Utah Driving Records

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Utah Driving Records Search

In the United States, every person with a valid driver?s license has a driving record. Continue reading If you want to know what?s included in your driving record and how you can obtain it. In Utah, the driving records are maintained by the Utah Department of Public safety (Utah DPS). Following are the things Utah driving records from the Utah DPS will typically show.

Utah Driving Records Include

  • Your name, DOB, and address
  • Demerit points
  • Traffic accidents
  • Violations
  • Driver?s license status
  • DUI reports
  • Suspensions and revocations

In addition to you, the following people can request for your Utah driving record:

  • Courts
  • Insurance companies
  • Potential employers
  • Government agencies

There are two types of Utah driving records that can request for and obtain. Following are the two types of driving records you can obtain in Utah:

Certified Utah Driving Records

The first type of Utah driving record that you can request for is a certified driving record. Generally requested by potential employers and insurance companies, a certified driving record includes:

  • Traffic citations
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Suspensions and revocations
  • Traffic violations
  • Convictions

Non Certified Utah Driving Records

The second and final type of Utah driving record that you can request for is a non-certified driving record. A non-certified driving record includes the same things as the certified driving record but comes without the ?seal?.

There are three ways for you to request for and obtain Utah driving records: in person, by mail and online.

Utah Driving Records In person

If you want to request for and obtain your Utah driving record in person, do the following:

  • Visit the local DPS office
  • Fill and submit the Request for MVR form
  • Pay the required fee

Utah Driving Records By mail

To make a mail request for your Utah driving record, perform the following steps:

  • Fill and complete the Request for records by mail form
  • Mail the aforementioned form along with a self-addressed envelope and a pay order or check for the fee to:

Department of Public Safety
Driver License Division
PO Box 144501
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114

The fee for certified driving record is $10.75 while the fee for the non-certified driving record is $6.

Utah Driving Records Online

To make an online request for your Utah driving record, visit the website of Utah DPS, enter the required information, and pay the relevant fee.

In addition to the aforementioned ways, you can request for your Utah driving record through online public databases. To know more, call (801) 965-4437.

Utah Driving Records

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  1. Since retiring from the military in 2018, I moved to SC. Trying to get a side job with Uber/Lyft and they require my last state’s driving record. Can you help please.

    1. Thank you for reaching out about our Utah Driving Records. In order to obtain a certified copy of your Utah driving record you will need to contact the Utah MVR directly. You will need to show a certified Utah driving abstract for employment or security checks. You will need to fill out the Utah driver request form, you can submit this online.

      How to Get a Certified Utah Driving Record

      1. Visit the Utah MVR website – Driver Request Forms
      2. Request a copy of your Utah driving record
      3. Fill out the form and submit it online
      4. Provide your Utah driver’s license information
      5. You will need your SSN and DOB
      6. Once submitted processing takes a couple weeks

Last Updated: 2017-04-05

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