Dallas County Court Records

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Dallas County Court Records

All the official and legal transcripts that are prepared to maintain records of all the court proceedings regarding various types of civil and criminal cases are called Dallas County Court Records.

In simple words, Dallas court records are a written form of everything that was spoken on record during hearings of cases. Any court files, orders, exhibits, transcripts or documents which were noted down on, gathered and compiled during the hearings are included in the court records.

Dallas County Court Records Are Public Record

Dallas County Court records have been made accessible to the general public under the Freedom of information Act. The act is a national law that considers it a public right to get access to various records held by the government at federal and state levels.

Public records not only help the government agencies, employers and businesses but also make the government accountable to the general public as the public knows the functioning of and details held by various government departments.

Can you Access All Dallas County Court Records?

No. Only those court records are provided to the general public that are part of public records and have not sealed or erased by the court. There can be various reasons for that. Records of cases regarding juveniles, secret state information and trade secrets can be sealed by the court.

Additionally, court records are usually erased if any of the following scenarios arises:

  • Absolute pardon has been granted to a defendant
  • If a person has been declared a ?youthful offender? and discharged from the court?s supervision
  • More than 20 days have passed after a case has been dismissed by the court or the defendant has been released
  • The felony for which a person was convicted for is no more considered a crime

Official Dallas County Court Records

All public official transcripts of the courts can be obtained by submitting an application to the Official Court Reporter of the judicial district in which the case was heard.

For searching the records online, visit the Dallas County website or the Dallas County Texas Court Directory.

Unofficial records of the court proceedings can be obtained through various third party websites. www.searchquarry.com is a reliable third party website that gives you access to the most updated public records.

Dallas County Court Records
Dallas County Court Records

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Responses to “Dallas County Court Records

  1. Your article is helpful in understanding Dallas County County Records.
    Thanks for sharing such a valuable information.

    1. Thanks for sharing John, we always appreciate feedback on our Dallas county court records blog. Please let us know if we can assist you with a criminal or court records search or any other public records inquiry.

  2. Your article is helpful in understanding Dallas County County Records.
    Thanks for sharing such a valuable information.
    If you are looking for best criminal attorney then must visit here…

    1. Thank you for the feedback John. Please let us know if we can be of assistance with a Dallas county court record lookup or any other public records inquiry.

  3. I am trying to get information concerning the marriage of my mom and dad back in 1958. Is this where I would find the marriage or divorce information?

    1. We can certainly assist you with looking up information about your parents marriage however since this is an older Dallas county marriage records you will probably need to reach out to the Texas Department of Health as they are the managing agency for Dallas and the entire state of Texas that archives and indexes such records.

  4. Hello, my question is; Are there different types of Leins? If a peron has fullfilled their. Obligation per said Lein, how long before this public record is taken down off the record?

    1. There are a multitude of different liens, some are listed below for your reference. Once a lien is fulfilled then it can take an number of weeks or months for that public record to reflect that information. You might also consider contacting the lien holder to verify your lien has been fulfilled.

      Lien Types

      • Home Liens
      • Auto Liens
      • Tax Liens
      • IRS Liens
      • Mechanic Liens
      • Personal Liens
      • Bank Liens

  5. How do i get the name of my daughters public defender

    1. Your best bet in finding out your daughter’s Dallas county public defender information would be to contact the Dallas County Public Defender Office where your daughter is on trial.

      Dallas County Public Defender Office

      Frank Crowley Criminal Courts Building
      133 North Riverfront Blvd.
      Suite C-1, LB 2
      Dallas, Texas 75207
      Phone: 214-653-3550

  6. And my name is alicia mills My soon husband to be is needing some help. He has been lock up. On February 28 why is he not out yet they can not keep him i wont my man out please call me at 6823526221

    1. Hello Alicia,

      We cannot assist you with this situation. You should contact a lawyer. Our resources are for online public records only. Below is a link to Dallas County lawyers you can contact to help you out with your situation.


      Best Regards,

      The Search Quarry Team

Last Updated: 2016-10-10

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