Maine Driving Records Request Information
Maintaining the driving records of all Maine residents with a driver’s license is the responsibility of the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles. The Bureau maintains the driving records and makes them available whenever a Maine Driving Records Request is made. The driving record contains your driving history including:
- Your vehicle registration and license history
- Suspensions or revocations
- Violations
- Accidents
- Personal information
- Driver’s license status
- DUI records
Maine Driver Records Request Forms
Maine Driving Records Search
You can also make a request for us to lookup your driving record in our blog below. We are happy to assist you with your Maine driving record and vehicle record needs.
You can make Maine Driving Records Request for three different types of driving records. The driving records offered by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles include:
- Three-year driving records
- Ten-year driving records
- Certified driving records
The fee for 3-year driving records is $ 7 while the fee for 10-year driving records is $ 12. In order to obtain a certified copy of your driving records, you’ll have to pay an additional $ 1.There are three different ways of making a Maine Driving Records Request—in-person, by mail or online. In order to obtain a copy of your driving record in-person, you need to:
- Visit the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles office
- Pay the relevant driving record fee
To obtain your Maine driving record by mail, you’ll need to mail to the BMV a check or money order payable to the ‘Secretary of State’ along with a written request that:
- Contains your name, DOB, and mailing address
- Specifies the driving record you want (3 year, 10 year or certified)
- Specifies the driving history you want such as revocations, suspensions, accidents etc.
You need to mail the written request and check or money order to the following address:
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Driver License Services Division
29 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
Finally, to obtain your Maine driving record online you’ll need to:
- Visit the Driver’s Records website
- Enter your license number
- Pay your driving record fee