Arizona Death Records

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Arizona Death Records Search

Arizona death records are easily accessible thanks to their inclusion in the Freedom of Information Act. Arizona death records are available online and offline through the Arizona Office of Vital Records. There are many reasons to want to view someone’s death record. You might need to know the date they died. You might be curious about where they were born. There are real life, practical implications in the death record that have a lasting impact on the viewer. Other death records are viewed for Arizona genealogy purposes for those doing research on family members.

What Information is Contained in Arizona Death Records?

Like most vital records, a death certificate will contain vital facts about the person’s death. You’ll learn their name and address, birth date and location of birth, social security number, and sometimes even life information such as education and parent’s names and birth places. Cause of death is of course included on a death certificate so that you know how a family member or friend died. It’s important to know these facts for some people. Thankfully, you can easily access these documents.

How To Obtain Arizona Death Records Online and In Person

As previously mentioned, Arizona death records are maintained by the Arizona Office of Vital Records. You can visit these offices no matter what county you’re in. Simply look up your Arizona county of residence and find out where the vital records office is located. In some cases, it might take a small period of time to receive a print copy of vital records such as death certificates. If so, it’s not generally much of a wait and in some cases it’s same day or next day.

Online copies of death certificates are much easier and faster to obtain. Simply go to a 3rd party website that maintains these vital records, enter as much information as you can about the type of record you’re trying to find, and generally you’ll find Arizona death records easily. Many people search for these records because they are tracing family history. This is an especially rewarding part of keeping track of Arizona death information. You learn so much from the information contained in them about where family members were born and how they left the world. There are other more practical reasons to need death records but Arizona family history is definitely one of the primary reasons people track death records.

How To Order Arizona Death Records

No matter what your reason is for needing Arizona death records, they are widely available out there and can easily be obtained with the right information on your part. They are public record and accessible through both websites and at the Arizona Office of Vital Records in your respective Arizona county of residence. Obtaining death records online is unbelievably easy, with just a few fields of information needed in order to recover your records and be on your way to browsing. If you need print copies, you must look up the address of your Arizona county and go into an office to obtain them. In some cases, there might be a short wait.

Death records serve a useful purpose both in dealing with matters in a recent death and in tracing family history for the upcoming generations of people to read and benefit from. Begin your search for Arizona death records today and you’ll quickly find that they are some of the most easy to obtain public records on earth today, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. It takes only the name of the deceased to get started on your search for records.

Arizona Death Records

Arizona Death Record - Questions

Are Arizona death records public information?

Yes, death records are public information as well as other vital records such as marriage records and birth records. These are records of life events that are documented on the state level and available for the general public to view.

Is it possible to get a copy of someone's Arizona death certificate?

It is possible to get a copy of someone's Arizona death certificate if you are immediate family or have a court order. Otherwise you can only view the basic information on an Arizona public death record

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Responses to “Arizona Death Records

  1. Looking for death certificate for my dad Anthony proter was told he died in 73 or 74 by carbon monoxide he was a boxer.

    1. Byron, we are sorry to hear about your father’s death. In order to obtain a copy of his death certificate you will want to reach out to the Arizona Department of Health Services and make your AZ death certificate request with them.

      How can I get a copy of my parent’s Arizona death record?

      In order to get a copy of your parent’s Arizona death certificate, or any other immediate family member, you can reach out to the Arizona Department of Health Services. You can download the forms online and fill them out and mail them in, visit a branch in person or call the ADHS directly @ 602-542-1025

  2. What happend to my friend

    1. Becca,

      We can certainly assist you with an Arizona people search or an Arizona death record search. We’ll need the full name of the deceased, age and state and county of last residence.

      How to Get a Copy of an Arizona Death Certificate

      1. Contact the Arizona Department of Health Services
      2. To obtain official death certificates you need to be a relative or have a court order
      3. You must be over 18 years of age
      4. Fill out the form and pay the applicable fees

  3. I lost track of my uncle and some one told me that he passed away I need to know my heart is breaking not knowing . His twin sister passed a few years ago , and he was very lonely.
    Fred Bonahoom
    He had a twin sister
    Peggy Bonahoom / Spears
    They were born in Indiana
    Fred was in Arizona
    And Peggy was in Indiana
    Born Dec. 10th 1960 ?

