No matter the severity of a charge, an arrest becomes a part of anyone’s criminal record, subjecting an individual to intense scrutiny during a background check. Bexar County Arrest Records records cover incidents that occurred in the state, while information on other arrests must be requested from the states in which they took place.
Bexar County Arrest Records Include
- Pictures relating to the arrest.
- Date, time, and place of the arrest.
- Criminal charge associated with the arrest.
- Legal actions following the arrest.
Arrest records are accessed by anyone to a varied extent. Under the Texas Public Information Act, those seeking physical copies of arrest records must make such requests in writing. Requests require as much identifying information as possible, including one’s full name, current residential address, and a description of the arrests recorded. A payment of $10 by check or money order should be directed to the Texas Department of Public Safety. Those seeking information on arrests should send payment and written requests to:
Texas Crime Records Service
P.O. Box 15999
Austin, TX 78761-5999
Additionally, one may access information on Bexar County arrests online through the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Depending on the nature of an arrest, basic details can be seen by referring to the Offender Information Search. When searching, it is important to filter results by selecting the county in which arrests occurred. The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office stands as another resource, and may be reached at 210-335-6000.
In Texas, courts open access to arrest records in the same way conviction information is available to the public. A Texas arrest record should indicate that the information listed does not pertain to a conviction. Arrest records may reveal if a pending trial exists, or whether arrests resulted in a conviction or dismissal of charges. While arrest records do not necessarily point to criminal convictions, they solely document instances when individuals are placed in the custody of law enforcement.
Depending on the arrest, records often vary in the background information provided. Across most records, basic facts include the offender’s name, date of birth, gender, and ethnicity. Importantly, arrest records remain readily available to anyone living within Bexar County and the state of Texas, although those wanting further access to complete records must comply in providing identifying information when sending a written request. While requests for arrest records must be written, no one is mandated to provide a reason for obtaining an arrest record from any Texas county
Last Updated: 2017-04-19