Quick LP search to get the info I am looking for

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One of the best LP look up tools out there

License Plate Number Lookup
works well
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Site works great to find the info I was looking for when running a License plate

License Plate Number Lookup
accurate info
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Accurate results on 3 searches

License Plate Number Lookup
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Lookup is great

License Plate Number Lookup
good info
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Appreciate the information I get here.

License Plate Number Lookup
No pressure, clean data
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I’m getting an identification of my Honda here. Cool stuff.

License Plate Number Lookup
Serves its purpose
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I was really impressed. Tried to find something that matched the car following me home.

License Plate Number Lookup
So far So good
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It seems all good so far. I’m trying it for the first time and this works.

License Plate Number Lookup
Make and model results
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Let’s me know the state, make and model

License Plate Number Lookup
recommended after a search
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Searchquarry gives good results, I recommend using it for plate searches

License Plate Number Lookup
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I am really happy with the results I get

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Never lookup anywhere else
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5 /5 Stars

I tried many sites not that I found anything better than Searchquarry.

License Plate Number Lookup
Reliable site
Reviewed on:
4 /5 Stars

A quick search and you will find what you need. Best site!

License Plate Number Lookup
User Friendly
Reviewed on:
5 /5 Stars

Very useful, time saver, highly recommended

License Plate Number Lookup
On the mark
Reviewed on:
4 /5 Stars

This perfectly worked. Found out make and model

License Plate Number Lookup
Quick LP Search
Reviewed on:
4 /5 Stars

Quick search to find out car make and model

License Plate Number Lookup
Faultless & Effortless
Reviewed on:
4 /5 Stars

Great plate search even with partial info

License Plate Number Lookup
Your Vehicle Detective
Reviewed on:
3 /5 Stars

There’s an unknown car parked near my home for weeks, So I made a quick search and finally found the owner using SearchQuarry. Awesome tool.

License Plate Number Lookup
Truck plate results
Reviewed on:
5 /5 Stars

I use it to find info on a truck parked near my house. Works perfect with correct info.

License Plate Number Lookup
Reviewed on:
3 /5 Stars

This is much better than the other search services I have tried.

License Plate Number Lookup
Reviewed on:
5 /5 Stars

The service was faultless. I had results to my search quickly and I was impressed with how easy the site was to use to find the plate I was looking for.

License Plate Number Lookup
Reviewed on:
4 /5 Stars

Thank you so much – you just saved me a ton of time!

License Plate Number Lookup
Reviewed on:
5 /5 Stars

This is the best of the services on offer that I’ve tried. I will be coming back to the site again and again.

License Plate Number Lookup
Comprehensive search
Reviewed on:
5 /5 Stars

It was very thorough on everything I was searching for. Very well done

License Plate Number Lookup
Very good LP search
Reviewed on:
5 /5 Stars

Easy. Something all car owners should use AND anyone purchasing a car looking up a current license plate!! It could save you from so many problems.

License Plate Number Lookup
Very useful
Reviewed on:
4 /5 Stars

I would recommend, very useful when doing a plate search.

License Plate Number Lookup
Seems good
Reviewed on:
4 /5 Stars

Everything seems good after one search.  If I need to use it again I hope to find the same quality results on the car info when doing a LP search.

License Plate Number Lookup
Reviewed on:
5 /5 Stars

Very convenient to look up to find license plate and car info.

Last Updated: 2023-01-09

Please be advised that the information accessed through searches may not always be accurate or current, as we neither generate nor authenticate the data provided via our service. The reliability and precision of information are primarily contingent upon diverse public sources from which data is compiled. By utilizing, you acknowledge your acceptance of the terms delineated in the terms of service and our privacy policies. Information acquired via must not be utilized for unlawful purposes such as stalking or harassing individuals, or scrutinizing public figures or celebrities. Individuals who contravene these directives may be subject to both civil and criminal legal proceedings and sanctions. It is explicitly stated that does not function as a "consumer reporting agency" as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"), and therefore, does not furnish "consumer reports" pursuant to the FCRA. strictly prohibits the utilization of information garnered from search results (a) for discriminatory practices against any consumer; (b) for assessing a consumer's eligibility for personal credit, insurance, employment, housing, or government licenses or benefits; or (c) in any other manner that may impact a consumer's economic or financial status or standing.