  4. Hi I can’t find any kind of death notice or Record obituary anything about a friend of mine that disappeared last I seen him was 2012 but I’ve heard from multiple sources of people that he’s dead but I can’t find any confirmation his name is bryan harvey earl dob 7/66 he was living in Phoenix Maricopa County at the time he has ties to Kentucky a sister that lives in Florida named kim gackenback

  5. I am looking for a death certificate for my brother. Not sure what date or year (possibly 2016)

  6. I just Heard that kena Taylor has passed. I am just trying to get ahold of her mother and I can\’t remember her name

  7. Will you be able to tell me where my Aunt Julia Ann Schmerbauch who passed in 1980 in Phoenix AZ was buried.
    I would like to find her grave and maybe know what happen to her.

    1. Sharon, to find out the final resting place of your aunt who passed away in Arizona, you can use the resource They are a great place to start to find your aunt’s Arizona grave site

  8. My brother Alton Washington, Jr. age 60,died Tues June 15, 2021 at a Banner? hospital in Tucson. I live in Chandler AZ and can\’t locate where his body is currently. He had no insurance or anything to bury him. I\’m Unable to reach my sister or his girlfriend who live in Tucson.
    I need to find out what thr process is to bury, cremate, obtain death certificate, etc.

  9. I heard that my sister past away. I want to know if it’s true. Her name is Mary christina gonzales d.o.b. is 05/02/1979.

  10. Unable to reach my brother for 5 days, since May 30, 2021. His name is George Joseph Weeks, Jr. He is 67 years old.

  11. Im wondering how i can ubtain info on esmeralda garcia her parent made out a card with esmeralda perez so im at loss of info. On a death that happens at john c Lincoln hospital. I am the husband but we were not moving together she was with someone else it was said she passed on may 11th 2020

  12. When did Frank Garcia Herrera pass away ?

    1. Susan, we will need to know the date of birth or age of Frank to run a proper Arizona death record search for you

  13. I\’m trying to locate a missing person . Figured I should probably start here 1st. Her name is Katrina Macleod or Welker. But she also used last name of Garcia. I know she married Tracy Welker in about 2012 or 2013 I think. He is incarcerated and I know they either separated or divorced. Thank you. She would be quite young. ERly 30\’s. 2 children. One son about 8 or 9 named Brennan and a teenage daughter. Can\’t remember her name. Thank you

    1. Rebecca, unfortunately we did not find any information about the Arizona death record you are requesting. You can also reach out to the Arizona Department of Health to inquire about this person and an AZ death verification

  14. I just heard some information that a close friend of mine passed away recently. I cannot find anything on it. His name is Bryan Kingston his birthday is in September of 1965.

    1. Nicole, we show multiple people with that Arizona death record from the last several years however, we don’t have any recent AZ death records with that specific month and year of birth

  15. I am the half brother of a Veteran that recently died of the COVID 19 Virus. I am trying to find out where he died, at what facility (hospital) and where I can obtain any information about him. I believe that he was homeless when he passed and also that he may have died in a VA hospital.
    His name was James N Llewellyn. Age 68 Last known address was 7219 N 35th Ave in Glendale, AZ 85051
    I’m told that he may be buried in a Military Cemetery but that’s uncertain.

    1. Frank, unfortunately we do not have any information about your brother in our Arizona death index. You can also contact the Arizona Department of Health Services about your inquiry. They manage vital records for the state of Arizona. Their phone number is 602-244-1331

  16. I’m trying to obtain the death record or a death notice for my mother in law. Her name is
    Anna I Serino. Born Anna Isabella Nash. Married name Welty. Then divorced and married Alfred P Serino.
    Her Date of birth is 04/10/1932
    Date of death is said to be 12/15/2020
    Her Home address was in Buckeye Arizona but she had a stroke a month earlier and went to the ER, then from there was transferred to a rehabilitation facility nearby. She passed away at the facility from COVID. Can you locate her death record? I can’t find anything online. Thank you

    1. Cindy, since you are immediate family you can receive a copy of her death certificate through the Arizona Department of Health Services. Their phone number is 602-542-1025, you can call them directly or visit their website. Call times during COVID may be longer than normal so their web portal is a good option where you can order this document online and have it mailed to you

  17. I\’m just trying to figure out if my dad died or not because he was battling hunting dieses his name is Eric R Vangen please I need to know he also lives in Wayland Arizona

    1. Steven, we are not finding any death records in our Arizona death record index. You can also reach out to the Arizona Department of Public Health to inquire about an AZ death verification

  18. Hello,
    I am trying to find out if a friend of mine passed away recently.
    Robin Duane Maddeaux
    DOB 11/11/63
    Spouse: Nanette
    Location: Scottsdale/Mesa/Phoenix

    1. Amber, we could not find the Arizona death record for your friend. You can also try contacting the Arizona Department of Health for a death verification. Sometimes there is a delay in reporting of vital records with our public record resources, especially with Covid19 temporary closures of public facilities.

