Death Records Search

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Death Certificate Records

Vital statistics are records of important dates that signify life events. A birth certificate record is a record of person’s birth that is recorded as a public record. A death certificate record is another life event that is recorded with germane information about that specific life event. It is a formal public recording of a person’s death. A person may need death records search for a number of reasons. One reason that a person may need the death record is to verify a friend that has passed, or perhaps they’re building their family tree. Vital records can be viewed online for reference and verification purposes through public record websites, like, and used for unofficial purposes.

That being said, only immediate family to the deceased may actually get an official copy of a person’s death certificate that can be used for official purposes. If this is the case, where someone needs a copy of a death certificate, there are a couple of options. The first is to reach out to the clerk of the county where the family member passed away and the second is to reach out to the state’s Department of Health as this department archives official death certificates that can only be obtained by immediate family or a court order.

How To Run a Death Records Search Online

There are many online public record resources that are available for a death records search, that can be used for unofficial purposes. Typically online public record repositories use a name search to search for death records The system will search millions of database records to find the death information that the visitor is seeking. The search is typically quick and can be accessed from anywhere someone has an internet connection. The search will return any results that match the user’s criteria. Many times there will be additional information needed to narrow down the death record results. Many people have the same name so it’s important to cross-reference as much information as available. This might be an address or city and state or birth date. The user can then access the death record information for verification or an unofficial use of the viewable record.

Why Run a Death Record Search?

There are a multitude of reasons for a person to research another’s death record information. A very popular reason for researching this information is for those trying to build out a family tree or their genealogy. This a great way to verify people in one’s lineage and find out additional information such as who they married or divorced and where they lived or moved from. It’s a great way to fill in the gaps with a person’s family history and get to know more about where they came from. Another common reason people run a search like this is to verify a long lost friend or old school mate that they lost contact with and want to check to see if they’re still alive or have passed. It can also be a means to find out if someone is telling the truth about someone that has died and verifying a public record like this can be very helpful in fact checking what someone else has said. The easiest way to run a search like this is using an online public record website where anyone can view another person’s death record for verification purposes. Easy access and fast results is what makes searching public vital records like this a very simple process.

Viewable Death Record Information

  1. The full name of the deceased
  2. The birth date of the deceased
  3. Location and time of death
  4. Previous address and phone numbers
  5. Spouse or partner
  6. Married and maiden names
  7. Occupations or Jobs
  8. Surviving family members
  9. Deceased’s public records

United States Death Record Statistics

Veteran Cemetery Search
Death & Mortality Statistics
History of Death in the United States

Death Records Search

Search Public Death Records In Other States





























New Hampshire  

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Rhode Island  

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South Dakota  







West Virginia  



Death Record FAQs

Can anyone lookup Death Records?

Yes, death records are public domain which means that anyone can view them. Death records are part of vital records which can be found by contacting your state's Department of Health

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Responses to “Death Records Search

  1. My nephew passed away while in jail in Tampa in June 1995. His name was Luis R Felix. We never knew how he died or what happened I have tried over the years to find some information but all I find is that he died and that it was in June of 1995 never how did he die if the guards killed him or he died at the hands of another person in jail.

  2. I want to know how my paternal grandmother and her two daughters died. Her name was Mary(Chiconni)Richer. The two girls names were Letha and Elaine Richer. My grandmother was born in approx 1896, the girls in early 1920’s or just before. All were born in Conneaut, Ohio. Mary had one other child Vincent B. Richer born July 11 1912, my Father. Mary, Letha and Elaine died in Buffalo, NY by suicide, murder or all murdered. I’m trying to find out exactly how they died/ One family member said the mother killed her daughters and then herself. Another said they all were murdered. Apparently Mary’s father looked for them, after three months found they were dead in Buffalo, NY. He took my Father and went to identify their bodies and bring them home. They are buried in St. Joseph’s Catholic cemetery there.

    1. Richer, unfortunately some of these birth and death records exceed our database resources. You might want to finding the death record for your grandmother from a genealogy website or sometimes newspaper archives can assist you with the much older vital records that don’t get transferred into a digital format.

  3. Can u please help me look up death records for Jennifer lynn Hunt born 2/07/1980 was suposabley found dead in a hotel room in San Antonio TX and I can’t find any record? supposably on April 21 2021

    1. Bryan, we checked our resources but could not find any information on the person you’re looking for a death verification for. You may want to reach out to the Department of Health in Bexar county, they keep a record of births and deaths for that county

  4. I am looking for my sisters, Linda Marie Spurlock, death certificate. Linda’s maden name was Amonette and was born in Putnam county, Cookeville Tn on October 17, 1962

  5. My mother was told her boyfriend Terry Woods, Age 36 from Long Beach, and Norwalk, California was shot and killed on March 19th or 20th 2021 in Los Angeles or Orange County, we haven’t heard anything from him since everyone’s been saying he’s dead and not deceased, please help our minds rest at ease.

