Indiana Driver Records Request Forms
Free Indiana Driving Records Search
Indiana Driving Records Request Information
In the past, making a trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles was necessary to obtain a copy of driving records. However, the advent of the internet and online databases has changed all that. Today, people can make Indiana Driving Records Request from the convenience of their home. Indiana’s bureau of motor vehicles maintains personal driving records that contain your driving history. You can obtain the driving records by visiting Indiana’s BMV. However, a more convenient way to make Indiana Driving Records request is through online public databases.
Your driving record contains your personal information and driving history. There are two types of Indian driving records:
Viewable driver records: you can view these records online for free
Official Indiana Driving Records
ODRs are a certified copy of your driver record and include a certification letter from the BMV. ODRs can be used for official purposes and are available for $4.
Your driving records contain:
- Your name
- Address
- Gender
- Physical description
- Driver’s license number, class, and expiration date.
- Traffic violations and convictions
- Driver’s license status
- Driving record points
- Social Security number (SSN)
- Driving restrictions
The three ways you can make Indiana Driving Records Request include:
- In person
- By mail
- Online
In person and by mail:
In order to request your driving records by mail or in person, you’ll need
- A completed Request for Driver Records(Form 53789).
- Payment for the $4 fee
In order to make an online request for your driving records, you’ll need an online BMV account. In order to create an account, you’ll need:
- The first five digits of your zip code
- Your Indiana Driver’s license number
- The last four digits of your social security number
Apart from you, the following people can also request for your driving records:
- Employers performing a background check
- Government agencies or employee
- Parent or legal guardian
- Law enforcement officer
- Attorney
In order to make a request for your driving records, the aforementioned individuals would need:
- A completed Request for Driver Records(Form 53789).
- Payment for the $4 fee
Indiana driving records are public information that anyone can access. You can obtain the records from Indiana BMV or by visiting an online public records database.