  19. To whom this may concern,

    Om September 28 i applied for a family member’s death certificate (Mr.Ahmed N’ait Ali) who died in Yuma last July with $55 fees to Vital-records unfortunately i did not have any kind of the required document from decedent family who lived overseas.
    However, i just got the document showing that i am the family representative, i would like to apply once again without paying the required fees, what needs to be done in this case?

    Looking forward to an early answer,
    Mohamed Ousti, Poughkeepsie, New York

    1. Mohamed, you will want to reach out to the Arizona Department of Health Services about your death certificate inquiry. Their phone number is 602-542-1025 for your convenience

  20. Trying to find info regarding a friend that recently passed?
    Timothy Blau ..age 63.. Wife LeAnn
    Graduated CF High class\’75
    I knew 2 brothers Dick & Don would like full Obituary if possible?

    1. Stephen, we could not find Timothy’s death record unfortunately. You can also try contacting the Arizona Department of Health to inquire about a death verification

  21. Looking for my aunts’ death certificate. She lived at 11 E Mesquite Dr in Cottonwood, AZ. and 201 E Mingus Dr, Cottonwood, AZ
    She died 16 October 2005.

    birth name: Anne Ethel Kilgore Born in Lone Pine, Inyo, California on 30 My 1017
    aka: Anne Ethel Southey
    aka: Anne S Leibert
    aka: Anne Sou Leibert
    aka: Anna Southey Hull

    These names are found on the Social Security Death Index

    1. Ronald, we are happy to lookup your aunt’s Arizona death record however if you want to obtain a copy of her Az death certificate you will need to contact the Arizona Department of Health Services. You can apply for a copy of her death certificate online or you can call them directly @ 888-816-5907

  22. I am trying to find out if my friend passed away. His name is John David Causey, DOB 1-22-1969, Phx Az.i heard he had died but can\’t locate any info, your help is appreciated.

    1. Alanna, we don’t show any Arizona death records with this person’s name and DOB. You might also want to check with the Arizona Department of Health Services, as they manage all the death records for the state of Arizona. Their phone number is 602-542-1025. Many agencies are delayed with recording public records during the Covid19 outbreak which would mean it would be delayed on our end as well. This department can better assist you with finding out about your friend and if they are deceased. Best of luck Alanna and please reach out if we can be of assistance in the future with any of your public record needs

  23. My friend Barbara Stokes, DOB, May 29, 1946, recently passed away . She lived in Tucson Az Could you please let me know what the date of her passing was?

    1. Stephanie, unfortunately we don’t have any information on the Arizona death record for Barbara Stokes. Sometimes these records are delayed when being posted as a public record, especially with the temporary Covid19 shutdown of many government offices in Arizona. That being said, you can also reach out to the Arizona Department of Health Services and make your AZ death record inquiry with them. They manage vital records for Arizona and their phone number is 602-542-1025

  24. Hi. I am trying to obtain a death certificate for Jennifer Williams DOB 12/4/1976 DOD 5/28/2019. I received a letter from the insurance company notifying me of her death. I have tried calling Vital records in Arizona. I have the letter and my ID and my birth certificate, this is all the info I have. Last time I spoke with Jennifer was about 2-3 years ago. She was in Utah at the time, but she might of moved. She left me an inheritance. Vital Records also said I can obtain a court order if need to. Could you please help me?

    1. Allen, you will most likely need to obtain a certified copy of Jennifer’s death certificate in order to obtain her inheritance, which might be in probate until this is resolved. You are going through the correct channels to obtain this, through the Arizona vital records department. Unfortunately every state agency has been somewhat limited because of Covid 19. You might try getting a hold of someone over the phone to help you through this process. Their phone number is 602-364-1300, for your convenience

  25. Questions I still have in the death of my brother and how I didn\’t go with him and the dream I had I need all the details to facts no sense understanding what happened to him and his truck and his camper

    1. How can we assist you Karen? Can we run an Arizona death record search for you? We can run a search for confirmation however, we don’t have the ability to lookup the cause of death. You can also reach out to the Arizona Department of Health and make your inquiry. They manage all the vital records for the state of Arizona

  26. Looking for William Henry Henley. Also went by William H Henley and William Henley. DOB 09/17/1916 in Oklahoma but last known address in US Directory he lived in Tucson at Ryland Farm home in 1941. Cannot find any death/burial info on him yet.