  6. I’m looking for the,Obits,and burial places of my family members,and my friends.John A.Pates formly residing at 9118 Columbia Ave.Cleveland,Ohio.1920-2014.He was a former USPS employee for the Cleveland Postal Service.Also his wife Mrs.Claudia Rose Pates was a Padiatrist in Cleveland,Ohio.Also my friends Ortiz Hannah,and his sister Joyce Ann Hannah,and Angel Laureano.Thank you.John B.Melton Jr.

    1. John, we can certainly help you out with a Death Record Search however we do not list obituaries or grave sites. You can use the resource to locate the burial place of your family members

  7. I am looking for the Death Death Death Certificate of my late husband.
    DATE OF DEATH: 2010-05-30


    1. Mrs. Jones, in order to obtain a copy of your husband’s death certificate you will need to contact the state health department in the state he passed away in. They manage death records for each state independently. Our resources are for online death record search resources only.

  8. I need a legal original death certificate from my dad

    1. Leeander, you will need to reach out to the Department of Public Health in the state you want to obtain a death certificate from. You can typically order a copy online and since you are immediate family you will be able to obtain a certified copy of one

  9. I need a legal original death certificate of my mom.,
    why isn’t it free? it states it free.

    1. Karen, to obtain a certified copy of a death certificate you will need to contact the Department of Health in your state. You can typically order these online and there is always a fee for a physical copy of a vital record certificate, it’s a nominal fee and the death certificate can be mailed to you directly.

  10. what PART IS FREE

    1. Bertina, we are happy to assist you with one free death record search if you can provide us with the full name of the person in question, their state of residency and their approximate age of death

  11. Do you require a credit card for a free trial to look up a death record?

    1. Susan, we are happy to provide you with one free death records search. If you can provide us with the full name, age and state of residence of the deceased we will run a death record search for you. Another option is to contact the Department of Public Health in the state the person lived and request a death verification.

  12. I’ve aid my 14.95. Got no report.. then added another 19.95. Got that back then she says she extended my search for 5 days..
    Can’t log in ..keeps asking for 2.95. I’ve received nothing yet

    1. We apologize for any inconvenience with your death record search. We will refund your membership and any charges incurred. Please reach out to our customer support team for additional support. Below is our customer support phone number and hours of operation

      Phone Number:
      Regular Phone Hours:
      8am -12am EST (M-F)

  13. you charged me to find out a “death record” and all you brought me to was another website to pay more money, you never gave me any information on the original search. waste of time and money. thanks

    1. Actually, we gave you access to our member’s area where you can perform unlimited death record searches as well as unlimited public record searches. If you did not find exactly what you are looking for we are happy to issue you a refund and cancel your membership. We also offer Free Customer Support to assist you in locating a death record.

      Please reach out if there is anything specific we can assist you with. That being said I have forwarded your information to our customer support team to cancel and refund your membership for you.

      Best Regards – The Search Quarry Team

  14. CHARLES PATRICK FORREST died in Rocklin in March , 2017. Born May 16, 1924 died at the age of 93. Where can I get a death certificate?

    1. Maureen,

      In order to get a copy of your husband’s death certificate in Rocklin, you will want to contact the Placer County Department of Health and Vital Statistics

      How To Get a Copy of a Placer County Death Certificate

      1. Visit the Placer County Department of Health and Vital Statistics
      2. Request a Copy of a Death Certificate. You must be a relative to do this.
      3. Pay the $21 fee and have the Death Certificate mailed to you
      4. You can also visit the county Placer Court Clerk in person to do this

  15. Your search is incompetent

    1. Hello Anita,

      We are sorry that you had a bad experience with our website. Can you please specify what went wrong? We are always doing our best to improve our service.

      Best Regards,

      The Team

Last Updated: 2021-11-02

Please be advised that the information accessed through searches may not always be accurate or current, as we neither generate nor authenticate the data provided via our service. The reliability and precision of information are primarily contingent upon diverse public sources from which data is compiled. By utilizing, you acknowledge your acceptance of the terms delineated in the terms of service and our privacy policies. Information acquired via must not be utilized for unlawful purposes such as stalking or harassing individuals, or scrutinizing public figures or celebrities. Individuals who contravene these directives may be subject to both civil and criminal legal proceedings and sanctions. It is explicitly stated that does not function as a "consumer reporting agency" as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"), and therefore, does not furnish "consumer reports" pursuant to the FCRA. strictly prohibits the utilization of information garnered from search results (a) for discriminatory practices against any consumer; (b) for assessing a consumer's eligibility for personal credit, insurance, employment, housing, or government licenses or benefits; or (c) in any other manner that may impact a consumer's economic or financial status or standing.