Kentucky Driving Records Request
A driving history record is what all Kentucky drivers’ license holders have. You can obtain your driving records from Kentucky’s Division of Driver licensing. However, a more convenient way to obtain your driving records is through online public databases. You can make Kentucky Driving Records request for either a 3-year or a 5-year driving record. The three-year driving record includes:
- Your driver status
- Driving restrictions
- License expiration
- Traffic violations
Kentucky Driver Records Request Forms
Personal information such as your address, gender, DOB, and social security number isn’t included in the 3-year record. On the other hand, 5-year driving records include your personal information and everything that is part of a three-year driving record. Apart from you, people who can request your Kentucky Driving Records include your employers, insurance companies, courts, and government agencies. You can make a 3-year Kentucky Driving Records Request by:
- Providing your first and last name
- Providing your driver’s license number
- Providing and verifying your email-address
- Paying the $3 fee
On the other hand, you can request your 5-year driving record by:
- Visiting a local driving license office
- Providing the aforementioned information
- Paying the $3 fee
Another way to obtain Kentucky driving records is using the online vehicle information system (OVIS). You can access the lien, registration, and vehicle title information by using the online vehicle information system. The system can be accessed with a $75 annual subscription. A fee of 44 cents needs to be paid to access each record. However, only registered users can use this service.
In order to become an authorized user, you need complete both the VTI Agreement and the Subscriber Agreement. Once you’ve registered yourself, you’ll be able to search your driving records using the title number or VIN. For further information, you can contact at: (502) 875-3733.