    1. Deana, we can run an Arizona death record search for you but we’ll need to know William’s full middle name as well as the state he last resided in

  27. I am a Career Specialist with Job Corps and I am trying to get verification for the passing of one of my students: Leon Phoenix; DoB: 1/28/1999; Last address known: Tempe, AZ. To remove his from my caseload and off of the center database we need verification of death. I hope you can help us, Thank you.

    1. Denise, we don’t show any death records for this person in Arizona. If he passed away recently then it may take a short while before the public record is available with our resources as vital record reporting can be delayed. You can also contact the Arizona Department of Health and request a death verification. You can call them directly at 602-364-1300

  28. I\’m trying to find out if a friend of mine has passed away and if he has when was it? Terry L Cox , born Jan 11, 1963. Lived in Phoenix,AZ. Veteran

    1. Jamie, this is the Arizona death record, date of death, and date of birth we have for a Terry L Cox: DOB: 09/19/1956 DOD: 03/13/2006

  29. I have been trying to view the death record of my ex-wife. I don’t need or want a copy of a death certificate. you claim that these are public records but I can’t find this information without being directed to a third party by the State of Arizona. this “non search” was and is contained wholy within Arizona and I also know the town where she died. My question is how much do these third party providers pay the state for the public information that the public is blocked from obtaining without paying them.

    1. Clifford, you can contact the Arizona Department of Health directly to obtain a death verification. It’s unclear if they’ll charge a fee for this basic information however, to obtain certified copies of vital records there is a nominal charge

  30. Searching to see if Charles Melvin Rhodd, dob: three/twenty-three/nineteen forty-five and dod: ten/fifteen/nineteen ninety died in Arizona. Charles was buried at the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ. Thank you.

    1. Diane, thank you for reaching out about our Arizona death records blog. We ran a free death records search for you and only have a record of death for a Charles Rhodd that was born in 1904 and died in 1979 however, this death record was issued by the state of Oklahoma.

      That being said, since this does not seem to fit your information you might also want to contact the Arizona Department of Health Services and request a death verification for the Charles Rhodd. You can also call this department @ 888-816-5907

  31. I\’m trying to find out if a friend died.

    1. Pamela, we are happy to assist you with an Arizona death record search. Can you give us the full name of the person in question as well as the DOB and we can search our death record database for you. Another option is for you to reach out to the Arizona Department of Health and request a death verification. They are the managing Arizona state agency for death records.

  32. Our 50 yr H.S. reunion is coming up. We have a list of our fallen classmates but are missing the year of death on some. How do i get that

    1. There are a couple methods to find an Arizona Death Record Date. We will need the full name, age and last state of residence to perform the Arizona Death Record Search. The second method is to contact the Arizona Department of Health Services , as they are the managing state agency for vital records. These vital records include, birth, death and marriage records.

  33. Would it be possible to locate someone without having a last name? I attended Sahuaro Elementary School in Phoenix between 1982-1984 for 7th and 8th grade. There was a boy by the name of Sam that attended with us that made a huge impact on my life. I remember people bullying him and when I finally stepped in, we heard – “What, are you his girlfriend?” I stepped in and said “Yes, yes I am,” and kissed him. He smiled from ear to ear and things were never the same in his lonely world again. Long story short – I am now a published author and have been wanting to tell his story and write about what an impact he made on all of our lives. I left for the summer between 8th grade and 9th grade year and he passed away during that time unfortunately. He was in a wheelchair and had M.S. or Muscular Dystrophy or some type of disease such as that. Needless to say, I will not be using his official name in the book, but I cannot for the life or me remember what his last name is. I have also contacted the school to get a copy of our yearbooks from that time. Is there any way to find someone without a last name or date of birth? I was born in 1969, so he would have been born in 1969 or 1970 and would have died when he was between 12 and 14 years old. I would like to pull up the obituary to see exactly when he died and find his parents so that I can send them a copy of the book as well, but I have nothing to go off of except his first name (Sam or Samuel) and the above info. Any suggestions? I appreciate any help you may be able to give. Thank you!

    1. Your story is compelling. I wish we could be of better assistance to you but without a last name it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. In order to use our Arizona public records database to search for people we typically need a first and last name as well as an age and county of residency to filter out the many results. We have over 2 billion records in our database resources so it’s insurmountable to search though without a last name at least.

Last Updated: 2017-05-08

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